Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To not want to see Divergent. I couldn't get into the book. I tried! I do, however, like The Hunger Games series.

--To be glad no one in this house wants to watch March Madness. I'd be bored to tears.

--To not care that Kim Kardashian is on the cover of Vogue. Does anyone care?

--To be glad the kids are back to school. Last week was Spring Break so I wasn't online as much. I can get back to commenting and replying as usual!

--To wonder if Muppets Most Wanted is amusing enough to see in theaters? I keep hearing mixed reviews.

--To not be able to read posts that don't have paragraph breaks. I just can't. Anywhere. Sometimes I get long e-mails with no paragraphs and it's tough to read. Sometimes people post long winded things on Facebook. I generally stop reading by the fifth sentence. My eyes just won't let me. Sorry.

--To be ready for the season finale of The Walking Dead on Sunday. I hope it's a good one!

--To have two giveaways going on right now: you can win a Veronica Mars DVD here and a $50 gift card to Lowes here. Also, check out my review of a hilarious book called Suburban Haiku here.

--To have taken Natalie to a local farm to get some energy out over Spring Break. I'm not sure it worked. I tried!

Airing My Dirty Laundry


  1. I don't really have any desire to see Divergent either. I really enjoyed the book until the last like 100 pages. Then it just lost me, and I didn't feel the need/desire to read the last 2.

  2. I have difficulty reading posts that don't have paragraph breaks as well.

  3. i have no desire for anything march madness. i cannot get excited about brackets and such.

  4. Oh, let's please talk about paragraphs!!! I'm so with you - when something goes on forever with no visual breaks I just can't. It may be the most awesome thing ever, but I'll never know because I can't read it.

  5. I did love Divergent. The book AND the movie (though the movie leaves significant things out - but don't they always?)

    I am so over the Kardashians. Their 15 minutes was over a looong time ago.

  6. I'm not a Divergent or Hunger Games fan! But I do love March Madness - I think we had basketball on all weekend!!
    I'm with you - I need paragraph breaks and pictures when I read on the computer.

  7. kim kardashian is only popular because of her father and their money. they have done zero to deserve that kind of fame.

    -kathy | Vodka and Soda

  8. All of the above are perfect! I give no shits about Kim Kardashian, I read the Divergent series and was so disappointed in the ending that I don't even know if I want to see the first movie!

    Paragraph breaks are an ABSOLUTE must.

  9. Saw Divergant, because I have a house full of girls who had read the book. I actually loved it. Am now reading the book a little bit everyday. Slow read.

    I am so with about Kim Kardashian and will add her sisters. I think they get way to much attention and don't get why.

    Paragraph breaks, had not given it much thought. Until you mentioned it. I think there should be paragraphs, a pause, a break in the writing. I am a not the best writer. So, I might need someone to point it out to me if I am going on and on.

    Keep wondering when we will finally have our spring break.

  10. I usually love all things celebrity but I really could not be bother by Kim Kardashian or her Vogue cover. I don't read Vogue and I can't stand KW.

    As part of my job we try to 'educate' people on how to improve their writing. You are right, a paragraph should never be longer than five lines.

  11. I wanted to see divergent but it seems like the hunger games to me, I think I will try to read the books first.

  12. I loved Divergent, but then I read the second and third books in the trilogy and HATED them. So I might not bother to see the movie unless my godsister wants to go.

  13. I think Divergent are for those Hunger Game haters. I can't get into Divergent either. It feels too copycat, and I don't want to try either.

    What IS your thoughts on Honey Boo Boo?

  14. The thought of March Madness makes me want to go to sleep. I have no idea why people love it so much. I'm with you on that one!

  15. Oh I am so excited for so many finales! Like how I met your mother. <----it's okay I didn't capitalize that like I should have.
    We watch some March Madness, I play games on my phone to avoid boredom.

  16. I don't care who is on the cover of Vogue. I would like to know how Jennifer Aniston manages to look so great since I believe she and I are the same age. But overall I could care less about celebrities.

  17. I don't even know what Divergent is! And March Madness is terrible. It's endless and boring. Like winter.

  18. I am really gonna miss TWD! :( I am looking forward to the finale though.

    I can't get into Divergent or The Hunger Games books :/ I like the hunger gajavascript:void(0)mes movies though.


  19. Divergent is next on my reading list :). Currently finishing up Hunger Games. I can't wait for the rest of the movies to be made!!!! And yes, KK on the cover of Vogue. Who cares about her. I don't. Though she's too trashy to be on a legit mag cover.

  20. Loved Divergent and am big into March Madness. Can we still be friends?

  21. I haven't seen The Hunger Games movies and I won't see the Divergent movies either. I often skip the movie if I've read the book.

  22. Paragraph breaks, yes. But what is up with people who don't use periods??? Does there period key/button just not work or are they blatantly ignoring it. They MUST know that not having a period to end each thought is the most mind numbingly annoying thing a person can do I mean seriously Please get it together with the periods End a thought for the love of God!

    Also, I don't really care about anything Kim and Kanye do. Ever.

    TWD will be good. But why do we have to wait FOUR MONTHS for another again?! Who decided that?

  23. I am so glad that Angel is not interesting in March Madness. Sometimes he pretends to be interested in it just to fuss me--but too bad, I already know the truth!

  24. I hate when people don't use paragraphs! I just stop reading. I just...can't. No.

  25. The local farm looks so fun!!

    I write the shortest emails at work bc I know no one will read them if they're too long! No paragraphs would be just terrible!

  26. I will not watch or buy anything with those Kardashians on it. I just cannot fan that level of celebrity.

    The Walking Dead - Oh my, can't wait. Will they kill a major character like previous finales? Is terminus actually safe! I'm a woman - you can't tease me with 15 second trailers! I need more. I need all the Info!

  27. Hi, It's Courtney from The Brown Girl with Long Hair blog. (Thank you for stopping by today, by the way!)

    Since we've already established how I feel about Kimye's Vogue cover, I'll move on to what I am okay with:

    That I did not shower today. And, thankfully, my children didn't at all seem to mind their mama's funk. Kids are in bed, so I'm heading to the bathroom now...

    Great post!

  28. I am so with you. I am not familiar with March Madness and in general I could care less what the Kardashians are up to.

  29. I definitely do not care about March Madness. I can't wait to get caught up from this past Sunday's Walking Dead. And I am the same way about the long paragraphs on Facebook...next!

  30. OMG I feel like I'm the only one who wasn't so impressed with Divergent! I read that and the second book, and I don't really care to read the third. It was meh.

  31. Don't hate me but I thought the Divergent series was WAY better than HG... Especially when you put all the books together. Mockingjay was such a hot mess haha

    Ugh. SO over the Kardashians! please just go back to the hole you came from lol

  32. I'm so over Kim/Kanye. I feel like they're trying so hard to still be relevant. Did you know she has a new show coming out too? Also, if this Vogue is suppose to be the "Shape" issue with Mindy Kaling and Emily Blunt, I think those would have been better choices for the cover!

  33. I haven't read Divergent yet, but I plan to. My husband is reading it now, so he'll probably be done in a month or two! LOL!!

  34. I have the divergent book on my nightstand to read and just haven't picked it up. I love the hunger games books and the movies!

    I can't stand the walking dead. Too much blood for my taste. shiver...

  35. I'm not into that whole Divergent thing either.
    I loved Muppets Most Wanted. Funnier for adults than for kids. Great music and the celebrity guests were so funny! I know I'm betraying Jason Segel by saying this, but it was better than the first one.

  36. Yeah... I don't follow anything Kim K does. Totally don't care. I feel sad for people who do.

  37. It was our spring break last week too, so yep totally behind.

    I didn't even know that Kim was on the cover of Vogue- so yea definitely don't care.

    I did love the Divergent series until the last book- it just seemed like it was written too fast, totally changed everything and just yea... I did see the movie this weekend and enjoyed it.

  38. Most people like divergent it seems! I was debating on trying to read the series...I'm on the fence. I simply cannot read a wall of text with no paragraph breaks either. I'm tired just looking at a post like that. I don't care who is on the cover of Vogue either. I don't see what's the big deal. Obviously Vogue made a good choice based on all the talk.

  39. I cannot wait for the Divergent movie...but I loved the books. (Well, the first two books...the third one was AWFUL)
    Ashley saw the Muppet Movie with her girls over the weekend and said it was...meh. That made me decide to wait for the video unless we just get bored.
    I could not care less about Kim Kardashian. Blergh. --Lisa

  40. I meant to ask you.., where did you get Natalie's jumbo Olaf stuffed animal? I want one for my girls!


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