Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Realistic Ways To Get Kids Ready For Back To School

This post is written by me on behalf of Tyson Foods, Inc. All opinions are entirely my own. This shop has been compensated by Acorn Influence, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

I won’t lie. Getting into the groove of back-to-school is tough. The summer can be a rather relaxing time: we can sleep in. Not feel rushed. Dance whenever.

And there’s no homework to worry about. Oh man, I am not looking forward to the homework because it goes a little something like this:

Me: “Do your homework!”

Kids: *Whine* *Whine*

It can be a chore to get children prepared to go back-to-school, but there are ways to make returning to school easier. Realistic ways, because when you have a teen and a tween, you have to get creative.

1. Start sending them to bed earlier about two weeks before school starts. Ha, no. My kids want to sleep in as long as they possibly can. This won’t happen. But remind that that they WILL have an earlier bedtime. I do insist electronics be turned off earlier, and I actually take them because if I don’t, my daughter will be on Roblox until 1 AM.

2. Allow them to pack their own lunch. Obviously monitor to make sure they don’t show up to school with a bag full of chocolate and chips.

3. Have them find their own outfit to wear. If it’s mismatched, who cares? So long as it’s within a dress code, let them have fun. There’s no use in making sure they look perfect.

4. Make sure to go to back-to-school nights if the school has them. Normally your child can meet the teacher and this can be calming. They also can find out which friends are in their class. My daughter is usually like, “Oh, he’s in my class this year, he likes me, and then I liked him, but then he didn’t like me anymore, and then when he liked me again, I was over him.” I’m like, “What?”

5. Pick out delicious food like new Jimmy Dean bowls! They’re incredibly convenient to make, perfect for those crazy back-to-school nights. I know food makes my kids perk up, and they enjoyed Jimmy Dean bowls for dinner. Yes, dinner! They aren’t limited to breakfast--have them whenever you want a tasty meal.

You can buy them at HEB in the frozen section.

My daughter picked out the Loaded Potato Breakfast Bowl and really enjoyed it. She said the cheese sauce was “cheesy good!”

My son picked out the Ranchero Steak & Eggs Bowl. He made it himself: all you do is pop it in the microwave, stir, cook a bit more and it’s done. He’s incredibly picky and said it was “good.” (He’s a teenager--he tends to grunt out responses.)

So when things get chaotic, and they surely well during the first few weeks of the back-to-school grind, remember Jimmy Dean Breakfast Bowls!

Quick. Simple. Delicious.

How do you prepare for your kids heading back-to-school?


  1. These are simple, yet effective tips! I've been a LOT of "back to school tricks" that are just not feasible. Some of them are down right ridiculous. I'm glad you're sharing some realistic hints here, Amber. Finally.

    Those meal bowls sound awesome! There's nothing like a quick and convenient meal for those busy school days. :)

    Christie's Take on Life. xx

  2. Helpful tips to gets kids ready to back to school. Wow..those bowls look delicious. Love quick and healthy snack ideas!

  3. We don't have kids heading back to school anymore. Preparing the night before was always key and less headaches the next morning.

  4. Love it! Reminds me of how my Mom got us ready for school. Only difference is that we didn't have those awesome Jimmy Dean meals for breakfast! Your kids are adorable by the way.

  5. Gees I want a Jimmy Dean bowl! That looks like a nice way to start the day. My kids will have their alarm set and get up and get ready when it goes off. We need to get lunch groceries this weekend! Your daughters dress is cute!!

  6. School started here about two weeks ago but it's good to see that what we are doing is what other families are suggesting to do also. We did everything that you mentioned here. Breakfast is the most important start the day for the kiddos.

  7. These are good tips! At one point I was addicted to the Jimmy Dean breakfast bowls! They're so delish!

  8. I remember those last-minute breakfasts to make sure my daughter made it to the bus on time! Your options look delish!

  9. My kids are younger, so the most we have right now is my oldest doing a pre-K program 2 half days a week. His program started up last week, and I'm glad to start getting back to a normal schedule again.

  10. I think the first tip is the most important. A cranky, tired kid is not going to be happy about going back to school.

  11. Wow, never thought getting kids back to school could be so complicated.

  12. We are all about preparing the night before. Seriously it amazes me how you can lay out all of their clothes the night before and wake up the next day to a missing sock. Ugh. Over the years, we've just learned to do that which you can the night before and start the day with a smile regardless of any complications the morning routine brings.

  13. I like the idea of kids going to bed early 2 weeks before school starts as that gets them back into routine quicker. I did struggle as a kid but loved it in the end.

  14. Easy and quick breakfasts are such a must! I wish I was the type of person who could get up early and have a leisurely breakfast before work or what not, but I am just not...I sleep until the last possible minute and then some! Haha

  15. i do not have any kids but as i read your article, this tips actually applies for someone who just got back from a holiday! i always find pulling myself back to work but i think if i prepare and set my mind at least few days prior, i can ease in to work better! :-)

  16. Those meals look delicious and very filling. The first thing kids want when they get home from school is food, so this is perfect.

  17. these are great, simple ways to get kids ready for back to school. Getting them back on a sleep schedule is so important.

  18. We are doing a few of these things as well. I'd love to have my 8yo pack herself!

  19. I can just imagine how hard it can be to get kids back to a routine once back to school rolls around. Seems you have it figured out!

  20. We always start our back to school routine a week before school starts. It is good to get the kids used to getting up early. I always have a good supply of Jimmy Dean bowls. They are great when you are short on time.

  21. Great tips to get the kids ready for BTS. I love that my kids are older so they can pack their lunches and make simple meals.

  22. You made some great points above that can really help get a child ready for school mentally, psychologically and otherwise.

  23. I stock up on frozen meals from Trader Joe's for those crazy busy weeknights. I call it emergifood :)

  24. I remember my mom starting to send us to bed early a few weeks before school started and I always hated it, however now I am so thankful - and will do the same for my children in the future!

  25. Such a great list. I had a similar list planned but failed to follow through already!! UGH, I have got to do better. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Her outfit is so cute. And I totally agree with going to sleep early and starting that routine early. It really helps make the transition easier once school starts.

  27. Why are your babies getting so grown up?? Tell them to quit growing and making feel ancient!! Xo

  28. Delicious Jimmy Dean products have been a part of my family's country breakfasts for three generations. I love that they now have yummy breakfast bowls that are super convenient.

  29. Those are very well thought tips. I appreciate any and every advice I can get from more experienced moms than me, so thanks!

  30. I have no kids yet, but I remember when I was a teen and september arrived... was so difficult to change my habits after holidays, even if I loved school! You are sure well organized, your tips are realistic and helpful!

  31. Ugh I wish I would have started an earlier bedtime. This is my daughter's first year of school and we're both dying lol!

    I need to try those breakfast things! I bet my morning would go a lot smoother with something I can just pop in the microwave!

  32. These are some great ways to get kids back into the routine, I like the idea of having them help make their packed lunch.

  33. All are great advice! I remember my parents sending us to bed early one week before back to school every year so that we would adjust again!

  34. We totally have these! I like the loaded potato ones and Des does too. I love that we both use these!

  35. What an awesome tips. I can say these are effective too. Some of it are being used my cousins to their kids. Lol. Especially the dressing their own. Kids now want to wear what they personally chose and not what their mommies are telling them to wear. -ANOSA

  36. Nice tips. Now that school has started, it's like a tornado hit my house. His homework is driving ME nuts let alone my child. So much. I need to check into those Jimmy Dean bowls. They look tasty and seem quick to make. Anything to spare some extra minutes. Vent Vent Vent ha ha

  37. My son started kindergarten and it was a big day for all of us. He was pretty excited about his Cars Lunchbox and school bag though.

  38. Those Jimmie Dean Bowls look so cheesy and delicious. I have to stock up on these for those days when I have an early morning appointment. At least I can be assured that my family will have a healthy filling breakfast.

  39. Such simple be effective tips! My kids were for SURE not ready for school to start. I wish I had been prepping them earlier!

  40. Giving out healthy and delicious meals are definitely a must for them as they need energy to keep them going. Plus going to bed early and make them have enough sleep. -ANOSA

  41. Back to school times are a little bit stressful. But as you have pointed out, the best way to tackle this is by being prepared. As you suggest getting the kids to bed early about a week before school sets the tone for them

  42. I need to pass these tips along to my sisters. They have little one ready for school.

  43. Simple but yes, with these we can easily lure the children....

  44. Perfect breakfast for children and kids on the go that need a good breakfast before school

  45. These are all great tips for getting kids ready for back to school. The earlier bedtime is a great idea two weeks before school starts along with getting them up when they would get up for school. The Jimmy Dean bowls are a great breakfast idea for the kids too. Thanks for sharing the tips.

  46. The Jimmy Dean Bowls do look delicious so getting them breakfast foods they like before school is important. And getting my daughter back to a sleep schedule is so very important as well. Great tips!

  47. We have little kids right now, 15 months and three years old. Your ideas allow me to think ahead, and get prepared. Thank you for sharing.

  48. I am taking note of these tips for when my 7-month old baby gets bigger! Thank you for sharing!

    Jane @
    I blog about my journey to changing my life and financial freedom

  49. The Jimmy dean breakfast bowls look ideal for going back to school. Homework is definitely tough though, good luck with that! x

  50. Letting them pick out their clothes will at least get them excited. That was my favorite part about going back to school was the clothes!

  51. I am truly distracted with your little lady's dress! OMG it is adorable! I would like it on my size :)
    Sorry I just love her dress more.


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