To trick Tom.
To pretend that I was making his beloved Duncan Hines brownies when in reality I’d be making the Betty Crocker ones.
You see, Tom insists that Duncan Hines are the best brownies on earth. He refuses to eat any other because he claims that all the others are gross.
I don’t agree.
I’ll eat any brownie.
Tom will not.
Once I made the Betty Crocker brownies and he took a small nibble and said that it was awful.
So this is what I did:
I bought both boxes.
And I told Tom I’d make brownies. He saw the Duncan Hines box. But then when he was out in the living room, I switched and used the Betty Crocker mix.
When I slid the brownies into the oven, I brought the bowl out to Tom to lick up the batter.
You know I like you when I let you lick the batter. Usually the batter belongs to me. Salmonella be damned.
“Thanks!” Tom said brightly, taking the spoon I handed over. He took a bit of leftover batter and stuck it in his mouth. He didn’t have any strange reaction so I started to think, “See? He didn’t notice the difference!”
But then Tom made a face and stared hard at the bowl. “This tastes weird. Did you forget to add the eggs?”
He wasn’t being rude. I seriously forget to add things when I cook. Once I made chocolate chip cookies and forgot the chocolate chips. I do not know how it happened.
“I put everything in,” I assured him. Dammit! He figured it out! He--
Tom shrugged. “Hmm. Okay. It’s still good. It’s just…different.”
When the brownies came out I let them cool and then brought one out to Tom.
“Thanks!” he said again and took a big bite.
This time, there was no reaction.
I practically clicked my heels when I went back into the kitchen.
You see, Tom! You can eat Betty Crocker brownies and be just fine! I was already working out my Ha Ha I Fooled You Speech.
“Amber? I’m not trying to be rude here but this brownie tastes…off,” Tom said, coming into the kitchen.
I froze like a deer in the headlights.
“Um…” I stuttered. Sometimes I can be an awful liar. My face will turn bright red and my tongue freezes to the top of my mouth.
Tom narrowed his eyes at me. “What did you do?” He peered at the last bit of brownie in his hand and sniffed it. “What did you do?” Then his eyes swiveled to the trash can where I had stupidity tossed the Betty Crocker box. Tom and I raced for it at the same time. I stood in front of it, trying to block his view.
“I did nothing!” I shrieked.
“Yes you did!” Tom shouted, reaching his oversized hand around me. It’s not fair that men have longer limbs!
He managed to see the box that I had tried to hide under a paper plate.
“I KNEW it!” he said, pointing at me. “I KNEW it!”
I shook my head. “It’s not what it seems!” I shouted.
“It seems like you pretended to make Duncan Hines brownies when in reality you made Betty Crocker brownies!” Tom yelled, tapping the trash can.
Oh. Well then I guess it’s exactly what it seems.
“Amber. How many times do I have to tell you? Duncin Hines brownies are the best. Their commercial even says that ‘it’s not just a brownie.’ Because it’s not,” Tom lectured.
“If it’s not just a brownie, then what else is it?” I teased.
Tom looked momentarily confused. “Well. I don’t know. But what I do know is that Duncan Hines brownies rule.” He frowned at the Betty Crocker brownies. “And I don’t know what those are. But they aren’t brownies.” And then he stalked out of the kitchen.
I didn’t mind though.
Not really.
Because hey!
It means more brownies for me.
I just stopped by today for the first time, and am getting a might chuckle! I love your posts! I'm with you on this one; brownies - any brownies - rule! Sorry you got busted. . .
ReplyDeleteHa! Hilarious!
ReplyDeleteWow! I can't believe he could tell!
ReplyDeleteDo you like the Betty Crocker ones better?
ReplyDeleteI giggled my ass off at this one! Thanks, I needed that. :)
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha. Men are tools.
ReplyDeleteI think this is hilarious. My husband would never be so discriminating, he'd just be grateful I baked something yummy! I myself prefer the Betty Crocker if that helps at all!
Betty Crocker is better. But Pillsbury double chocolate with chunks is the best!!! I made brownies today...Betty Crocker. bwahaha! and left three big scoopfuls in the bowl so I could lick the bowl. Oh and I had an empty house, so all mine! bwhahaha!
ReplyDeleteOh in case that doesn't make sense (I'm from Australia) men are special, delicate creatures that need to be treated with love and care.
ReplyDeleteOr men are just very tall babies.
That is hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteit's a very exciting home you guys live in.. seriously.. lol!!!
ReplyDeletehave a great wkend!!!
lol, that's awesome! and my hubs is the same set in his ways, there's just no changing their minds!
ReplyDeleteWow he is skilled to tell the difference between boxed brownies!
ReplyDeleteI've tried that with so many things. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't, but it's always fun to try. My favorite is to buy the expensive crackers one week, save the box, and buy the cheap ones the next few weeks, but put them in the expensive brand's box. It works every time. And I have to say that I actually like Betty Crocker brownies better than Duncan Hines. Tom just has weird taste! :)
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! I love that you did this!!! it cracks me up:) Its weird that he notices the difference, maybe Betty Crocker does taste worse than the other one! He should be a taste tester! I would copy off you and do this but Martin wouldn't know the difference lol:)
ReplyDeleteNext time, try the pillsbury brand and see what he has to say! OMG, I can't believe he could tell the difference!! LOL
ReplyDeleteYears ago, my husband insisted he did not like quiche. I kept thinking to myself, "It's eggs, bacon and cheese. How could he not like it when he likes all of those things- a lot?" So a girlfriend recommended I rename it. That night, when he asked what was for dinner I managed to say with a straight face, "Adirondack Logger Pie." He loved it. He knows the truth now, but we still call it Adirondack Logger Pie.
ReplyDeleteHate to say it, but I'm with Tom on this one- Duncan Hines brownies are the best. However, while I prefer them, I won't discriminate against other kinds (except the yucky dry ones my aunt makes).
ReplyDeleteLove this post, it made me laugh because its totally something I would do.
But the Betty Crocker brownies are made with Hershey's! Triple Chunk! How can anyone find something wrong with that?
ReplyDeleteThere really is a definite difference, I'm sorry Amber, but I do have to side with Tom on this one! DUNCAN HINES RULES! Not just brownies, but cake to, Betty Crocker tastes wierd!!!
ReplyDeleteThat Tom has quite the discerning brownie palate.
ReplyDeleteI can not believe he could tell the difference. That's mad brownie perception skillz!
ReplyDeleteSo what is his preference for whip toppings?
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, that is totally something I would do! I love that you did this, and I love even more that it backfired because that's what happens to me ALL. THE. TIME.
ReplyDeleteI looked at the packets and I'm not convinced they didn't photograph excactly the same plate of brownies. Tom's palate is obviously very discerning.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why you are trying to trick me. If this was my hubby, I would only make the ones that he doesn't like. More more me!
ReplyDeleteI am totally with you Amber! Any brownie is a good brownie unless it has nuts because nuts suck.
ReplyDeleteYour posts are great...had to add you to my sidebar so I would not miss one....
ReplyDeleteIt IS all about more brownies for you! Love this post!
ReplyDeleteHow can anyone discriminate against a brownie?! A brownie is a delicious piece of heaven sent to us from the chocolate gods. At least there were more brownies for you!
ReplyDeleteDear Lord, what we have to do to our husbands for entertainment.
ReplyDeleteOh man that is so funny! I am going to have to do a taste test between betty crocker and duncan hines now lol.
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny, trying to trick him! But how weird that he could taste a difference. More brownies for you - yah!
ReplyDeleteHOW can he tell??? That's insane!
ReplyDeleteYour stories always make me laugh! My Hubs did the same thing to me with Fiji Water. I swore it tasted better so he filled it with tap water and I didn't notice. He NEVER let's me live it down!
ReplyDeleteThat Tom is one sharp dude! I like some brands better than others, but they change their options so often-- like there's not just Duncan Hines Brownie Mix any more (I don't think.) It's "Extra Chewy" or "Now With Chunks" or "Tom's Favorite"... I swear I can't keep up. But the best (when you can find it) is the Ghirardelli brand! O.M.G. To die for. Make those for Tom-- he'll see a difference and he'll be a changed man!
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced. It's time to give Duncan Hines a try!
ReplyDeleteAw, man! Sorry you got busted. Tom's got some wicked-sensitive taste buds, doesn't he?
ReplyDeleteI have no room to talk, though. I swear I can taste green M&Ms but can't tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi. :)
That is so amazing! But honestly? My husband can do the same with Duncan Hines muffins. Odd ducks we have?
ReplyDeleteHave you ever made the One Bowl Brownies on the back of (or inside) the packaging of the Unsweetened Baker's Chocolates?
ReplyDeleteLet Tom try those! Honest... you may be able to get ANYTHING you want from him!!!! (and let me know his reaction!)
LOL, that's awesome!! At least when it's someone else's husband! :P
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute story - love it!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe he can tell the difference! That is hysterical. I'm with you... a brownie is a brownie!
ReplyDeleteHappy SITS Saturday! ;)
Happy Saturday Sharefest!! Just checkin in from SITS to say howdy----You have been above me in roll call several times----hmmmm---must mean that we should be friends!! heh, heh...
ReplyDeleteGreat brownie story, by the by....
Now I have to try the Duncan Hines. If he is that adament about it - there must be a reason! :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Nancy. I have to do a taste test myself. I would laugh at him but I am that serious about Cheezits. No other Cheese Cracker will work. My husband did a blindfolded Cheezit test with me and I can tell. He couldn't believe it.
ReplyDeleteI myself prefer Betty Crocker.
ReplyDeleteLaughted hilarily.
Have a lovely weekend!
I can not believe he could tell! Then again, if anyone tries to serve me Pepsi instead of Coke, I'm all over them...
ReplyDeleteWow good palate on him..he should be on Hells Kitchen.
I seriously think Duncan Hines are better.
ReplyDeleteI know your pain too well. My husband is exactly that same. I tried to fool him with sausages this week. he is worse than the kids...thanks for stopping by my blog. off to check more of yours out.we sound very similar :)
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh!! that is too funny!! you never fail to crack me up!
ReplyDeleteThat was hilarious! Stopping by because you stopped by my site for Sharefest...I'm so glad I did! I love your blog! I'm a follower now and can't wait to see what else you have in store!
ReplyDeleteThat is freaking awesome. I would totally do that to the hubs.
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting me today! This story was a riot. I like both brands. yummmm any brownie is a good brownie.
ReplyDeleteBahahahahaha! I was literally LOL at this. I love that you tried to trick him and it didn't work. And that you were racing him to the trashcan to hide the evidence...priceless!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog today!
LOL I always wondered if you'd do an experiment like this and what his reaction would be. Man, he sure knows his brownies.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh. This is the FUNNIEST story in America : ) Totally made me smile tonight. I don't think anyone at my house cares what kind of brownies I make. As long as I produce something sugary these sweeties are happy : )
ReplyDeleteToo funny! I make the Ghiridelli brownies with chocolate chunks. Delish!
ReplyDeleteI tried to trick my husband once with the store-brand Grape Nuts.
ReplyDeleteIt didn't work either.
Yay for more brownies! :)
looks like it worked out perfectly for you...poor Tom!
ReplyDeleteJust stopping by ro say hi and thanks
ReplyDeletefor commenting.
Happy Sunday
I make brownies from scratch which are almost as easy as a mix - swear to God - my kids were making them solo when they were, like, 8. They are to die for - I haven't used a mix since acquiring this recipe...
ReplyDeleteI don't know what it is about brownie mixes, but there is definitely a difference. And I have to go with Tom on Duncan Hines being the best. But I'm also not going to turn my nose up at any brownies. Because they are yummy.
ReplyDeleteLAUGHING! Okay, GMR (my hb) tries to "trick" me - he says he doens't but he does - and I always know! ha! haha! *laughing* this made my day - :)
ReplyDeleteI like Duncan Hines the best too, but I will eat any brownie also. That's funny that he knew something was off. My hubbies b-day is on Wednesday & I'm planning on making him some brownies & I bought the 1s that were $1.
ReplyDeleteI think I shall have to send you MY brownies. Those box brownies are for kids. My homemade brownies with chocolate chunks are..yk..worth dying for and stuff.
ReplyDeleteHahaha. That's hilarious! My mom tried a similar thing with me when I was little, but with ice cream. Come ON, what kid DOESN'T immediately know the difference between sugar-filled and sugar-FREE?
ReplyDeleteTime to make his own brownies hey?
ReplyDeleteTime to make his own brownies hey?
ReplyDeleteOh man, I am a Duncan Hines faithful follower. I LOVE the Duncan Hines brownie. Definitely think it's the best.
ReplyDeleteThat said - I'll eat ANY brownie! No way I'd turn my nose up at Betty Crocker :-) Batter or cooked!
Haha! That's so something I would do too!
ReplyDeleteThat is too funny! Now you've got me wondering. I'm going to have to do a bake off!
ReplyDeleteim totally with you! you cant truly tell the difference...well, the average person cant...your Tom is special. me? as long as the brownies have chocolate and are cooked in a oven - i will have some. thanks.
ReplyDeleteOMG, he's like the brownie ninja.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the comment on my blog.
*LOL* It's funny even though I have no idea who or what Betty Crocker or Duncan Hines are...... ;O)
ReplyDeleteOMG he's one perceptive dude when it comes to his brownies! My husband would never be able to tell the difference, nor would he care! BUT give him an off-brand of Advil and he'll be able to tell you straight away that it's not the "real" Advil - go figure! HA!
ReplyDeleteToo funny! Your man knows his brownies!
ReplyDeleteDamn. He's good.
ReplyDeleteI once sent a boyfriend to the liquor store to pick up some Absolut Vodka. He came back with Popov (and no change - how did THAT happen?). I freaked at the idea of that crap even being in my HOUSE, let alone my MOUTH. He said only alcoholics can taste the difference. If that's true, sign me up. Blech!!
Damn Betty Crocker!!
ReplyDeleteNot to complicate your life, but the Ghiradelli boxed mix brownies will blow both out of the water, they are Nirvana. But I too, will eat any brownie.
ReplyDeleteGhirardelli makes great brownies!! Sneak this on him next time.
ReplyDeleteBAAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Oh man, I cannot believe you did that. Wait, yes I can because it's so AWESOME. I can't believe he could tell the difference.
ReplyDeleteMy husband swears he can tell when the volume on the television is not on an even number. I kid you not. Men are freaky.
Love it; my mum used to do this with my dad and meat, he once ate that Quorn and said it was vile so the next time she cooked she switched real chicken with Quorn chicken and he never ever knew the difference. I guess Tom is on the ball!!
Personally I will eat ANY brownie. But I do prefer the Betty Crocker Hershey ones to any other brand. That is really insane that he can taste the difference.
ReplyDeleteThat is so funny!
ReplyDeleteReminds me of my mom having to take 3 buses to got o Knott's Berry Farm and buy their chicken when my Nana was alive because she swore nobody made chicken like them and she wouldn't eat any chicken but theirs.