Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Hairy Purse

I’m sorry.

But I don’t understand a lot of the trends.

Like these:

I guess these fringe bags are “in” right now.

I personally wouldn’t know whether to wear it or pet it.

(And PS—who would pay $1800 for a purse with strings?)


  1. I'm with ya on this one....don't the strings just scream grab me and run??? Thanks for stopping by and making my SITS day special!

  2. Ewwww! LOL!!! I don't like the hairy purses either. I never understand some of the trends that catch on.

  3. I saw that too....WRONG!

    Watch...we'll ALL be wearing fringe in 2011. :)

  4. I don't understand MOST trends. They're all mysterious and ugly to me, most of the time. But really, nothing makes me crazier than RIDICULOUS things like $1800.00 PURSES! People should be shot for paying that. That could feed a small country, right? Or at least pay my bills.

  5. HeeHee I like the little faces drawn on the purses! I too don't ever get Hollywood trends. $1800 on a purse is ridiculous... that's nearly 2 times my rent LOL

  6. P.S. The middle one looks like Chewbacca to me!

  7. Those hairy purses were popular some years ago, but they did not cost 1800. wow

  8. a purse with dreads!!!! THANKS!

  9. I was going to say "I love them!" but I couldn't do it with a straight face :-P Yuck.

  10. 1800 bucks. Who would pay that much for any purse. Ridiculous.

    And yes, those are very ugly

  11. People with no sense of taste or fashion, and who also have a whole lot of money to waste. I'd slap their faces with that money for spending it so stupidly.

  12. I don't get those.

    I get open-toed boots even less.

  13. Who would pay $1800 for any purse, I wonder?

  14. How about I just take a purse with $1800 in it? :)

  15. I'm not super trendy at all. I don't like the hairy purse...ick and 1800 really?!

  16. Who would buy ANY purse for $1800?!?!?!

  17. i know right??
    probably i would be wearing it.. some of the fringe would tickle my arm.. and i would scream like a little girl cause i thought a spider would be on me.. lol

  18. I love that after thumbing through a fashion magazine that a 150.00 purse seems to cheap to me when I normally wouldn't pay over 30.00.

    My old purse is worn out and "stringy" do you think that is close enough to fashionable?

  19. I agree - I hate seeing something I DO love in a magazine only to see the price tag and die. Or the best "Price available upon request" - which translates to "If you have to ask, you can't afford it."

  20. EGADS! $1,800 for a PURSE? A FUGLY one at that?! That's my mortgage payment and my house is pretty. Unfortunately I don't get fashion. Which is why my wardrobe consist of jeans and t's or jeans and sweatshirts. Plus my tennis shoes.

  21. I kinda like the look but not for $1800. No way!

  22. Heck with the strings, how could you carry a purse with a face on it?

  23. When my granddaughter, Arianna - age 14, and I went shopping for her birthday several weeks ago, we saw "oogy" bags and boots too. They had fake (I hope) fur stuff hanging on them or they were made of oogy fur. What is oogy? I think you can picture it.

  24. The amount of money designers charge for things astounds me. Don't they know a recession is going on?

  25. If the price included a night or two with the model carrying it... I might consider...

    Oh.. never mind.

  26. How stupid. I could make that with a sewing needle, a bit of thread, scissors, and a plain piece of fabric. And I don't even sew. :P

  27. That's just insanity and I agree..that thing is hideous.

  28. $1800?!! That is so ridiculous. It makes me want to go up to that woman and smack her up the back of the head.
    And it's ugly to boot.

  29. agreed! UGLY!

    looks like that furry thing on adams family!

  30. I like the fringe, maybe it is my teen years in the 70s.. but 1600 no way. I like food and heat too much

  31. Seriously? Those are the ugliest bags I have every seen. Also I think you could find something very similar from the 70's in a vintage clothing store (ie: thrift store) for a quarter.

  32. If I had $1800, I would buy a lot more than just a bag. And certainly not an ugly one.

  33. I'd rather have $1800 IN a purse than a purse WORTH $1800!

  34. Right there with ya! But then I still shop in other people's closets, so I'm not exactly a fashionista!

  35. It sickens me what people (celebrities) will pay for some things. It's a frickin' purse! I got mine on clearance for $8.00 and love it!

  36. Wow. Before I saw the pictures I thought maybe you were writing the world's most unappealing "Letter to Hustler" ever.

  37. Hey I just subscribed to you :) Thanks for checking out my blog, I look forward to reading yours!

  38. Really?! That $150 bag looks like something a grade schooler did for arts & crafts. Hmmm...

  39. To answere the question: those who have more money than they have sense. Most ridiculous!

  40. My friends and I were talking about purses last night. I would never spend more than $50. Especially not for something that looks like that. Crazy!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. LOL... but i have got one, too!!! black with fringe. looks nice when i pair it with jeans :) & mine is just less than USD50.

  43. $1800 or even $875 for a purse is a little mind boggling, fringe or not. What I'd like is a cute pair of boots with fringe on them. =)

  44. I wouldn't pay that amount for ANY kind of purse, let alone one with strings. I think it's ridiculous, personally, what people will spend way too much money on. IIt has to come back and bite them, right? Karma.


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