Hey, It's Okay....
To not understand why people bring their miniature dogs everywhere. It’s an animal, not a purse. I don’t need Fido me eyeing me in the store, thanks.
To know that you’ll never use a Diva Cup (but be in awe of those who do.)
To think the Paparazzi need to be banned from taking photos when celebrities are out with their children.
To only eat flavored oatmeal because plain oatmeal reminds you of paste.
To know that you’ll just be using one of those boxed Easter egg dye kits to decorate eggs and nothing more than that because you are allergic to crafts.
To wonder what the hell Jesse James was thinking.
To wish Supernanny was available for rent.
To want to shriek, “What did I DO? How can I make it better?” when you realize you’ve lost a blog follower. (Same goes for a Twitter follower. I lose Twitter followers on a daily basis. Guess people don’t like to hear about farting children. Oops.)
To have bought ANOTHER pair of shoes for your daughter even though she has plenty. But hello....gold seahorses?! PERFECT for the upcoming beach trip.
I agree on oatmeal, it needs a little kick to work for me. I can't go plain. I just can't.
ReplyDeleteLOL I think I might do this, this week :)
ReplyDeleteMy best friend uses a Diva Cup and I AM in awe! How the eff does that thing work!?
ReplyDeleteI too will be using a boxed easter egg dying kit. And that's OK! /cheer
Oh..and I've often wondered what it would take to get on Supernanny. Does she take on 15 year olds?
ReplyDeleteI'm cracking up because I feel your pain about the blog follower thing - I just lost, then gained, then lost a follower all within like an hour. It makes me wonder exactly why I suck enough to be unfollowed. But oh well. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd also? Totally agree on the miniature dog thing. WTF?
I like to think the dropping Twitter followers are just the random spammers, but sometimes when a chunk of them go, I feel like crying and writing them mournful letters begging them to tell me what I did and asking why they don't love me anymore!
ReplyDeleteDo they make shoes with gold seahorses in my size?
ReplyDeleteDidn't realize I wasn't a follower, so I signed on to make up for the one you lost! Plain oatmeal sucks!Gotta have me some sugar and flavor!
ReplyDeleteAgree on the Little dog deal...I HATE THAT!
ReplyDeleteI felt myself nodding in agreement with you on all of these.
ReplyDeleteDude. My MIL stopped by yesterday, and she brought her creepy little chiwawa. And while my 2 NORMAL-SIZED dogs and my cat (who is also bigger) were freaking out, I was wondering why on EARTH she felt the need to bring that creepy little thing to my house with her...
ReplyDeleteDiva cups also kind of creep me out, cuz I just KNOW I'd spill it everywhere :P
Agreed on all fronts today... Especially the follower thing. I don't have that many to begin with and I KNOW some of the things I write are downright retarded, but damn, what a blow to the ego!
ReplyDeleteBoxed dye here - for eggs & hair! Plain oatmeal, not flavored - sorry! What's a Diva cup? Little dogs - totally agree. When a sign says no pets, that INCLUDES mini dogs. Oh well, it's okay Tuesday, so Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter has been wearing a diva cup for at least 2 years. It's never leaked or failed or anything. I still can't do it. Just like I can do the wash and wear pads. Or diapers. Or anything really. Well, now I'm starting to get mad at myself for my lack of green-iosity.
ReplyDeleteOk, I had to go google Diva Cup. Wha??! How??! Look, I try to avoid contact with the whole "area" as much as possible during "then" anyway. Sticking my hand all up in it... uhm, if I was OK with that I would have gone into obstetrics! Ewww... just sayin'. Plus, after 5 kids, I'd need like the Diva Bowl.
ReplyDeleteOne of my good friends RAVES about her Diva Cup. The concept is great. The work involved... not so much.
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for reminding me that I forgot to pick up fruit yesterday at the grocery store. Looks like plain oatmeal-paste for me! Yum.
I don't know if the Diva Cup is worse than reusable knit tampons, or not.
ReplyDeleteHoly buckets! When I seen your blog in my blog roll.. I was like IS IT TUESDAY AGAIN! :) The weeks are going by so fast!
ReplyDelete..... You are too hilarious. I think that we all feel the same about losing followers. B*tches!
As for the shoes. My son has WAY too many. Boots, loafers, several pairs of tennis shoes, etc.. its rediculous! Lets not even get started on clothes! You and I BOTH have an addiction there I think :)
Cute shoes. A girl can never have too many.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you find those shoes?! We NEED those for vacation!!
ReplyDeleteI had to google Diva Cup and when I did I realized that this is the same thing that's been around for years, just a new name.
ReplyDeleteThey are disgusting. Were 20 years ago, still are today. Can you spell SPILLAGE??
Cute shoes.
to buy that Coach tote bag cuz it was so pretty and well I really liked it.
Yeah wth was Jesse thinking.
The shoes are fab. Do they come in my size
the diva cup totally freaks me out. beyond ness.
ReplyDeleteI hope you buying the gold seahorse shoes means it's ok that I just bought my unborn daughter her 10th pair of shoes! And makes it acceptable that my 9 year old son has at least 2 dozen pairs!
ReplyDeleteI love me a supernanny!! "It's not okay to hit mummy!" Love her.
ReplyDeleteI feel yet another compulsion to play!
It's okay...
to jump up and try to "drop it like it's hot" during the commercial break on America's Best Dance Crew even though you might need an emergent massage following a sorry attempt.
to wonder why people are using adjectives like "sick" and "ill" to describe something not so sick or ill but really well done.
to want to strangle whoever invented the bedazzler!
to want to strangle those that are bedazzeled from head to toe!
Loving the "Hey It's Okay Tues".
I don't have enough followers to get upset when they stop following, but that would totally hurt my feelings! Sorry girly.
Plain oatmeal=paste. True fact!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I'm scared to ask, but what the heck is a Diva Cup?
What's wrong with the boxed kits? Good to me.
Cute shoes!
ReplyDeleteWhat pray tell is a "Diva cup"? Is it a bra? Oh, and when I come to visit, hide those shoes because I totally want them! Tres Fabulous! I love your list!
ReplyDeleteGirl tell me about it (Jesse James)!! That skank looks like a trannie if you ask me...just sayin'!
ReplyDeleteHey, It's Okay Tuesday - should have included that it is ok to never know what a Diva Cup is - cause I didn't until I googled it. And once you've googled it you can't un-google it so now I'm stuck with this knowledge. Ick.
ReplyDeleteI am so with you on the plain oatmeal! I have a hard enough time with flavored but plain - bleck!
ReplyDeleteITA about Jesse James? Hello? What on earth were you thinking????
For the people who asked where I bought the sandals: Target! ;) They are on sale this week too!
ReplyDeleteOoooh, the gold seahorses . . . I was at Target yesterday and did NOT see those. I may be going back. Too cute!
ReplyDeleteI am right there with ya on the oatmeal. I was feeling super healthy about a week ago and tried it. Ohmyga - nastiness! Won't ever do that again. EVER
I am in complete agreement with you on all of these! ESPECIALLY the diva cup. Such a money saving, green idea that I wish I could use one but....ewwwwww! I have a hard enough time with tampons let alone sticking a whole cup up there!!
ReplyDeleteMy little girl will just NOW wear shoes at 13 months, and they are those ugly, high top white baby shoes. I live for the day I can move on too pretty shoes, like the gold seahorse. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI have friends that use Diva cups. I'm too dexterity challenged to even try such a thing! I noticed some stores selling disposable versions, which defeats the purpose if you ask me.
yep, all okay in my book. Except shoes for big girls too, right?
ReplyDeleteI'm so with you on the Jesse James thing. Hello?! You're married to Sandra Bullock idiot!! Are you blind?? Or just stupid??
ReplyDeleteAnd about the shoes. Because you can never have too many. EVER.
Plain oatmeal is downright disgusting.
ReplyDeleteIs there another way to decorate eggs other than using a box?
I had no idea about what a diva cup was until I Googled it. Got to say, it's def not for me (and I don't know anyone who uses it). .
ReplyDeleteI agree with the other things, oatmeal, paparazzi, bringing Fido in public places just because you can, Jesse James--what the hell?
Oh how I agree with all of that! What was Jesse James thinking? I saw him on The Apprentice and I loved him - then we watched Jesse James is a dead man and loved him more.
ReplyDeleteWho would cheat on Sandra? The poor dear.
ooo I would buy those shoes for me! Sometimes kids get the good stuff and they so don't appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteAnd oatmeal... I add blueberries and honey to the plain stuff and it makes it all better!
Ok...I'd never heard of a Diva Cup, so I googled it. WTF? I am in awe. Women seriously use those?
ReplyDeleteGosh I gotta figure out how to follow ya on twitter!!
ReplyDeleteI don't get that about the dogs, at all. My cousin's mil tried to bring her dog in to see my cousin's newborn...who was in the NICU. WTH????
ReplyDeleteI only freak out at losing blog followers. I don't know how many twitter followers I have, so I don't notice that number- mostly b/c I usually just use my bb to go on that.
uuuuugggghhhh DIVA CUPS...
ReplyDeletethose JUST FREAK ME OUT!!!! then again, i truly am NOT one to deal with blood very well!
Givin' credit where credit is due... I stole this idea from you and did my own "Hey, It's Okay!"s today, here. Thanks for the idea! :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with it all! And I love those shoes!
ReplyDeleteI dont even know what a diva cup is!!??
ReplyDeleteI DO wonder what the hell Jesse James was thinking!!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea!! This is way fun! Visiting you back and just loving your blog!! :) Your newest follower!
ReplyDeleteYou are right on all counts-- AGAIN. But especially the whole Jesse James thing... And right after Sandra Bullock makes that little Oscar speech about finally knowing what it's like to have somebody 'have your back'. Yeah, well, turns out he had a LOT of backs. Like Tiger Woods almost, but without the charisma...
ReplyDeleteThose shoes are a must! And really....can one ever have enough shoes?
ReplyDeleteDiva cup...niiiice....
My best friend uses the Diva Cup and she is way cooler than I will ever be... so I know there's no point in trying it.
ReplyDeleteUnflavored oatmeal tastes like shag carpet.
I too am allergic to crafts. I'm so glad it's ok :)
ReplyDeleteI love my Diva Cup. I think it's one of those "you have to try it" things. But yeah, it's not for everybody.
ReplyDeleteIf I lost a blog follower, I would have...zero followers. So, even if you lose a few, you still have way more than me! :)
You HAVE to tell me where you got those adorable sandals!!! My daughter LOVES seahorses...she'd go nuts for those sandals!
ReplyDeleteI never thought losing a follower here and there would affect me but it does. We're all human with raw emotions..it can't be helped to not have hurt feelings over it!
To add two spoonfuls of brown sugar to regular oatmeal so it doesn't taste like paste??? Yep, I just sugary it up!
ReplyDeleteNew twitter follower. I kinda don't know how I wasn't already following you on twitter, but I'm lame like that
It's okay to think that a Diva Cup is like a Madonna Bra.
ReplyDeleteI have a diva cup, and yeah, I've never used it.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, a girl can NEVER have too many shoes. It's impossible.
ReplyDeleteAnd really?! You lost a follower? First wth were they thinking anyway? lol. And second - I swear every time I come here there are more followers, which, btw, I have been a loyal follower since you had like 40. Once upon a time I had 25 followers, and then I messed with my layout, and now, even months later, I still only have 4. Geez.
My bff uses those cup thingies, and actually washes/reuses and stuff. I don't ask. All I know is she's an EMT and I guess used to...seeing gore and stuff.
Okay, so I must be like, so old, 'cause I have NO CLUE what a diva cup is. Guess I gotta go surfing. You COULD have posted a picture, ya know?
ReplyDeleteI HATE when I lose a follower. Not that it happens too often, mind you :) But I do wonder - how can someone not like me?
cute shoes. do they come in a size 8?
I'm back. Holy crap! Just looked up what a Diva Cup is! Know wonder I had no idea what it was - I'm in menopause! LOL! Still- there's NO WAY I would use such a thing. Looks too messy to me! But look what I learned today!
ReplyDeleteGreat idea - and great post! And the shoes are adorable. but I would like to add to the list that it's ok to buy another pair of shoes for yourself also - cause I can't have enough shoes!
ReplyDeletethanx for visiting my blog!
Great idea - and great post! And the shoes are adorable. but I would like to add to the list that it's ok to buy another pair of shoes for yourself also - cause I can't have enough shoes!
ReplyDeletethanx for visiting my blog!
i love the oatmeal post. I cannot even think about eating plain oatmeal.
ReplyDeleteLove the shoes..i want a pair.
Those shoes are adorable! And I'm totally the same way when I lose a blog follower:(