Friday, December 18, 2009

The Messy Two-Year-Old

I know how this happened:

I know how this happened, too:

I know how this happened:

I know exactly how this happened:

But how in the world did THIS happen???

That would be soda.

On my ceiling.

Correction: that's MY beloved caffeine on the ceiling.

One has to wonder what sort of experiments she's conducting. Is she just messy, or is she dabbling in Pharmacy tech training? Or perhaps alchemy?

I'm still wondering how Natalie managed to get my drink on the ceiling.

I get how she did all the others. She loves to make a mess the second my back is turned.

But the soda?


Have I mentioned that cleaning soda off the ceiling is not easy?

I just have to say, it really is a good thing that Natalie is cute:

Those blue eyes help save her, let me tell you.


  1. Cleaning ANYTHING off the ceiling is hard, and in my case, at least, doesn't happen. I've got some sort of food bits that have been above the kitchen table for months.

    But yes, she IS cute.

  2. She's also pretty genius to have gotten that on the ceiling, beauty AND brains...scary combination. :)

  3. The cute ones are ALWAYS the naughtiest - because they know that they can get away with things that a less attractive child would perhaps be killed for.

  4. I just have to say that I know of what you speak and I agree, my kids cuteness saves them a lot too.

  5. Ha! I thought that was my house, until I saw the girly-looking sippy cup. ;)

  6. i'd have to agree with, cuz if the kid was ugly, they'd be on a stepladder, washrag in hand!! hee hee hee, but then i am the wicked step mom, so i'm kind of biased

  7. She is more than cute, she is beautiful! I too have wondered how things have ended up on my ceiling. I never did figure it out, I just painted over the stains.

  8. How the heck did she manage that on the ceiling? Good thing she's cute!

  9. Did she shake the soda up and then open it? or did she take a sip and spew it out in disgust?!? or maybe she just has magic powers!

  10. That's pure genious, she has beauty and brains lol

    I'm with Foursons, I'd be keeping a can of paint on hand for "touch-ups"!

  11. LOL, that little blue eyed Devil. ;)

  12. ugh.
    My son's blue eyes save his ass every single day.

    Lil shit.

  13. I do believe we have twin behaving two year olds!

  14. Oh, but she sooooo cute....

    :) I bet its not all that hard to get soda on a ceiling... Of course taking on the bet means spraying the ceiling with some more.

    Isn't Coke rumored to have cleaning powers? It might help clean your ceiling...

  15. Oh, yeah, the cute ones do get away with more. Every day I wonder what new crazy thing our 2-yr-old grandson will try.... Haven't noticed any messes on the ceiling, but then I don't always look up....

  16. That picture makes me forgive her!

  17. Oh my! She is way too cute to be responsible for any of this!

  18. Oh yeah, my blue eyes got me out of all sorts of trouble when i was a kid. They get me into all sorts of trouble now... But soda on the ceiling takes some kind of talent!

  19. Hah! When mine was small we used to say that God made 'em cute for a reason! (to keep us from killing 'em - just kidding! (barely))!

    She is a doll though - how could you possibly get upset with her? ::snicker:: (been there - done that!)

  20. I firmly believe kids are cute so we don't murder them when they do something naughty, like paint their brothers face with mascara.

    I hate to break it to you but my daughter is almost six and she STILL makes a massive mess every time my back is turned. I hope she outgrows it before they tote me away in a straight jacket.

  21. She IS a cutie-patootie. But she is a devil. :)

  22. It is a good thing they are cute...'cause I tell my husband, it's like having wild raccoons in the house. They get into everything:O

  23. That's why He made them cute! I'm guessing she shook it up and it spewed??

  24. did she take a sip and spew it out in disgust?!? or maybe she just has magic powers!

    Work from home India

  25. She is tutu cute! My 3 year old is the same way with messes. But it is the toothpaste mess that drives me bonkers. Yuck!

  26. With those blue eyes and keen ability to do the seemingly impossible, she's got a future as president or a super hero, I imagine!

  27. Alas, the babe has those same blue mesmerizing eyes...they will most certainly get her into and out of trouble until she gets old and gray!!


  28. ohhhhhhhhhhhh yes she is cute!!! And, I applaud you for cleaning your ceiling :)

    Thanks for stopping by today!!

  29. I once had Fruity Pebbles stuck to my ceiling. Never could figure out that one.

  30. She IS cute! Good thing - how in the world did she get it up there?

  31. How did you get pictures of my house? LOL!

    There is a reason kids are cute. Seriously. Sounds like you are more annoyed about the waste of perfectly good caffiene- I know I would be!

    Hi- just clicking around blogrolls and found you, thought I would say hi.

  32. Thank you for posting this, now I know that I'm not alone, and yes, she is such a cutie!

  33. Nothing like a 2 year old is there? Not to mention 3 year olds. Asher was in quite the same mood yesterday. Unfort, we were in public. Not pretty

  34. I am so happy to see that on your ceiling! I have hot chocolate and mustard on mine!

  35. I think it's pretty damn impressive that you know how the rest of those incidents happened.

    The ceiling, eh? Yeah, she's freaking cute. Good thing indeed.

  36. I have gotten to the point where nothing surprises me anymore. Children have a way of creating the most bizarre messes, don't they??

  37. That sweet face couldnt do all that damage...could she? Maybe it was a "friend". :)

  38. When we were using Munchkin cups with the very flexible straws, my daughter could launch any beverage to the ceiling and beyond.

  39. WOW!!! she is just gorgeous!!
    and so adorable! i cant't see any mess around!..
    hugs hugs

  40. Hee hee!! I say that about Olivia all the time...It's a good thing you're cute!!

  41. I figured I better read this one before I read the next one and start to panic because I read the top one about being sent to the Childrens Hospital and I want to cry already because I just want to reach out and hug you and her and bring Nathan to entertain her. I really wish I could. Hard to be mad at her right now for soda on the ceiling or messes, she is a creative..

  42. We used to call that "getting by on their looks". It worked for a long, long time.

  43. Seriously, I did it. That's all my fault, because when I look at that pretty little angel with blue eyes, I know for SURE it wasn't her. And oh, by the way, I know from experience that if you boil a can of sweetened condensed milk for 4 hours, it turns into caramel. If you let it boil dry, it makes a sound like a shotgun, explodes, and sends a delicious sticky caramel all over your kitchen. I'm just saying.

  44. I say that about Olivia all the time...It's a good thing you're cute!!

    wagyu beef burger


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