Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. I think You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To be curious about that new planet that has been found that might support life.

To be a fantastic person to trick on that show Scare Tactics. I’d seriously scream the place down. Oh, and probably cry.

To have FINALLY found the Pumpkin Pie Poptarts. And yes, they’re delicious! Get thee to a Target and pick up a box.

To be upset that My Generation is getting cancelled. It makes me cranky when good shows are cancelled yet shows like Jersey Shore are ultra popular. What is wrong with America?

To cringe when people use the word ‘preggers’ or ‘prego’ when someone is pregnant. Prego is a spaghetti sauce, preggers is just an irritating word.

To love the site lamebook.com.

To be affronted that someone is going to publish a book that Snooki wrote. Snooki. Seriously? I’m working my arse off trying to get published and someone like SNOOKI is going to have a book before me?

To be a big fan of beef jerky.

To still not like seafood despite the fact that people always make me try it to “make sure completely that I don’t like it.” Newsflash. I STILL don’t like it.


  1. I feel the SAME about seafood! Except sushi, I love sushi. Go figure.

  2. Pumpkin pie pop tarts sound like the thing I might be missing in life. Those sound fantastic!

  3. Snooki and a book deal. There is just all kinds of wrong with that.

  4. I never dreamed Snooki could read a book, much less write one. Who would read any drivel written by this person who breathes in oxygen that could be better used by almost anyone else on the planet?

  5. I too am sad when they cancel great shows and keep crap! I will NOT buy Snooki's book! I am tired of people telling me to try salmon one more time...No it's nasty!

    It's OK to put on pajama's after I walk in the door from work!

  6. I'm with you on the preggers/prego thing..hate that! You've really got me wanting those pop-tarts right now and there's no way I'm gonna make it to Target today.
    Going right this minute to check out lamebook.com.

  7. I would SO read a book that you wrote. What is it about? You have quite a talent for writing and humor. You GO girl.

  8. Well boo for canceling My Generation! I liked that one! Also you may now be my hero if I go to my Target tonight and find the pumpkin pop-tarts. I have been on the prowl for those things!!

  9. I haven't even watched My Generation yet (it's on the DVR). Maybe I shouldn't even bother. I think I curse new good shows since every one of them I choose to watch gets cancelled.

    And there is a new planet? Guess I need to stop falling asleep during the news!

  10. Seafood is gross. And will always BE gross. End of story.

  11. OMG, Lamebook! Someone posted one of these on facebook once & I thought it was hilarious. Glad to know there's a website out there that I can now obsess about. Thank you for that. :)

  12. Really? Didn't My Genereation only air like TWICE? How can they cancel things after such a short time. Lame!

    Thanks for the pumpkin pie pop tart update. I shall journey forth and find them.

    It truly shows the ignorance and idiocy of the American people that someone as stupid as Snooki is even ever "news" much LESS getting a book deal. Or, it's just an insult to us that book publishers THINK we'd even be interested. Amazing.

  13. Pumpkin Pie Poptarts?!? I had no idea! I am all over that.

  14. Um...pumpkin pie pop tarts? I don't think that's ok. Just sayin'

    However...beef jerky? I am all about that! Oh! YES! I! AM!

  15. I'm still upset that My Generation got cancelled. I've never watched Jersey Shore, nor will I ever. Sads.

  16. Sorry, you're supposed to say 'I don't yike it'

  17. Some days I'm tempted to head for that new planet, assuming it can support life...

  18. Drat. Why must I live in a country without a Target? I *need* pumpkin pie pop tarts. I have not seen these here...

  19. haha!
    hubs found those same pop-tarts and squealed like a little kid.. it was actually rather startling!

  20. Even Snooki's parents are surprised that she's writing a book. One of them was quoted as saying that she has only read two in her life!

    My Generation has been cancelled? I guess I'll just delete it from my DVR.

  21. Snooki may be getting published first - but she won't have the longevity that you will have - or the intelligent audience either.

    I'm not a fan of seafood per se, but I LOVE shellfish. I may not understand why you don't like it - but I'd never push you to try it.

  22. I just recently discovered your blog and LOVE it! I sit there on the couch snorting and snickering and my husband knows exactly what I'm reading!
    I love your Tuesday posts! I also love lambook.com and am disgusted by Snooki.
    Oh, and I love JoeinVegas's comment!

  23. I think that Jersey Shore, especially Snooki, suck. I can't figure out what is so great to watch about that show. I haven't even tried to watch it haha.
    I love love love this great idea!

  24. Totally agree on the Preggo/preggers things. I prefer the traditional "knocked up".

    Seafood is awesome - more for me!!

  25. Great idea! I'm a big fan of beef jerky as well and am ok with both of us feeling the same way about it. ;)

    I would have the following on my list:
    To still not like peanut butter . :)

  26. Oh, errr, ooops, I meant to say after "peanut butter" above insert the rest of your "To still not like seafood..." portion of the post. :)

  27. That's what our kids always used to say to us when we tried to make them try tuna flan. 'You might have changed your mind ... That was last year you didn't like it ... Your tastes might have matured ...' MOTHER, I DON'T WANT YOUR TUNA FLAN.

  28. It looks like I'm going to Target today! LOL

  29. Seriously..they are canceling My Generation. Hasn't it only been on twice?

    And, huge fan of beef jerky here. YUM!

  30. TV can be a poop head sometimes. Canceling the good shows and leaving the nasty ones.

  31. I'm totally with you except for the seafood thing. But just because I like it doesn't mean I wouldn't respect your dislike and try to foist it one you. (So feel free to stop by for dinner. And there'll be no tuna flan (seriously?) either.) Lobster is my favorite food, but I completely get why people wouldn't want to eat it, and in fact, am totally amazed that someone ever tried it in the first place. "Hey! That looks like a giant, crawling, underwater roach -- and it's eating crap off the ocean floor... who's got the melted butter?"

  32. Lamebook.com is awesome! You should also check out failbook.com. Same premise, just as awesome.

  33. thank you for introducing me to lamebook. I needed another time waster.

  34. I despise the word 'preggers’ & ‘prego’ too. I won't even buy prego sauce now lol. Also, my target is lame and doesn't have the poptarts...but I will find them! Thank you for giving me hope they are still out there.

  35. i have scare tactics connections... he he watch out..

  36. My Generation is getting cancelled? It's on at a bad time slot, I think. But, it shouldn't get cancelled!

  37. i have cut many friends out of my life who refuse to give up the word "preggers". THAT and "bestie" and "chillaxin" can die a slow and painful death as far as i'm concerned.

  38. For serious? What's the deal with this new planet? How neat!!!

  39. P.S. Oh yea, "Prego" is "Thank you" in Italian as well. :)

  40. I don't like seafood either! And people seem personally offended when I say I don't like shrimp. Just can't. Don't like the texture.

  41. I saw the new planet segment on the news! That's so cool.

    Did I tell you how much I love Tuesday's because of these posts? Ist that creepy? oh well. :)

  42. Ok, I am okay with everything you said. Thanks for finding the poptarts. Daughter found mint chocolate flavored gum. I am in love. Very good mint flavor with a hint of chocolate.

  43. I hate the word preggers too! But Love saying preggo my eggo!

    Its because of my obsession with JUno!

  44. wha???? Pumpkin pop tarts? I"m so on it. Now, lamebook? Adore it.

  45. Nailed every single one, right down the line! So many morons are getting published for all the wrong reasons...

  46. Ok Im guilty of dropping a prego sometimes...but preggers, annoying!

  47. Giant Eagle stores DO NOT have Pumpkin Pie poptarts...I checked today.

    Snooki who?? Someone's dog??

  48. OH! You too? I have always hated seafood. There are a couple of things I can tolerate but I don't enjoy it - AT ALL!!!

    My husband is for sure that I am doomed unless I eat it. My joints ache - you need to eat seafood. I have a headache - you need to eat seafood. I stubbed my toe - you need to eat seafood....ARGH!!!

    The guilt trips that I will die sooner & leave him all alone.

    Then there are the articles on the benefits of seafood. I usually pull up the ones about mercury poisoning or something.

    I am glad I am not the only one.

    My family is from the low country & swear I am a changeling. I just tell them I was born under the sign of Cancer so I don't eat my brethren.

    Outcast - again.

    Pumpkin poptarts sound interesting.

  49. There's no way Snooki actually wrote a book. I just dont believe it.

  50. I met a woman who spent 15 years getting published. Needless to say, she wasn't in a reality show. Sad.

  51. Haha Thank you for just introducing me to Lamebook! Hilarious1

  52. You always have the best list. Off to check out lamebook...

  53. Snooki just illustrates there is something very, very wrong in this country...

  54. Hmmm, pumpkin pie poptarts? Must try! And I solemnly swear that I will not read Snooki's book until after I have read YOURS! In fact, I solemnly swear that I will never read Snooki's book. Who's Snooki? Just kidding!

  55. literally drooling over the thought of punkin pie pop tarts. omg. Oh My GAH!

  56. I DESPISED being called Preggo when I was pregnant with the twins! Was it not bad enough that my stomach was the size of a beach ball?

  57. I hate it when I tell people I don't like seafood and they are all - "well, try this, it doesn't taste fishy". Don't you want fish to taste fishy? So weird. Fishy or not, it's disgusting.

    I'm totally sad about my generation too. I liked it!


Thanks for the comment!

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