Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Quest For Pink

So the first graders are assigned colors at the end of the day to represent how their behavior was.

It took some getting used to because there are a lot of colors.


As you can see, Natalie behaves at school. She does not behave for me, but she will behave for other people. Teachers have described her as “well mannered.” I usually have to swallow my laughter back. I mean, YES, she can be well mannered for me but she can also be extremely loud, stubborn, and downright mean. (“You smell like farts,” she once told me. I did NOT. I swear it!)

Anyway, when Natalie came home with a blue color I was like, “Is that bad? Blue is the color for cold so that can’t be good. Natalie, did you tell the teacher ‘no thanks’ when she asked you to do your work? You didn’t tell the little girl in the Justin Bieber shirt that she had no taste, did you? Did you—oh wait, blue is a GOOD thing. Never mind.”

The color that everyone wants to get is pink. When you get pink, you get to sign the wall of fame board in the first grade hall. Natalie has yet to get pink even though pink is her favorite color:

She’s all, “You have to be REALLY good and I’m not sure I have it in me.”



At least she hasn’t gotten a “naughty” color.

So far.


  1. that's a crazy complicated system! I feel sorry for the teacher that has to keep up with 20 kids and 5 different colors!

  2. GO Natalie!!! Awesomeness!

  3. They use a color system at my daughter school. I think there are only about 5 colors. I can't keep up lol.

  4. That *is* a lot of colors!! My son had a similar system in Kindergarten. Yellow was a bad color and he would come home with that on occasion. It's was odd because I used a color system in my preschool, but his Kindergarten colors were opposite what mine had been. That took a while to get used to!

  5. What happened to the good ole days of gold star or no gold star? Sigh...

  6. Love this line: "You have to be REALLY good and I’m not sure I have it in me."

    I'm not sure I have it in me either. Good luck.

  7. Crying with laughter!! I love that she recognizes her limits!-Ashley

  8. "I'm not sure I have it in me" is just classic. Maybe some day she'll figure out a way to be pink. Or not.

  9. Keep up the good work Natalie! You'll soon be in the pink!

  10. Maybe you can do something similar at home, with daily spaces for homework, study and general attitude. Rewards for colors at the end of a week maybe? (do you do rewards?). Is she motivated by stuff like that?

  11. "I'm not sure I have it in me"... HAH! Too funny.

  12. Lena's school uses a color chart for behavior too. I'm pretty sure blue and purple are bad for her... But I can never remember and have to pull out the handy dandy cheat sheet sometimes.

  13. haha! She cracks me up. My friend's six-year-old says to my husband, "You're a stinky diaper man!" For the record, he isn't. It's just something they like to say. No color pink for that boy!

  14. Oh bless her for knowing that some things are just unobtainable!! Our school used a smiley face, a straight face or frowney face - and the odds of mine bringing home a smiley face was slim to none.

  15. We've used a similar system in the past, but we never had pink!

  16. What if your favourite color is the 'bad' color?

    I'm so happy when my kids behave well for other people, it would be terrible if they were well behaved at home and little devils around other people.

  17. okay, I must be used to the points system thing because this is just way too confusing for my brain to process...colors? What?! The closest to colors I have seen is the Red Yellow Green For Bad, Okay, Good - weird teachers!

  18. You have one more level in there than we do. Everyone starts on ready to learn and then you can go up to good job or outstanding. Or down to teacher choice or demon-child(or whatever the worst one is called, I forget).

    Last year, when they did colors, red was for good job and I could NOT get that through my head all year. Red seemed bad.


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