Monday, September 10, 2018

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude and I'll delete the link.

Hey, It's Okay.... have purchased my first pumpkin spice frapp of the season. It was fabulous as always. giggle when I see all those health posts about how bad the pumpkin spice lattes and frapps are for you. Do you think we care? I know I won't ever give mine up. be tired of all the rain Texas has been getting. I know we need it, but sheesh, the dark skies make me tired and the rain puffs my hair out. not be turned on by Jason Momoa. People go on and on about him and I'm all, "He looks too hairy for me." Not my type. John Krasinski? Yes please. love this shirt and clips that my daughter will be wearing at Halloween Horror Nights. (Headband is from the Etsy shop Sick In The Thread  and shirt is from OhRexyThreads.)


  1. I always love these posts! I’ll never get tired of fall and everything pumpkin related. 🙈 What part of Texas are you in? The rain has definitely been needed in the hill country. Wishing you a wonderful week!

  2. I love this. For me, it's okay if some people don't get you because they don't deserve you :) Loved this idea. Maybe I'll link up sometime.

  3. Same thing happens with me, when I don't like Game of Thrones but I like different TV shows which are as equally good as GOT.So I am guessing you all ready for halloween?

  4. This is wonderful. Sometimes you just need someone to tell you it's okay to buy weird shit you don't really need :)

  5. That headband looks like the perfect outfit for Halloween! I love your post and I need to bring more of this into my life!

  6. I don't pay any attention to those posts about how bad anything is for me. If I like it, I am getting it. Life is short.

  7. I love the headband too as it has my favorite color black and red which stand out easily. It is totally ok and ignore people who dont appreciate what we enjoy.

  8. Love these points! It's okay if some people don't get you because they don't deserve you. People often refuse costly things because they are not deserve it. I love your post. Mind opening.

  9. There are a lot of people out there who are in fact curious about the health factors of those PSLs, but at the same time, I feel like at this point every year 20349838437984 articles come out about how unhealthy they are that for the most part people know, unless they live under a rock! lol

  10. We've been getting a lot of rain as well and the temps dropped to the high 50's. It's supposed to warm back up today.

  11. If I want to drink or eat something I don't care if it is good for me, I just want to enjoy. Rain seems to be in almost everyones lives these days.

  12. I am totally with you. If it is something that I love I don't care if it is good for me or that for me. It is definitely something I'm still going to eat.

  13. I am tired of the rain, and we haven't even had that much. It's ok to have differing opinions! Great thoughts, as always :)

  14. I love this! We live in humid Atlanta and even the first signs of Fall give me all the feelings! I totally ordered a PSL the day it came out, haha!

  15. People love summer and I love fall and everything that comes with it! Love your post- Teaches us to take things lightly :-)

  16. Oh my gosh that tshirt is amazing haha! Yeah I'm not sure I get the Jason Momoa thing either.. Hmm.

  17. Pumpkin spice season is the best. We've been enjoying our pumpkin flavored beverages since August.

  18. I'm with you... I don't care how bad those pumpkin spice lattes are for us! I will still have them and enjoy them!

  19. People need to stop worrying about what others do. You go enjoy your pumpkin spice frapps all day long!

  20. Who is Jason Momoa? Lol anyways, I still haven't gotten my pumpkin spice fix!

  21. I hear you about the rain...finally we got a few days of sun, such a blessing and a relief! Thanks for the laughs.

  22. It's been raining a ton here in Georgia too. I wish it would stop, or at least give us a break.

  23. We have had so much rain, our yard it just soaked! Plus, the hurricane is coming this way. I agree with you, people should just worry about themselves!

  24. John Krasinki, yes please.

    I had my first pumpkin spice anything today!

  25. Rain makes me lazy but its a good timing to stay at home and do some meditation. I guess Natalie's outfit is cool. Simple and not so much like the old times.

  26. hahahha I agree about Jason Momoa. I have a friend who is crazy about him that I had to research about him and his past photos. Oh well, at least I am not alone. hahahaha

  27. Haha. Too bad Pumpkin Spice is bad for you. So is everything.

  28. Uh is it bad that I don't even know who Jason Momoa is? I guess I am with you then too, if so!! LOL

  29. Rains are fine initially and yes we need them. But I do guess it is okay to feel tired of them when things get too gloomy and one years for sunshine.

  30. Her shirt and headband are so very cute! I hope she has such a fabulous time.

  31. Oh my, I'd go anywhere to buy that pumpkin spice latte. Sadly, it's not available here.

  32. I've read some about Pumpkin Spice Latte and it made me crave for it. Anyway, I think this is such a very interesting post and I also agree with what you've said. Thanks for sharing :)

  33. Wow, this was a great story, thanks for the sharen!

  34. YAS to all things pumpkin spice!! I haven't gotten a latte yet but I did make a cold PSL at home!!

  35. I too like to enjoy myself sometimes! Around our house everything is usually what about the kids, so i like to take some time to enjoy my time.

  36. I like Natalie's shirt! 90s fashion is coming back in-style!

  37. I love the idea of ''it's okay''! Sometimes, we tend to always base our decision because of the society. We have our own life!

  38. It's ok when everything is ok with the world. I'm going to make a list of my own very soon.

  39. Rain for you too? I thought it was just a northeast (and now whole east coast) thing. I'm SO tired of it. The sun hasn't come out in a week.

  40. No rain here in LA and it gets pretty hot in the day and chilli at nights


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