So every once in awhile I like to post the things that I like.
I like hanging out with the elk in town. Sure, I’ll occasionally get some strange looks from the cars passing by but oh well.
I like Natalie’s Halloween PJs. I almost want a pair in my size.
I like how Tommy can take random objects around the house and make it into something like this.
I like how Glen the antelope invites all his antelope friends to eat my plants. Actually, wait. I don’t really like that at all.
I like how Natalie will walk around with her hands on her hips. She can be bossy as anything but I can’t help being amused.
Okay random Elk is funny. The antelopes are hysterical. Aww sorry they eat your plants. I'd freak if I saw antelopes like that on my yard. Aww Natalie is adorable!!! Oh your lil boy is creative!! =) Cute post!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter does the hands-on-hips, head-wag when she's being bossy. It's simultaneously cute and annoying!
ReplyDeleteUm, I have to ask, is that an athletic supporter on the right-hand side of Tommy's creation (which I'm assuming btw, is some kind of space racer or ship).
I need to walk around like that more. I like her style!!
ReplyDeleteGlen the antelope KILLS ME! They really look like lawn ornaments - all spread out and standing so nicely! Now when you start naming Glen's friend - that is when I will start to worry about you!
ReplyDeleteOh, your Natalie cracks me up (and reminds me of mine so much)...those little hands on her hips..leaning on the couch with her jammies. She's too much.
ReplyDeleteAnd, Glen and friends and family? Suck!
You should send Natalie after Glen. She'd boss him off the base.
ReplyDeleteYour son is amazingly creative.
Are those seriously antelope in your yard?????
ReplyDeleteI need to get online now and look for me some pjs!
love your wee girlie's jam-jams
ReplyDeleteDo they make those pj's for adults? I'd like a pair too.
ReplyDeleteAll of those are great! I really want a pair of those Halloween pj's for myself!
ReplyDeleteI know that Glen eating your plants and all, but he's too cute. :-)
ReplyDeleteI can see Natalie running things. Tom will probably have some retraining to do when he gets home.
ReplyDeletei looove the airplane (?) that Tommy built! ingenious!
ReplyDeleteI like all of these things, too! Even the elk, because from HERE it's hysterical. Sorry. And if you find PJ's like that in your size, clue me in, cuz' I NEEEEED some!
ReplyDeleteVERY adorable pj's-- LOVE them!!
ReplyDeleteI think the picture of you and the Elk is great... well actually I think all the pictures are great. A friend of mine was having everything in her yard eaten by deer and she bought "liquid fence deer & rabbit repellant" The stuff is totally rank but it is the only thing that actually worked for her. Maybe it will help protect your yard from Glen and his friends.
ReplyDeleteawesome. You have found objects artist on your hands with Tommy :)
ReplyDeleteHoly legs on Natalie! She looks like she might be tall when she gets older! They are super cute PJs, I miss the days when I could get away with wearing such things....what the heck, I probably still could! haha.
ReplyDeleteTommy has an eye of design - he might be on to something'll have to post more of his creations!
I think all boys must make weapons and heavy machinery and planes and such out of random objects because I'm always finding stuff just like that around here. The latest is some sort of gun made out of a plastic hanger and some markers and scotch tape!
ReplyDeleteAre those antelope not afraid of people at all? We only have deer around here but they are very spooked by anything that moves.
looks like the reindeer ditched the sleigh & Santa too...WTC????
ReplyDelete....are you holding Santa hostage???
OMG! Looking at Tommy's creation...scary! He is so like my daughter, it isn't even funny. She makes stuff like that all the time.
ReplyDeleteI have a polygamists family of deer that I could send over to spend time with Glen. Just send address. :)
ReplyDeleteI think I want a pair of those jammies, too! I love my daughter's stripey Halloween shirt. :) And the elk is very cool. I totally wouldn't give you weird looks for hanging out with it. Well, I suppose if you started to converse with it I might.
ReplyDeleteI love Natalie's cute outfits! Also, I totally like Tommy's creations. Cute kids!
ReplyDeleteTommy is, indeed, creative. ..what is it? Love the posts!!
ReplyDeleteYou are touching an elk's booty.
ReplyDeleteIf your elk got together with my deer, maybe they could go out and eat SOMEBODY ELSE'S plants! They destroy everything in our yard!
ReplyDelete--but I do sort of feel sorry for them-- they gotta eat somewhere... and I love watching them...
Tommy is so creative! Thats just awesome.
ReplyDeleteAnd I like Elk too. With steak sauce. Yum!
Those Halloween PJs are adorable!! haha
ReplyDeleteGlen is such a mooch! Maybe if you put a salt lick or something like that out they'll stay away from your plants.
Remember the feety pajammas we all had when we were kids? Yeah, I want those as an adult. Nothing beats a great pair of feety pajammas. -J
ReplyDeleteLove those pjs!
ReplyDeleteI totally like the elk. I know you dont but I do :) They're kinda cool. When is hunting season?
What was he building? Looks pretty intense.. Time traveling machine maybe?
I'd comment on the pic of you and the elk, but you know? i have a pic of me KISSING a buffalo statue, so who am I to talk? Oh, and the antelope pics? awesome! and Elijah is the same with stuff around our house. nothing, I mean nothing, is safe from his "inventions"
ReplyDeleteI like the Halloween pjs too!
ReplyDeleteHalloween PJs. And Elk. It's a good day.
If you could just get Glen and his posse to hang out with the elk ...
ReplyDeleteLove Halloween PJs; confident, assertive, hands on hips attitude; and random object creativity. You have a fun house!!!
I like Amber!
ReplyDeleteGah. That is way too sweet...
It IS Halloween, though...
I love the PJ's and the hands on the hips. And random iventions... what a lucky mom you are.
ReplyDeleteMy youngest does the hands on hips things too and I cant help but laugh!
ReplyDeleteI'm digging those pj's!
ReplyDelete..if you find those PJ in 2xl... let me know?