Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. So without further ado...

Hey, It's Okay....

To not watch the Academy Awards. The Amazing Race is more entertaining anyhow.

To pull a Kate Gosselin and shout at your husband to “get his ass off his computer game and HELP with the kids,” after he’s been sitting in front of it for over 2 hours.

To say, “So hot...want to touch the hiney,” when James Frain who plays (played) Thomas Cromwell comes on the screen on the show The Tudors.

To still eat sugary cereals. Nuts don’t belong in cereals and neither to things that look like miniature twigs.

To wish that children came with volume controllers.

To have sour jellybeans for dinner.

To wonder why in the WORLD your husband starts talking to you the second you turn on the vacuum. Does he honestly think you can HEAR him?

To refuse to put on scary children’s songs while driving.

To have never watched any of the CSI shows.

To wonder how in the world it would have worked out between the Richard Gere and Julia Roberts characters in Pretty Women. Wouldn’t people be all, “Weren’t you a hooker once?” It would totally be the elephant in the room.


  1. I'm so with you on most of these, except I did watch the Academy Awards.

  2. Great list! I think you should start this for others to join in...maybe someone can make a button for it!

  3. Bahhhhhhaaaa! I think we all have to go "Kate" on our hubs once in a while. As long as you don't have the do to go along with the attitude you're fine.

  4. I'm with you with most of this list! I think you should write it on a fresh roll of toilet paper 'cause its gonna be a reaaaaaaaaaaly long list by the time it's (sort of, if ever) done.

  5. I love this. Who hasn't wanted to pull a Kate Gosselin?

  6. I'm going to go with you on the Kate Gosselin thing, as long as I don't see you on Dancing With The Stars. I mean, really? Who's watching those kids now?!

    And who doesn't eat sour jelly beans for dinner sometimes? That just goes without saying...

    Love this idea.

  7. that vacume thing... so freaking true!

  8. Ummmm.... I had chocolate chips for breakfast, so, sour jelly beans for dinner are A-Okay with me!

  9. This is awesome! I'm totally with you on the vacuum thing. I've always thought the same thing about Pretty Woman. It's so not realistic at all, not even the tiniest bit.

  10. Love this meme! My favorite sugar cereal is Lucky Charms! Have a great tuesday!

  11. BAHAHAHA! I just about died reading this. I agree about the Pretty Women part. Thats too funny! I love honey nut cheerios, and prefer law and order over CSI any day.

    AND I never watch award shows!

  12. SO FUNNY. Yeah, I vote for making it a regular feature. Laughed longest and hardest for the elephant hooker in the room.

  13. My DH not only talks when the vacumm is on but also calls me out of the shower to tell me useless info.

  14. I am going to now think of the hiney line when I see McDreamy. lol

  15. TOTALLY about Julia Roberts and Richard Gere. Her being a hooker would be a giant liability! What if he ever decided to run for office? HUGE hooker problem. But it would make a great sequel. Hmmmm...maybe I should write the screenplay...

  16. Ha! I didn't watch the awards either, I watched The Incredibles. :) Oh, and my husband doesn't talk to me when I'm vacuuming. He waits until I'm trying to go to sleep. I think that's a bit worse, so count your blessings. :)

  17. ok I love this feature....and this?

    "To still eat sugary cereals. Nuts don’t belong in cereals and neither to things that look like miniature twigs."

    amen! I like mixing my "healthy" raisin bran with cinnamon toast crunch, because there simply wasn't enough sugar in it.

  18. I am so with you on the scary childrens songs, and I have never watched CSI before either.

  19. I watched The Amazing Race instead too. So much better!

    There are scary children's songs? Awesome!

  20. Wait. It's FRAIN's hiney you want to touch?!

    Sorry, but I've got two words for you: Henry. Cavill.

    OMG, is that one fine male specimen.

  21. It is OK to like Hey it's OK Tuesday. I love your perspective... and I agree that it is way more fun to make bagel sandwiches and watch Blade Runner than watch the Oscars.

  22. *giggle*
    Silly lady. . .

  23. I love It's Okay Tuesday! Wanted to add It's Okay if I don't watch Dr. Oz OR Oprah!

  24. If you can have jellybeans for dinner, can I have pie?

  25. I love this post except for the part about Pretty Woman... I can totally believe it would work out! LOL

  26. Totally ok for all those things. Do you think about putting a linky thing on this so everyone can play along?

  27. Wait...you've never watched a CSI episode before? I'm not sure I can read you blog anymore....jk! LOL :)

    As usual I love your list...well except for the CSI one :)

  28. I really enjoyed your list. Looking forward to next week's installment.

    I can't stand awards shows either, I'd rather get the Coles Notes version in the news the next day--or not. Who won best movie this year? I bet I can guess.

    Have a great day!

    Shelly from Tropical Mum

  29. You crack me up! I'm so with you on the Kate Gosselin and the kids volume controller!

  30. My kids definitely need a volume control. And cereals come without sugar? Huh, who knew.

  31. I'd say the same for all those Law & Order shows. It's been on for years and in several incarnations, and I've never even seen the opening credits.

  32. It is okay to not eat dessert with fruit in it. Fruit does not belong in my sweets.

  33. I think the only time my husband doesn't talk is when the vacumn is on - mainly cause he's doing it!

  34. I just finished off my box of Lucky Charms yesterday. Today? Fruity pebbles!

  35. The other night I ate Skittles and mini Oreos for dinner...it was delicious, wish I could do it every day

  36. Love these.
    I think sequel to Pretty Woman would have totally sucked. Glad they didn't do it.

    My husband usually starts talking to me when I've turned on the washing machine and the dryer is already running. And he's in another room.


  37. Oh my gosh, you did the same thing as my friend Sonya.

    I was watching Sandra Bullock give her acceptance speech when she grabbed the remote, changed the channel to the Amazing Race and said, "Is it okay if we watch this?"

    I said yes and promptly fell asleep.

    I don't get it.

  38. Ha ha!Another great post. I've always wondered that about Pretty Woman. Christmas at the in laws would be awkward to say the least.

  39. I eat oatmeal for breakfast. Almonds as a snack. A granola bar, a salad, maybe a piece of chicken and some vegetables. And then some fish or some other chicken dish for dinner. But as god as my witness, even if I become the fitness pushup champion of the world, if I ever stop eating Cinnamon toast crunch by the BOX I will cease to be a part of this society. What do we have in this life if not for Lucky Charms, CTC, and oh jeez I can't even land on a third. Now I'm feeling really disgusted at the Smart Start in my cupboard. Damn health with its... healthiness.

  40. I have The Tudors on my Netflix queue, now I really can't wait!

  41. hysterical and oh so true - esp the vaccuum comment! why do they DO that?! argh!

  42. So hot...want to touch the hiney

    I'm working that into my conversations at least 4 times tomorrow!

  43. I go Kate at least once a day. But I'm never getting The Kate 'do.

  44. thanks for stopping by my blog!

    i'm totally still in love with sugary cereal- cocoa pebbles, i'm lookin at you!

    and i LOVE me a good "billy madison" quote. SHAMPOO IS BETTER!

  45. I totally agree with the Pretty Woman line. Any time they got in a fight, he'd just throw in her face that he pulled her off the street. And it'd always bother him how many men she'd slept with before he had her. Great movie though; just unrealistic.

  46. I couldn't agree more with all of these - and yes, the Pretty Woman line would definitely be a sore spot in arguments. LOL

  47. I couldn't agree more with all of these - and yes, the Pretty Woman line would definitely be a sore spot in arguments. LOL

  48. Sour jelly beans are the only good ones. And, yes, it would totally be the elephant in the room.

    My husband just moves his gaming to another room when I start yelling about his gaming. At least then I can watch Criminal Minds in peace.

    Great list!

  49. If you so much as mention the movie Pretty Woman, it sets my Dad off on this diatribe about how hookers don't actually marry their clients and what a freakin' ridiculous story it is and he goes on and on. I used to be offended since I totally love the movie, but now I just start laughing when he gets going, because he's sort of...right.

  50. Love this hey, it's okay thing! Although I don't agree about not watching CSI....that is not okay!!!


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