Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think I’m going to do this every Tuesday now. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.

Hey, It's Okay....

To sometimes want to have a freak out like that flight attendant who suddenly quit his job after being berated.

To feed your children processed foods.

To wish Brendon from Big Brother would grow a pair of balls. Maybe they fell off in the water? He is a swim teacher.

To make regular bag lunches for your kids and think the whole Bento lunch craze is a tad bizarre.

To be a little bummed that your mother is leaving today. No one can cut fruit like her.

To be counting down the days until school starts again.

To want to go to Italy after watching Eat, Pray, Love.

To still think of Neil Patrick Harris as Doogie.

To think the ‘just kidding’ lady on SNL is irritating, not funny.

To wish you could afford a tummy tuck.

To love the invention of Skype.


  1. Bento box lunch craze?? I know what a Bento box is, but parents are sending the kids to school w/ them? interesting.....

    Yeah, Neil Patrick Harris will forever and always be Doogie

  2. I'm going to build an airplane slide outside my door at work.

  3. My friend (14) told me that as soon as she was older, she was planning on getting her teeth whitened and a tummy tuck. I was like; No! You're only 14, why would you want that?
    Society is really screwing with people. I just always remember that scene from 'Click' when Adam Sandler says 'You wannna have a flap fight?'
    And his son says tells him he lost his weight working out. Somehow it's sad and hopeful at the same time.

  4. Seriously, people actually do the bento thing? Regular lunches all the way, here!

    And, skype is totally awesome.

  5. I really look forward to these from you...great! I'm with you, a bento box? I really want to see Eat,Pray, Love...is it really good?

  6. I had to look up the Bento thing (I have a three year old and a three week old so no school lunches yet). And Neil Patrick Harris will ALWAYS be Doogie!

  7. I haven't seen or read "Eat. Pray. Love." yet, but I've wanted to go to Italy ever since I watched "Under the Tuscan Sun." Which is also based on a travel journal and got me hooked on reading them.

  8. Yea, Brendon definitely needs to grow his balls back. It's amazing I can still be annoyed with Rachel when she's not even in the freakin' house! LoL

  9. I've seen the words "Bento box" floating all over the bloggesphere, but I'm still not 100% sure I know what the deal is. Or what it is to begin with.

    I want to go to Italy too. To eat. The whole time. *sigh*

  10. i have no idea what a Bento box is! i'll hafta google it!

  11. I have no idea what Bento is? I love Doogie. I think a lot of SNL now is more irritating that funny. I love reading your Hey, its okay's....

  12. Doogie! He'll ALWAYS be Doogie.

    I too have never heard of this bento lunch craze. Heading to my friend google to find out what it is...

  13. -Once I left a job after being berated, but I was very young and the job was awful.
    -Bentos are very pretty, aren't they.
    -You are welcome to Italy whenever you want ;P

  14. I would love a tummy tuck.
    NPH will always be Doogie.
    That SNL skit is so completely not funny.

  15. WTH is a bento? off to google. I want to see eat pray love.

  16. I didnt know what a Bento box was until last week either...I dont really get it!

  17. SNL has lost the magic - ever since Jimmy Fallon and Tiny Fey left...

    Gilda was the perfect "never mind" laff...

  18. I love Kristen Wigg but her just kidding character is annoying. But I am impressed by her lung capacity.
    Have you ever seen her character on "The Lawrence Welk show" sketches? They are my favorite.

  19. Can totally understand your love for skype (smile)

  20. Bento Box? What is that? Too lazy to Google; besides mine just buys whatever crap they are selling at the school.

  21. I don't know what a Bento Box is either. And Neil Patrick Harris IS Doogie.

  22. Unfortunately SNL quit being funny YEARS ago- the last time i really laughed was probably about cowbell- I need more cowbell!!


  23. To wish Brendon from Big Brother would grow a pair of balls. Maybe they fell off in the water? He is a swim teacher.

    I SO AGREE!!! I want a few of them out of there now...like Matt, Brendan and Ragan...Enzo too! I can't wait to see what Rachel gets to doo soon...

  24. To wish Brendon from Big Brother would grow a pair of balls. Maybe they fell off in the water? He is a swim teacher.

    I SO AGREE!!! I want a few of them out of there now...like Matt, Brendan and Ragan...Enzo too! I can't wait to see what Rachel gets to doo soon...

  25. Yeah, I think I just might win the award for feeding my kids the most processed food in THE WHOLE WORLD! I didn't know what real food was until I read a book about it awhile ago. Wow. I'm surprised the kiddos are still alive.

  26. What the hell is a Bento box?

    Is that a thing?

  27. I eat processed food, too - I can't help myself.

    Hope you had a great trip with your mom!

  28. Love the new Tuesday posts! Hope you enjoyed your time with your mom.

  29. Ummm, what the hell is a Bento lunch? Now Im gonna have to look it up.

    Brendon definitely needs a pair of balls. Holy moly. He probably deserves a medal too.... for putting up with Rachels annoying laugh.

    I have to go in to Thurs for my scar revision. (ya know, from my tummy tuck.) They are gonna give me shots. In my tummy!! Are you sure you want a tuck? lol

  30. I too, have never heard of the Bento lunch craze. I agree though, it is okay to counting down the days until school starts. It's 7 for my kids!

  31. Yes, Neil will always be Doogie, and that other guy will always be "Irkel". Then all is right in the universe. They never grow up and I'll never get older. -J

  32. Ah, Doogie. Yes.
    I always want to go to Italy, no Eat, Pray, Love required :-)

  33. Now I have to look up "Bento box". Thanks. I'm clueless in, well, wherever the heck we are today.

    Eat, Love, Pray is on my list to see. Can't wait!

    And Italy, also is on my list to see in my lifetime!

  34. Damn, I have to go look up Bento too!! Just say Eat, Pray, Love last night and I will be going to Naples and getting that damn pizza if it's the last thing I do!!

  35. I didn't event watch Doogie and i think of Neil Patrick Harris as that character. Great piece.


  36. I must try out this Skype thing...

  37. I'm counting the days to school starting too! Bye Mom! Sorry you have to leave though.

  38. I think I'd take the money for a tummy tuck and hire a personal trainer and chef.

    here's mine - http://parentplanet.wordpress.com/2010/08/18/hey-its-ok-4/

  39. Bento boxes are normal in Japan, you should see what kids here get for lunch. Having to make one every day would make me go mental like the flight attendant. BTW how awesome was his escape down the emergency exit? I'd love to do something like that!

  40. Yes to Doogie, no to Bento boxes for tots unless they pack them themselves, yes to Italy after reading the "Eat" section the book (sadly, the only section I really loved). And big yes to skype for you, Tom and the kids.

  41. Every time I see a movie like Eat Pray Love, I feel like I should GO SOMEWHERE! Italy would be nice. =)

  42. Where do these people doing Bento boxes for kids get all their free time? Seriously, what's wrong with a sandwhich in a brown bag?

    Brendon is sickening...and I'm pretty sure he is gay. There's nothing wrong with it Brendon, just come out already!


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