Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tommy's Science Experiments

“Stop it! You almost knocked over my science experiment!” Tommy shouted at me.

Huh? I had been reaching for some spices and my arm had tapped against the empty soda container.

Tommy had set this up on the counter:

I have absolutely no idea what he was trying to create.

He’s been really into science lately. In fact, when I wandered into the bathroom I found this:

“Um Tommy? What in the world?”

And he’ll just say, “It’s my experiment.”

Yes but. WHAT does it DO?

He has this on his door:

I figure you don’t speak Tommy so I’ll translate (believe it or not, he’s gotten much better with his writing. Before I had no idea what he was trying to say..)

So yeah, his door says, “Tommy the science boy PS. Don’t come in. Only on Friday or Thursday.” And he’s serious about this too. I walked in on a Tuesday and he’s all, “It’s not Thursday! Or Friday!” and I said, “I gave birth to you so those rules don’t apply to me,” and he reluctantly let me enter.

Anyhow, I tend to find science experiments all over the house. So when I found another one I joked, “Just make sure you don’t create something that’ll make the world black out for two minutes like on FlashForward,”


Um okay. Tough room.

I tried again.

“Make sure you don’t create a way for dinosaurs to come back or anything. Haha.”

*More crickets*

“Just don’t blow anything up, Tommy. Got it?”


  1. I thought maybe he was going to try the Mentos experiment.

  2. What if his experiment makes everyone black out, and when they wake up there are dinosaurs? Something to think about.

  3. I wouldn't mind blacking out and going back in time to a time when they had A and W Rootbeer places you could park and eat out front of...

    Hey Tommy, dial in about year 1958 or so...

  4. I figure as long as no living creatures are involved, you're in good shape!

  5. LOL!! That's too funny! I hope he doesn't blow anything up.

  6. Ahhhhh that looks like the ole diffusing air experiment..or something like have no clue obviously.

    There are always treasures in my daughter's bathroom too...sometimes..I just don't wanna know!

  7. Hayden went through a phase like this too. Thankfully, he is now out of it.

  8. Hey, let me know if he does anything cool, cause my son is a science freak, too, but he always wants to build robots. Like, real robots to do chores for him, etc. I could use some ideas that don't require a PHD in rocket science or anything. :)

  9. great for you to let him work on his experiments... you never know, he could create the cure for cancer...

    until then, I'll pray that he doesn't blow up the house... lol

  10. He needs to get together with Elijah. They will either blow up or save the world!

  11. I love it! The sign is perfect. Some of the comments have me LOLing, though. We do have a drive-up root beer stand here in Cinci. All the old coots in my office get excited when it opens every summer. Your dinosaur joke would have been a hit with my son. He would have been all "YEAH!" and plotting and planning. I can't wait to see the volcano you are going to do with Tommy. :D

  12. At least he was considerate enough to put the soda bottle in a bowl to catch the explosion, should there be one. I'd give him big points for that.

  13. I still want to know what's up with that soda bottle!

  14. Yeah, what's up with the soda bottle? It kind of looks like a bomb!!

  15. As long as hes into science and not making bombs you should be safe!

  16. As a science awesomeness.

    As a mom..I'm a little scared for you.

  17. and he isnt telling you the ingredients of his experiment?


    thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  18. Ha! That is so super-cool! Have they been doing a lot of stuff like that in school, or is this just Tommy taking the initiative to learn about stuff that he thinks is cool? Either way, good for him!

    . . . and I friggin' LOVE that door sign!

  19. You should start a store and sell that sign. I'd totally buy one and hang in on the bathroom to keep the kids out while I poop and/or pretend to poop so I can read magazines.

  20. I'm so happy I'm not the only one dealing with "science experiments". I have them on the counters, in the freezer, on shelves....all of them involve water and usually end up stinking. Yuck. lol

  21. ohh that looks dangerous, my son had a similar one that randomly exploded in his room about a week later. smelled like vomit and spewed every where. im still finding that sticky crap..

  22. Tommy's experimentation lacks rigor. It appears that he has no Control Samples. They will ridicule him at the Institute. But Tommy will show them. He'll show them all!! (rub hands and laugh maniacally)

  23. That is awesome that he is so into science. You should buy him a white coat like the kid wears in Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. *lol* So cute. :)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and making my SITS day so awesome!

  24. Well Tommy has my attention with all of that stuff. Tell him we all want to know what the coke bottles do!

  25. Obviously Tommy and Sean speak the same language. I'm scared for you.

    Or, if things work out, see you at the Nobel prize ceremony.


  26. I sense an explosion is imminent. It was nice knowing you.

  27. “I gave birth to you so those rules don’t apply to me” applies in every situation.

  28. I think you'll be okay unless he wants you to start calling him Mcguyver. Then you're in BIG trouble.

  29. Do you want to keep him? If not, Alex and I would love to have him. He and Alex have a lot in common.

  30. I love how into science he is! Thats really great! Maybe he'll invent flying cars, or a a pill that makes your tummy flatter and boobs bigger! :) lol! Because I'd totaly be okay with that!

  31. OH sweet. I thought my kid was doomed to be the 40 year old virgin cause he's all science expirmenty too. go check him out on youtube by searching frankinfly " the alex experiments. How awesome these kids are. I mean much better than what I was doing at their age.

  32. Eek! Any combination of those things could take half the country off the grid.

  33. You're such a spoil sport. Way to try and ruin his EXPERIMENTS! Geez.

    Anything blow up, yet?

  34. That's a pretty sophisticated experiment he's got going on there. Cool for him! I've been gone so long I almost forgot how much I love your writing. Oh so good!

  35. LOL this is SO FUNNY and SO NEAT! :o) You're posts always make me laugh - your kids are adorable! :o)

  36. Sounds like me when I was little. I think I drove my parents up a wall with all my crazy ideas.

  37. Our boys are so alike...Brad put toothpaste in a little container yesterday with water. It looked like worms floating at first, then he mixed it up...and made me taste it...yuk! On Mothers Day he found a cute little caterpillar. Rolly as he is called was still up in his room as of yesterday, almost bald and dead! I released the little guy and got in a whole bunch of trouble. I forgot to look today to see if he was still around. We put him in a safe place. (we think)

  38. I wish my son was more into science stuff. All he wants to do is design video games and read. lol Hopefully he gets rich and buys me a BIG house.

  39. The note on the door is hilarious.

    Soda pop and Clorox...I think the kid is planning to take over the universe.

  40. His science experiments are great! I'd be proud as a mom to see my son exploring on his own as Tommy is doing. Kudos to him...and obviously to you for encouraging it. (and I'm with you on the "I gave birth to you" thing)

  41. Clearly, he's going to discover somthing amazing anytime soon. ANd as it'S technically your bathroom, you should probably get a cut in the profits...

  42. Its amazing the things we mom's find in our kids rooms. Most days, I'm scared of what I will find when I go in there!

  43. My daughter used to make "Expereeeements" too only I think it was just her way of making a mess sound educational.

    Oh and I love Flashforward!!!!!


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