Monday, April 12, 2010

Cry. Whine. Repeat.

Hi, how was your weekend?

Mine went something like this:

It got to the point where I wanted to ask her what flew up her ass.

But that’s not proper parenting. I think most experts would frown over using the word “ass” in front of children.

I get the distinct impression that this is her way of giving me the finger.

She wouldn’t stop crying.

And whining.

And crying.

She took off her pants and whined some more.

I was about ready to run down the street flinging my arms in the air while screaming, “It’s too hard, IT’S TOO HARD!”

Then Tommy started to cop an attitude.

And I wanted to ask him what flew up HIS ass.

Then when I went to start dinner this happened:

That would be cornstarch.


It somehow tipped off the shelf and exploded all over the counter.

Can I have a weekend do-over?


  1. awwww...and the cornstarch explosion too?! Oh need a calgon moment...or a mommy retreat. I've had weekends like that...and they are not fun. I hope your week goes much better!

  2. see....THAT is why I don't have cornstarch in my kitchen (or any other food creating item)'ll just end up making a rough day even worse.

  3. We need to get our water tested because my kid had the same problem all weekend... WHINEY!!!

  4. Jake was really whiny this weekend too. There must have been something in the air and I don't mean cornstarch.

  5. It doesn't help much, but believe me, you're not alone! The amount of whining, bitching, and moaning I had to endure this weekend was enough to nearly send me into convulsions. Sigh. If you figure out how to get that weekend do-over, pass the knowledge on to me...I could really use it!!

  6. since you asked...MINE SUCKED TOO!!!! Home computer crashed with a virus(thanks to Kyle) spent alot of time on the ball field, trying to get back in the swing of things from spring break(ran late ALL morning) Kyle dediced he needed to pull a tooth this morning(which slowed us down even more)....okay I'll stop there.

    Here's to a better week girlie...{{{cheers}}}

  7. Poor mama! You need a drink.

    You bring the glasses...

    I've got the whine (hahaha) I mean wine? .. tequilla? vodka?


    See you in five.

  8. Oh, man! At least you got some great blackmail pictures of them.

  9. Ugh, weekends like those are horrible. Hopefully the week goes much better!

  10. The "Its too hard, TOO HARD" comment reminds me of Phoebe on Friends trying to do cat's cradle with a string. Hilarious, and nothing to do with your post at all, but now I'm laughing.

  11. Oh just wait until they are teenagers and they both have a bad weekend! Running down the street tuns into locking yourself in a padded room.

  12. Maia was a TERRIBLE whiner and cryer! my god I thought I would lose my mind! in fact I swore I would never have another child of any age after parenting her! THERE IS HOPE! lol. She is 6 now and somewhere along the way she stopped whining and crying. not sure when. but she is the biggest joy right now. what a love. but seriously there were PLENTY of days I would have sold her to the gypsies just for a moment of peace and quiet!

  13. I wonder what it cost to ship a couple larger boxes to Korea....


  14. Let me ask you something. Was there anything that flew up your ass that prompted what might have flown up her ass and then subsequently, his ass?

    Just checking...

  15. Well if its against the rules.. then I am a huge rule breaker!! As a matter of fact I think I called my six year old a "jackass" last night! I hate weekends like that!

  16. If saying "ass" in front of your kids is bad parenting, I'm in a whole world of trouble. Probably on some bad mommy watch list or something. Whining in our household is treated with sarcasm. Even mine.

    Hang in'll get better. That was sarcasm, by the way.


  17. Sorry your weekend was so tough. Maybe the week will be better.

  18. Yes. Yes, you can. It'll get easier when she figures out how to tell you what she wants/needs. Either that, or she's going to drive you into an early grave. Either way, it'll get easier! :)

  19. please know that i WILL be coming to you for parenting advice. you seem right up my alley and you won't judge me. thanks in advance.

  20. Oh no! But it can only get better, right?

  21. Natalie's recently three, right? There's the answer to what flew up her ass...her third birthday! I am anxiously counting down the days to my son's 4th birthday (170 days, if you're wondering...). I HATE age 3.

  22. Amber, your kids are hysterical (in a good way). So adorable even when they are pissed off! A little cornstarch never hurt anybody! Shoot, leave it! Dad can clean it up later, right? Hah!

  23. Yes, you can have a do-over. I had the same thing happen to my chocolate powder this weekend. All over my pantry and the puppy. Joy!

  24. Hayden has been going through a whiny stage like no other! It is drving me batty... his tone is terrible.

    He is also very bossy and demanding. I am NOT enjoying it. Hopefully it will be over soon.

    Good luck... hopefully next weekend will be better!

  25. awww...I know how ya feel! My kids get all weird at me some weekends and then, of course, all hell breaks loose with everything else, so yeah. I feel ya. I hope the week is better for you.

  26. I'm still laughing from the panties in your yard post and then I saw the adorable little faces in these shots! I'm dying, that was kind of like our weekend. And it's continued into today, in fact my one year old is screaming as we speak and I am going to ask him what flew up his ass...yeah, I said it, but only because he can't repeat it yet. :)

    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  27. BLAH! What a weekend! Here's to hoping this week is better! :)

  28. I'm with you...WEEKEND DO-OVER, PLEASE!!! (Hope your weekdays go better!)

  29. I figure my girls either need to be fed or sleep when they are cranky.

    And I am fairly certain each girl is swearing at me in their own way when they mumble made up words.

  30. Oh, a "Mulligan" weekend would be fab.

    Or even just this morning? Iz was crying and whining about everything. I think she was crying about her shirt at one point, but it was no intelligible, I can't know for certain.

  31. This is coming to you from the house of vomit - my daughter had stomach flu this weekend so it has been anything but pleasant here this weekend (if you need to feel better about your own weekend experiences just stop on by and read about mine, I promise you will feel better).

    I totally sympathize - only good thing is that after a weekend like that Monday can actually seem like a good day for change instead of the day we wish would be over as quickly as possible!

  32. bwahahahaha! maybe i'm a terrible mother, but i think you should have totally asked her what flew up her's a good way to educate children about the dangers of ass-flying objects and such. and that cornstarch picture is reason number 8,356 why I DON'T COOK.

  33. Oh maaaaaan. . . *hugs* Been there. Done that. Just be glad that nobody is actually, like, sick and vomiting! Some days I swear, the closer T gets to 3 the worse these 'terrible twos' are getting!

  34. I waved a wand and repeated three times: "This weekend never happened." Did that work? No? Well, if I could just find my REAL wand it would have, but I tried to make use with a broken sword from some ninja costume. Sorry.

  35. Hahahaha! If I ever asked my kids what flew up their ass that would one of the nicer things I've ever said!

    I'm not going to be getting any parent of the year awards in this lifetime and I'm ok with thaT1

  36. Sorry gals, I can't commiserate too much. it has been YEARS since my were that age, thank God! However, does a husband with dementia kind of rank up there with you all? He can remember what happened 40 years ago, (some of it) but not what happened around breakfast time. Please enjoy the time with your children. (you are all hilarious, by the way). I'm enjoying the blog tremendously.
    Beat regards to all of you young mamas. Bye for now. Ruby

  37. Don't you hate those days? Brad went to bed crying last night and cried himself to sleep. Not sure why even, other than he played outside all day long and was overtired! grrr! It's sad that our days go down hill when theirs are too!

  38. awwww one of those weekends eh? and just think...its only monday. sigh.

  39. Makes you want to shout out in song, "Where is tall man? Where is tall man?" Huh?! (middle finger) Maybe the singing would distract them a bit. Whining is awful. It kills slowly.

  40. Ha ha ha, all of that and then corn starch flew up your @$$. Visiting from Pooba's place.

  41. what a weekend.. Thanks for stopping by today..

    I have those kind of days too..

  42. Don't you hate those weekends? You just want to go and rock in the corner. Being a mom is AWESOME. ;)

  43. That look. Stealing a deliberate glance through red eyes and a drool filled finger. She's got you wrapped right around that finger. Looks like a weekend you definitely want to re-do...without the frustration. At least we could get a laugh out of it.

  44. Maybe there was some wicked constipation going around your house.

    I know that always makes me crabby.

    But the cornstarch? That was just adding insult to injury.

  45. Hmmmm... wha? Sorry. Couldn't hear your grumbling over my OWN whiny-assed children who are complaining that I'm not paying enough attention to them. Because, you know, I only see them 24/7. Obviously, I am supremely cool and cannot be away from them for a moment. The coolness, it oozes from my very pores.


  46. Maybe it's post tramatic stress from the pink panty incident. OK, maybe not.

  47. Wow. I hope today went better.

  48. My hubby was gone for 4 days. Kids were alive when he got home so I consider it a sucessful weekend.

  49. Is it a "girl thing"? I swear that could be my daughter in your pictures. How I wish some words could come out of my mouth, too. No; how I wish I can keep them in!!!

  50. Yes, absolutely. The good news is that the weekend is over, and your do-over is now in process! Hope it's wonderful!

  51. You KNOW it's serious when the pants come off.

  52. Unfortunately, no do-overs. But once the um,...corn starch hit the fan, I would think you'd be whining and coppin' an attitude too! I know I would.

  53. Oh no!! A weekend do-over should definitely be a ball drop in golf!


  54. Uh oh.. Youre not supposed to say ass when parenting??

    Hope your week is going better??

  55. Days like that make me long to be a grandmother. Exacting my revenge, one kid at a time!

  56. Oh my heck - you are too funny. I LOVE reading your posts. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one who is feeling the need to rip out large chunks of my hair because my kids are driving my crazy.

    My weekend was 2 sick kids and my 6 year old making up crazy rules while playing checkers. Of course he won every time because his rules were "what the???"

  57. Sounds like my weekend, except it was my hubs that was in cry, whine repeat mode

  58. Hope you have a good week. Just look at it this way. You've got all the crying and whining out of the way. The rest of the week they'll be little angels. :)

  59. Seems I have that day, over...and over...and over again:P

  60. OMG...that's too funny. I love your humour and will be following your blog for more.


  61. LOL too funny girl - all I can say is: DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA - girls are SO DRAMATIC! LOL

  62. That is hilarious.... That is like my morning. School bus comes at 612am, 7 yr old taking forever to get jacket on, WHERE ARE THE SNACKS???, Great now I have to invent a snack...where's the ziplocs and Chees-Its???, Here put them in your backpack, (SPLOOSH ...the milk is spilled on table and my new cookbook, ARGHHHHHHH.... Have a good day and dont get in trouble...kiss on the head.

    :P Yep. It's like destiny sometimes.



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