Sunday, March 4, 2018

A Fashion Show & Japanese Street Market Presented By The San Antonio Food Bank

My daughter got her kimono from her Nona, who lived in Japan for a few years thanks to her Dad being stationed there. So it's an authentic kimono.

(Here's a photo of my Mom in the same kimono as a child!)

My Mom also did Natalie's hair, which is a good thing, because I'm terrible with hair:

Naturally Natalie was thrilled to get it, because she loves the Japanese culture.

And it worked out, because the theme for the runway show put on by the Food Bank of San Antonio was Japan.

So Natalie wanted to wear her kimono.

My Mom had graciously got us tickets for a fun girls night out.

And it was a lot of fun! There was food, and shopping, and cocktails! I'm always down to go to a place that serves food. (Plus there was a green tea infused water!)

Soon after we arrived, one of the judges came up and told Natalie he was nominating her for best themed dress. That meant she had to go up on stage and walk the runway so they could determine the final winner. Now, Natalie has issues with stage fright, so I was worried she wouldn't want to do it. But she said she would.

"I'll take a deep breath and go," Natalie told me.

That's exactly what she did when she had to go on stage. She strutted her stuff. She was confident.

Look, I'll be honest: I wouldn't have been able to do it. There were quite a lot of people watching! And not only did people in her category go, but there were also people nominated for best dressed (in regular clothes.) Natalie was the youngest one up there. In fact, I didn't see any other kids at the event.

When everyone did their thing on the runway, they came back to their seats, and when Natalie passed a judge, he told her she had won so she'd have to go back on stage after the show. She was so excited.

The runway show was...interesting. I do not understand fashion, I fully admit that. I mean:

Natalie was all, "Cool, I could put my sushi on top of the hat."

There were other pretty outfits, but I have no idea how to take photos in low light, so I don't have a lot. At some point photos for the show will be up, so if I'm allowed, I can share those in a future post because there really were some lovely clothes:

It was an enjoyable evening though. I got to see various styles, and I got to hang with my daughter and mother.

AND...Natalie won Best Theme Dress and got a sash:

Plus the money earned from the tickets went to the San Antonio Food Bank, which is a wonderful thing.

Also, Leslie Bohl was there. She's a journalist on the morning news we watch during the week, and Natalie was like, "Oh my GOSH, we watch her on TV every morning! We're half asleep, but we watch!" (It's normally 6 AM.)

"This kimono is great luck," Natalie told me when we got home. "I'll randomly wear it and see what other good stuff happens to me!"

Who knows what other good luck will come from it?


  1. Your kid is so cute on this Kimono.No wonder that she won the Best Theme Dress!This event sound like a good opportunity to learn about Japanese culture...

  2. Bet she was excited to win. Her outfit is beautiful and your mom did a wonderful job on her hair. Fun day for every.

  3. This is so awesome! Her outfit is amazing!

  4. That sounds like SO much fun! I would have loved to have gone to something like this. What a neat experience.

  5. She looks adorable in the kimono, it's great that your Mom had it all of these years. Congrats to her on winning the award! I don't get most fashion either, by the way.

  6. Natalie looks like a little Japanese Doll. I was fascinated that the Kimono is her Grandma's, love the B&W picture, so sweet.

  7. So totally awesome that she won! When I was looking at the photo of them all on stage, I wondered if she won, because she was dressed the best. :-) I'm not into fashion either, and some of the outfits, I just don't get. Like, if you were to wear the outfit with the box hat, where would one wear that too? I just don't get it. :-D

  8. I am not surprised she won an award! Her outfit is adorable! This seems like it was such a fun event!

  9. This looks like a fun experience! We were in San Antonio last month, for the first time, and had a great time exploring the city

  10. That is amazing that she won an award! Her outfit was awesome such a great experience.

  11. Sounds like an absolutely fun event! It's awesome that Natalie won, she totally deserves it. She looks so pretty in that dress!

  12. I bet your mom was beyond thrilled to see her granddaughter in the same kimono. That's just so sweet! She looks beautiful and I agree with the judges it was worth a win!

  13. That is pretty cool! I love that you're teaching your children about different cultures and what they wear and anything else that has to do with that culture. I'm doing the same thing with my children think it makes the world a smaller and better place to live.

  14. Your daughter is awesome! Oh, she deserved to win! Not only because of her kimono but her confidence walking the stage in front of all those people is so admirable for a child her age.

  15. I love that kimono! Your daughter has some pretty cool style. I don't understand fashion shows either.

  16. Oh my goodness Natalie looks absolutely amazing! No wonder she won a prize go her! Love the look of the fashion show as well it sounds so good.

  17. What a cool event! Your daughter must have had so much fun, and how exciting that she got to go up on stage. Definitely a memorable experience!

  18. Yay!! She was the best dressed! I have been to a few fashion shows because of blogging, and I am like you - I don't understand fashion! It is so weird!

  19. i love those outfit, and the fashion show is such a good idea to have your child enrolled in! and your blog is even more amazing! I am so subscribing! cant wait to stay connected with you!

  20. Such an exciting event especially for Natalie who is a huge fan of the Japanese culture. I think it's really lovely that she got to model and she even won! She's such a cutie!

  21. What a fun event to be part of! I'm sure Natalie had a blast modeling on stage and walking the catwalk! It's really unforgettable especially for a child her age. Such a cool experience!

  22. The Runway Show sounds fun with all the food and the cocktails. Your daughter looks adorable in that dress. Congrats to her on winning the best dressed for the show.

  23. Congratulations for winning the best themed dress, that's awesome! The kimono really look good on her and how great it is to be able to wear something that was passed down by generation.

  24. Aw congratulations to Natalie for winning the best dressed contest she looked fabulous in her traditional kimono. And yes even I who works in fashion does not understand some of the things I see on the runway sometimes.

  25. Oh how fun and exciting! Especially for Natalie to win and overcome stage fright ♥ Also, I have no clue what drives fashion designers. Almost all fashion makes no sense at all to me.

  26. That last photo is all sorts of loveliness! what a really unique event. Now I think I need a good luck kimono myself! Natalie was very brave.

  27. Congrats to your daughter winning best dressed! This look like a fun event and cultured.

  28. Aww congrats to her! Sounds like such a cool runway! I don't always understand fashion either but I am always curious to see trends, designs and clothes on the runway! xx corinne

  29. She looks so cute! That would be an awesome show to go see.

  30. What an interesting runway show! I love that your daughter lives her kimono. She seems so comfortable in it.

  31. This looks so cool! The fashion is so exciting! How fun your daughter got to participate!

  32. Your daughter looks amazing in this kimono. I am loving it all. Living in Japan I have seen my fair share of fashion and love it.

  33. What an amazing experience! I used to love being a part of fashion shows as a child.

  34. I this is such a cool thing for her to partake in! I loved her kimono. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Thumbs up for her lovely Kimono. She looks really beautiful in that event! What an awesome experience for her.

  36. Your daughter looks so cute in her kimono! What a fun event too!

  37. Oh my goodness, congrats to her. She looks poised and stylish in her kimono and I'm excited for her. I wouldn't have been able to do this at any age.

  38. Wow, she looks so fabulous in her kimono! What a fun event.

  39. Wow, another awesome event and bonding time with your daughter and mom. Congratulations to Natalie as well for being the best theme/ best dressed.

  40. Gosh this sounds so much fun! Especially when you get to enjoy the moments with you loving family :)


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