Hey, It's Okay....
To not have pre-ordered the new iPhone 4. I mean, okay, I think it’s cool but I have Verizon so I couldn’t use it anyhow.
To get utterly cranky when it’s incredibly hot.
To not ever allow my 16-year-old to sail around the world. If they ever wanted to I’d make them watch Jaws in hopes that the prospect of sharks would change their minds.
To be sad that The Tudors is all over. Boo. Must go visit the Tower of London, Hever Castle and Hampton Court.
To not watch True Blood. Maybe I should start. My PARENTS even watch it and I hear James Frain, my former eye candy from The Tudors is on it now.
To hope that you’ll be able to try fried green tomatoes while visiting North Carolina. (And yes, I got the idea of trying them from the movie Fried Green Tomatoes. )
To love hot dogs even though people claim that it’s made up of ass and lips.
To be irritated that Bethenny Frankel looks so good ONE MONTH after having her baby. And okay, to be a little MORE irritated when she’s all, “While pregnant you shouldn’t pig out.” Really? You shouldn’t? Dammit.
To be a freaked out when grown men are excited over watching Eclipse. Because the story is just THAT enthralling? Thank goodness my own husband mocks it mercilessly.
To think it’s strange when women don’t fart in front of their men. I understand not in the beginning because it’s important to keep up the façade that women don’t poop/fart/etc but at the year mark, it’s okay to pass gas, seriously. I give you permission. If your man is cool, he’ll laugh.
To hate when celebrities say things like “no carbs, no salt, and no sugar” on why they have a smoking body. I’m sorry but I need carbs, and salt, and sugar to be happy so I guess no smoking body for me. Oh well.
I get so angry and cranky when it's hot. It's kind of scary.
ReplyDeleteI really need to jump on the trashy HBO TV show badwagon.
ReplyDeleteI bought presale tickets for the midnight showing of Eclipse. :D
ReplyDeleteCranky when hot is completely normal.
there's a restaurant here in my hometown that has a cheeseburger that includes a fried green tomato on it. i can actually hear my arteries clogging while i eat it, but it's so good that i really don't care. no carbs, no sugar, no salt....no happy.
ReplyDeleteTuesday is not a good day in my world. It's my heaviest work day because papers go to print. But I now look forward to Tuesday because of this! I swear that does not make me pathetic.
ReplyDeleteI'm digging true blood - i'm on season 2 now. it may not be up your alley though.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter and I will be seeing the midnight showing of eclipse, we love the whole series. Hubby however would rather slam parts of his anatomy in a car door than watch it. I'd be weirded out if he liked it.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get on the True Blood band wagon, but I don't have HBO, so I'm waiting on the DVD's to come in from the liabrary.
Thanks for the morning giggle...well...actually...I am crying because I'm laughing so hard.
ReplyDeleteYou know . . . You could have ordered the iPhone 4 and shipped it off to your gay bff in California . . . ;) :)
ReplyDeletei TOTALLY fart in front of hubs.. oh well! he still keeps me!!
ReplyDeleteNo carbs, no salt, no sugar, no life. Give me a break. Does the fine print mention the full time trainer ;-)
But hey, it's okay!
I still haven't farted in front of my BF loud enough for him to hear because I turned it into a game. So, until I fart he says he won't fart either. So we both sit in gassy agony laughing at each other and crying on the inside. LoL
ReplyDeletei totally fart on the hubs all the time! i've even been known to dutch oven him AND fluff the covers! also? he taught me everything i know!
ReplyDeleteI bet all those celebrities don't tell you about their personal chef, personal trainer, and personal nanny. We could all look like that, too, if we had someone to follow us around and make our lives easier.
ReplyDeleteIf I had someone to follow me around and motivate me and cook me meals, I'd look like that, too! Well, maybe. Or perhaps I'd just ask the personal chef to whip me up some tiramisu. . .
I'm sure we could all look fabulous by cutting out those things too...AND having a personal trainer and chef!!
ReplyDeleteI lol'd at the sailing around the world thing!
ReplyDeleteWHAT PARENT IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO THAT?! They are just asking for trouble! ugh stupid parents!
I am kinda.. sorta.. a little excited about eclipse.. but if I had a bf/hubby I'd be weirded out if they were too! lol
I want to watch trueblood, but I didn't start it from the beginning and I have this "thing" with starting things from the beginning..
ya know...?
Anyways.. you know how much I love your its okay tuesday.. its one of my favorite parts of tuesday! :)
I try not to get cranky when it's so hot but I usually fail.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree on the farting in front of your man. They do it all over the place, you can pass gas with them in the room.
ReplyDeleteOk, I think it would be awesome if my 16 year old sailed around the world!
ReplyDeleteI laughed out loud at the Jaws comment. I think I would do the same thing. I LOVE, LOVE the Tower of London and just London in general. My mom took me to London once and I am dying to go again. My husband is a school teacher, so that's not happening anytime soon. :(.
ReplyDeleteDebra, http://www.housewifeeclectic.com
I think living completely carb-free is wrong. And salt and sugar in necessary from time to time. Stupid celebrities and their stupid crazy diets {shaking head}.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally okay with everything you've said EXCEPT that it's ok not to watch True Blood :-P (But then, you knoe my stance on that!)
ReplyDeleteI want to know what that girl is eating then!
ReplyDeleteI had the same thought about the sailing girl - hello parents? are you out of your minds?
1. You can, in fact, buy fried green tomatoes here in North Carolina. I'm not sure where you're going to be if you're coming here, but if you'd like, I can tell you where to get them.
ReplyDelete2. Had a conversation about not pigging out while pregnant at work yesterday. My boss, who's from Puerto Rico, was saying she didn't understand US doctors saying to limit your eating. Her words: "I ate everything. Ever. Y. Thing." I feel that's how it should be.
Totally agree on the teen sailing around the world....I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd no body should be able to look this good in a swim suit!
that body? i think it's a nip here and a tuck there..
ReplyDeleteI can handle the heat. I'm from Africa for goodness sake. But this humidity is a killer. And yes, it makes me cranky too.
ReplyDeleteI get cranky if I can't have carbs and sugar. It's not pretty. I'll keep the weight.
ReplyDeleteNext think you'll be saying is to lay off the smokes and the beer too! Come on Amber!
ReplyDeleteI thought the whole point of being pregnant was that it gave an excuse to pig out... :)
ReplyDeleteRe: Fried Green Tomatoes
ReplyDeleteThe airport you're flying into is about 2 miles from my apartment, so I could quite literally see the plane you'll be on come in which is. . .weird to me for some reason.
Since I'm really wordy and I have a couple of options to suggest, I'll send you an e-mail to the Yahoo address you've got on your blog, as to not take up tons of space here.
One last thing? It's been painfully, painfully hot and humid here recently, just FYI.
Im cranky from May to October...because its so hot!!
ReplyDeleteI get very cranky if it's hot. And I call hot what other people call vaguely warm. This causes problems.
ReplyDeleteWhere do you live? Because I'm wondering how cranky you would be here in Florida...
ReplyDeleteAnd I didn't even get a chance to keep the mystery alive with The Husband. I told him my stomach hurt one time when we were dating or engaged (can't remember, all happened so fast), and he told me to lay on my right side. I didn't realize the goal was to pass gas. But that's what I did, right in front of him. Oh well, it prepared him for when I got pregnant.
I tried to play with you but I ran out of things to be okay about. I decided that was okay! :) You can find my (very short) list, and a link to your fabulous blog, here: http://www.bethszimmerman.com/?p=1524
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I have farting contests. And we clap when our daughter farts. That's just the kind of family we are.
ReplyDeleteAnd if you have to give up all that is good and tasty to have a body like that? I don't want one.
You HAVE to watch True Blood! It's great. Start with the first season DVD, and give it a chance over a few episodes. Things really get going during episode 5. Now, once you get into it, you're going to be horrified your parents watch it! Lot's of sex and lots of violence. It makes the twilight series look like a bunch to high schoolers! Oh, wait a second...
ReplyDeleteAlso, did you know that spontaneous combustion happens much more to women than men? Think about it....
I have temporarily jumped on the True Blood bandwagon. I'm a little confused by its popularity though... the acting kinda stinks, haha.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I've lived in NC for four years and have never seen fried green tomatoes... To be fair, I have never looked for them.
this always makes me laugh. so I did one too - http://parentplanet.wordpress.com/2010/06/21/hey-its-ok/
ReplyDeleteI hate Bethenney Frankel for looking so awesome...did you see the reunion show? Her baby was 12 DAYS OLD! I mean, I love her actually but I hate her and her perfect body! I'm 4 months post-baby and still have 10 pounds to go...UGH! How do they do it???
ReplyDeleteOkay, I don't know who Bethany Frankel is - but if she looks good 1 1 month after giving birth - and I look like this almost 16 years after giving birth - I hate her. Period.
ReplyDeleteI think it is VITAL to be able to fart in front of your partner.
ReplyDeleteI mean, I dated someone for a month with whom I was not at all comfortable and therefore never farted in front of him. I've never had such bad stomach cramps or diarrhea.
Fried green tomatoes are delicious!! I actually had them as an appetizer at our wedding. Soooo yummy! When you're in NC, try some BBQ too.. Western NC BBQ is the best ;) Another Southern dish you should try if you havent already is fried okra.. mmmm! Oh and shrimp and grits. And a big F you to the woman who said she does not eat salt, carbs, or sugar. I rather have some curves than be a stick and be deprived of yummy food ;)
ReplyDeleteBahaha! I never fart in front of my husband. He assures me that he wouldn't find it disgusting, but I just can't do it. Although, I was sick about 3 months ago and I'm pretty sure he heard me on the can. Couldn't help those ones.
ReplyDeleteSo that's why I like hot dogs so much
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking Jaws 2 would be a better deterrent. It should also help deter pre-marital sex. Sex = eaten by shark. I think it should be part of every sex ed. class!
ReplyDeleteNo carbs, no salt, no sugar...what the hell is the point?! It's like saying you snack on ice chips (Mariah Carey). Really?! No thank you. Besides, I've already established that chubby people look younger. And that works for me.
ReplyDeleteHot = nearly psychotic in my book which is why you have to put on a sweater when you walk in my house.
True Blood is my FAVORITE. I bet you'd love it. It's very un-Twilight like :)
ReplyDeleteLeft you some blog love ....
Yeah, can we just get past the superficiality and remember that there's more to us than what we weigh? Please? Oh well, maybe some day...
ReplyDeleteGREAT post!! Just stopping by to say THANKS for stopping by on my SITS day. Hope you have a great week!
ReplyDeleteSeriously? Hot dogs are all lips and ass? Damn!
ReplyDeleteI took you up on the offer to post a similar entry on my blog! :)
ReplyDelete1. It's good to use as much as possible of the animals we keep and kill, therefore hotdogs are good - even if they were made of hooves. (°v^)
ReplyDelete2. People who only stick to their healthy food don't live longer - it only appears longer to them because they are not having fun.
It's okay to escape my reality at times by watching another person's reality show on tv.
ReplyDeleteThe Real Housewives is my secret indulgence (but I always click it off if hubby comes in). I think I weigh more now than Bethenny did at 40 weeks pregnant, so there's no surprise there! You hit a lot of my buttons this week... too funny to see them in print.
ReplyDeleteI have never watched True Blood either.... It just has not interested me, though I admit that all of the talk has me ever so slightly curious.
ReplyDeleteI did pre-order the iphone though :)
I love hot dogs and apparently don't care what they're made of. If something has no carbs, salt or sugar, what is left I ask you???
ReplyDeleteI eat carbs and salt when I get really hot - and my bodies gonna kill me.
ReplyDeleteSometimes you have to let a 16 year old go do what they can...
I'd have my 16 yr old watch "Castaway" too. Isn't that the one with Tom Hanks stranded on the island?
ReplyDeleteAnd guys liking "Eclipse" is just....ewwww.
I agree - its more than ok to get grouchy in hot weather.
ReplyDeleteYou HAVE to try fried green tomatoes while in North Carolina. I always try a local dish while traveling. And, besides, they aren't half bad!
ReplyDeleteI love hot dogs, too, especially Chicago hot dogs.
LOVE True Blood!
Carbs, salt and sugar are BAD for you? Then what else is left to eat?
I'm of the generation of women who don't fart. Sorry!
I didn't understand the hoopah about True Blood (my friends practically hyperventilated when they excitedly spoke of the upcoming season) until they forced me to watch it. Now I'M the one that practically hyperventilates when I speak of it; it's a great show so definitely watch it if you get a chance.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I live in Texas and my ex boyfriend's grandmother was the queen of southern home cooking. Fried green tomatoes are incredible! Boo to no carbs and no sugar! If God didn't want us to have sugar and carbs, he would not have given us Wing Stop, with their super awesome sugar coated french fries. MMMmmmm!