Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude. To the lady who keeps linking up religious posts that has nothing to do with this: stop it.

Hey, It's Okay....

....to be sad that Adam West passed away. He was a great Batman (the best), and he was hilarious on Family Guy.

....to seriously be considering canceling our home warranty with American Home Shield. Our A/C stopped working on Friday and no one even contacted us to help until Monday. I'm sorry, we're in Texas, there needs to be people who can come by on a Saturday. They called and apologized, but said it's just how it works. (But on the plus, the A/C randomly started working on Sunday, so we didn't have to go forever without cool air. Had it not turned on, we'd have been miserable and pissed.)

....to be going to see my Dad for Father's Day! We're ordering pizza, because I'd burn dinner if I attempted to make it.

....to be enjoying silence as I type this because Natalie is at Sea World camp this week! (And just wait, I'll post pictures of her at camp on social media and I'll get the "how can you send her to Sea World?" comments. Uh, because we love it there. Yes, I've seen Blackfish and also have done my own research beyond that. I tend to just annoy those people because I just keep sharing photos of us having a blast at Sea World in response to their comments. It's great to have your opinion, but don't be nasty about it.)

....to have bought Tom a bug-a-salt gun from Amazon. You can check it out here. He saw a commercial and got really excited. You basically can kill flies with salt?! (It's an affiliate link. If you click, I might be able to earn enough to get a new book!)

....to love this Root Touch Up from Clairol that Influenster sent me to try. It only takes 15 minutes to get rid of my annoying grays. And trust me, I have tons of them.


  1. I relish in silence. I love it. It's funny because a lot of people don't know this about me. They see me as the life of the party, which I certainly can be... But, I MUCH PREFER being alone or with my husband and just relaxing with no noises!

  2. I know that I sure enjoy some alone time, relaxing and reading a book much more than heading out to loud events most of the time! Relaxing is a great healthy positive way to de-stress!

  3. Yay for seeing your dad!!! I'm so glad you got ac too. Omg that's the worst.
    Be careful with that root touchup. It can be super drying to your hair!! Make sure to use a good leave in conditioner after you use it or a coconut oil mask!! :)

  4. I had no idea that Sea World had a camp. It sounds like it's a lot of fun for the kiddos. I hope you enjoyed the silence.

  5. You know what they say: silence is golden. Post ALL the photos of Sea World - screw the haters. :P I hope Natalie has a great time regardless. The news about Adam West was truly sad, too. :(

    Christie's Take on Life. xx

  6. Enjoy your silence my friend haha! I hope she is having a great time and yay for seeing your Dad on Father's Day! :)

  7. interesting that sea world had a camp. I hope Natalie has an amazing time. That's great that you were able to see your dad...! I love coconut oil mask they are so great. I am oil training my hair at the moment and love adding coconut oil to my hair the day before washing my hair.

  8. Natalie at sea world? Really excited to see the pics & read of her experiences there! And yes let your Dad feel that he's the best in the world, this fathers day:)

  9. Who doesn't love pizza?!? I agree, Adam West was the best Batman.

  10. Good to know that sea world has a camp. trust Natalie had a great time over there.

  11. You are right about feeling sad about Adam West, definitely the original and best Batman.

  12. Omg I can't go one minute without an A.C that's just a muuuuust

  13. Really like this concept for a blog post.. as a person who hates bugs I need to check out this salt gun

  14. This is a great concept...especially for women because we are so hard on ourselves. And yeah, I have a couple grays myself lol.

  15. Sea World has a camp? How fun is that for the kids? Enjoy your silence.

  16. Oh god, I know how hot it is in Texas! We live in Louisiana and when our AC goes out it feels like we've descended into the depths of hell!

  17. I have a friend who is a vet at Sea World in Orlando. There are cons to marine parks but Blackfish was incredibly manipulative. It's an extreme view and terribly unbalanced. Watch an interview with the filmmakers and it is quickly obvious that they didn't bother to research a thing beyond their own agenda. They aren't remotely articulate.

  18. I alway enjoy reading your blog posts because they come from a place of honesty!

  19. I think as long as everybody respects each other, everything is okay. We are all different, have different interests, personalities and ways of reacting to events so it is okay to be sad indeed. xx corinne

  20. Yeah no AC in Texas sounds crazy. Although many people in Southern Spain don't have it and those summer months are sweltering. Sea world is awesome!

  21. LOL, the religious lady! I'm okay with ignoring or being mean to the 8,531 email messages I get that say, "Hey! I'd love to write for your site and you pay me for it!" and I clearly have a NO GUEST POST policy for all to see. Just stop.

    Can't wait to hear about Sea World camp. I wanna go.

  22. I hope you're having a great time enjoying some silence, sometimes is all I need to relax!

  23. I surely enjoy spending time for my self and to read a good book!! sometimes all i need is to forget about my job

  24. You don't look like you have tons of grays! My hair grows so fast that I shudder to think of the day I am 100% gray. I will be touching it up every 2 weeks!
    I was sad about Adam West too.

  25. the way you explain your problems !! Hi It's Ok
    Sometime Silence reward you more so Relax and touch up your grey hair !! XOXO

  26. Hahahahahha I love this post! And uff... I totally feel for you with the A/C. We are in Texas, too! And I don't even get out of the house some days :D No A/C would be probably mine (and my husband's) death!

  27. Love these post, they always remind me to appreciate the small things and not be apologetic about it! Cheers to take out for you dad, I am think about doing the same thing lol

  28. Interesting. I had no idea Adam West died until my husband told me about it. Even then I still didn't really know who it was LOL

  29. I didn't get to see Adam West as Batman. It's okay to like being alone. Sometimes, it's all you need to get yourself together after a long day. A relaxing time alone. Forget the haters, Ignore them. Just do what you want to do.

  30. Pizza is always the way forward! Nothing wrong there. Pizza for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack; Pizza is life. Amen :)

  31. Silence is also speech!..Pizza works well for all occasions :)..

  32. I quite liked your idea and inspiration for this post. Maybe I can link a similar post?
    Pizza is always a good idea! I hope Natalie is enjoying.

  33. I'm sure Natalie would be having a blast at Sea World Camp! Speech is great but silence is always better!

  34. I use this every month to hide away my grey hairs. I am only 32 but they are sneaking up on me badly. With this n one really notices until it's time for a touch up!

  35. I have tried root touch works great. I have a hard time with these grays drives me nuts.

  36. I hope you have a great time with your dad this weekend. Nothing better than spending Father's Day with your pops!

  37. No. It's not ok for Adam West to die. He's the best batman for me. Well, maybe it's ok for him to finally rest in peace after battling cancer long enough.

  38. Here in India summer without AC will make me go crazy, so i cant say its okay! I love the idea of the link up let me see if i can come up with a post on being okay with all the weird things happening around me currently!

  39. Omg this is such a cute idea :) This reminded me to take a little bit of time to appreciate the good and just say 'hey it's okay!' to the rest. Life goes on!

  40. AHS sucks so bad! I am thinking the same thing....

  41. With summer drawing nearer, we definitely need a bug-a-salt gun when BBQing.

  42. Please don't get me started on service vanishing when you need it on the hottest days. Ridiculous. It's okay to enjoy silence and the little things.

  43. Oh wow- That root touch up kit is what I need!


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