Thursday, March 9, 2017

Please Don't Let Your Kid Constantly Stare

"He's back," Tom whispered. "I can feel him watching me."

Sure enough the little boy had popped up. He smiled and started bouncing around. His parents...well, I don't know what his parents were doing. Maybe they were on their phones? It was hard to tell. But I did see the kid they produced.

Time and time again. (He's in the corner.)

Look, I get that kids will be kids. But don't let your child stare at other diners for long periods of time. I'll be polite at first hoping the parent will tell Junior to knock it off. I'll say, "Hi, how are you?" and do a wave. But the fifth time and I'm like, "How about you sit down now so I can enjoy time with my family?"

And then I wonder if I say that if there will be a blog post popping up online with the title "To the woman who told my child to sit down," and I'll be called an Ice Queen or some other nonsense for daring to discipline another kid even though the parent was not.

Look, I'm sure everyone's kid has done it at least once. Mine have. Both of them. But as soon as they did it, we told them to sit on their butts. To knock it off. Sometimes they'd scream back at us. Natalie did. And that's when I'd take her by the hand and lead her outside until she could act like a respectable person again.

So please. Tell your kid it's not polite to pop up and stare at other tables.

It's creepy.


  1. That drives me nuts. So many parents are so involved in their phones and convos and drinks they ignore their children at dinner. I see it all the time. The kids turned around harassing others or walking around tables or running around the restaurant. If you're gonna have them, parent them!! Please don't expect the world to do it for you. Ugggghh

  2. Couldn't agree more. When my son would start, I'd always remind him how rude it was.

  3. That is exactly that happens. I love it when they smile but when they just stare at you without any expression, that is when it creeps me out. :D

  4. YES!!! Oh my goodness, yes!!! This drives me absolutely insane! I had a kid peer over my shoulder and proceed to drop his toy in my lap. I had to put the steak knife down slowly.

  5. Oh well i seldom encounter this situation even when we are kids. Or maybe because my siblings then likes to have fun and enjoy our meal and we dont mind the other diners. Now that am an adult, I prefer dining to adult restaurants, places that kids are rare to dine. :)

  6. I had a situation like that before. I thought it was hilarious and annoying at the same time. And the parents didn't do anything at all.

  7. So true, so very true... It is the one thing that drives me absolutly crazy, when others watch me eat. I too have very young children and yes they like to look around and stand on the booth, BUT as soon as they did both my husband and I told them no and to sit down. This was great and gave me a giggle this morning!! Thnak You!

  8. I'm glad you mentioned this in your post. I always thought this was something that only bothered me. Glad to know they're are others that find this annoying, too!

  9. I like to make silly faces at these kids. These kids dont bother me much as I love kids.

  10. Staring in general is never a good idea. No one likes to feel as though they're being criticized... even if you're just amazed by what they're eating.

  11. I can tollerate this in a family friendly environment. I expect it really but if I'm at a more formal or intimate place and it happens, I say something to the parents. There is an expected experience at these places and playing peek-a-boo with a stranger's kid isn't part of the plan. Richard B

  12. This happened to me on a flight from LA to TN. It was the LONGEST flight of my life! And the parents could not be bothered to get it under control.

  13. haha Thankfully i have never been in this kind of situation.. well my son is just 14months old...i guess i can xpect this in future lol

  14. My daughter went tbrough a face where all she did was start at people. It was so embarrassing. She has since grown out of this phase thank the heavens above but now she comments when on others when they stare!!

  15. This post made me laugh out load. I don't know how many times this has happened to us. I always made my kids turn around if they tried to get involved in the people next to you. I'm glad I'm not the only one

  16. Wow! That is a lot. Maybe I look like a mean lady. I have never had this happen. And you are right, strange.

  17. Yeah it totally creeps me out when kids do that! I want to tell them to sit down and eat their dinner just like I'd tell mine. Of course I don't say anything, but it's so creepy!

  18. I have always teach my kids to sit and stay still. I always get toys and ipads to make sure he is entertained and not peeping to other people dinners and/or conversations.

  19. I get more annoyed with the parents than the kids. They were just an innocent little creatures who always wanted to have friends everytime and anywhere.

  20. Yes. You know it happens with adults in a small town too. I'm like hi and sometimes they just keep staring.

  21. LOL! It's so true. I HATE being stared at! (By kids OR adults!)

  22. Haha this is so awful when kids do this. I know it's just kids being kids, sure, but you're right, the parents should notice how obnoxious it is and correct it. I'm a very young-looking young woman, so little girls often see me as a "big girl" and they just endlessly stare. It makes me so uncomfortable, especially when the parents are right there!

  23. Wow this was such a good read. Definitely put things into perspective. I definitely hate it when people stare, especially when Im eating. It gets so uncomfortable.

  24. YES! This drives me crazy when we're out at restaurants (or anywhere!). It's not thaaaat hard to give your kids a talkin' to...

  25. I don't think anyone trains kids to do that any more. I am not sure my daughter ever did it though. We were pretty on her to act respectably right away.

  26. Lol, I think we can all empathise with this one! Or all the other annoying things that kids get up to in public because their parents are not watching!

  27. LOL this is funny but true, and in Europe we run into it all the time - worse the adults do it too!

  28. My kids don't do this, which pleasantly surprises me. I wouldn't let them, though. I am NOT a fan.

  29. We have had that happen to us before. Our mom has raised us to never stare at others, so we haven't done it to other people, but it's unpleasant and uncomfortable. Eating out with family is supposed to be special, and being watched takes the fun out of it.

  30. It is creepy! That has happened to us a few times, and it's really unsettling! I'm glad I'm not the only one who is bothered by this!

  31. I find it cute at first but when it's longer it is creepy and annoying! But as a kid they don't have any idea of what they are doing is good or bad unless someone will explain it to them.


  32. Great article. You do have to teach children not to stare and explain to them why. They do not understand at an early age.

  33. They have the death stare too. Kids are the only ones that can seem to stare right into your soul. lol

  34. I'm with you. It's okay the first time or two, but after that it becomes a problem. They obviously weren't paying attention to their child, or they just really didn't care.

  35. Haha i love this!! Once I had a 3 hour flight with a toddler who was sitting in front of me and was staring the whooole time.. :/ and parents did not care! :/ so annoying.

    Urban Blond ||

  36. I can see that you've given this a lot of thought & hope you were successful schieving your goals.


  37. i feel you on this! I really wish some parents would teach their kids to not do this rather than just letting them do whatever they want.

  38. I don't like it when people watch me it, I feel awkward. I think parents should really tell their kids to sit down and stop staring at people. I found your thoughts about a blog post popping up online with the title "To the woman who told my child to sit down" really funny!

  39. Once I had a little girl sitting next to me who wouldn't look away for a single second. She was like 2 years old so I thought it's cute. Had she been a bit older though it would have been odd. So yes, agree! Teach them early :)

  40. It had happened to me couple of times! Once I was having my food in a restaurant and a little gal was staring at my every bite. I felt little awkward but her mother didn't say a word to her. I wish all parents read your post and teach their kids dinning etiquette.

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  42. It's really insensitive and it would be nice if parents were a little more mindful of what their kids are doing while they're out in public. I don't like being watched when I eat, it feels so awkward.


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