Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To chant “Go, go, go” to the team you want to win in The Amazing Race.

To think it’s ridiculous that Charlie Sheen’s people are saying that he acted bizarrely while staying at the Plaza Hotel due to adverse reactions to medication. Please. It’s called drugs and booze.

To love the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It made me appreciate Windex.

To have battled the crowds to check out the 50% off Halloween stuff. Didn’t find much though. Bummer.

To still wonder why people refuse to use their turn signals.

To not get half the fashion that’s shown in Cosmo or Glamour.

To like the show Hollywood Treasures where old props from TV shows and movies are sold. They showed a prop room filled with stuff from the show Lost. I want some!

To be grateful that neither of my children like Justin Bieber.

To wish I had more time to read.

To have enjoyed watching the cast of The Sound of Music reunite on Oprah last week.

To have had more Halloween candy than the kids. I can’t believe there are parents out there who suggest getting rid of some candy so there won’t be any temptations. Waste perfectly good candy? I think not.


  1. Are there any celebrities responsible for their own actions? *rolls eyes*

    I do not get fashion either. Of course, I never did.

    Aw, man. I'm bummed I missed that reunion on Oprah. Sad.

    Enjoy your Halloween candy. My daughter is only 20 months old, so of course, all she wanted was suckers. Her father and I made short work of the good stuff in the bucket. :D

  2. Glad I'm not the only one who has had more candy than the kids.

  3. so with you on the Amazing Race one. And also it's ok to yell at them when they are stupid.

  4. Get rid of Halloween candy?!?! Hellz no! The temptation is taken away from the kids when I eat it! I sacrifice my waistline for their benefit.

  5. I think I've eaten half of my kids Halloween candy already. And the rest will be brought to their dentist. They do a candy-buy-back where they give kids $1 for every lb they bring in. And then send it to our troops.

    I too wish I had more time to read!

  6. To think it’s ridiculous that Charlie Sheen’s people are saying that he acted bizarrely while staying at the Plaza Hotel due to adverse reactions to medication. Please. It’s called drugs and booze.

    This! I'm so tired of all the cover ups - do they think we're stupid?!

  7. I've been know to yell at the TV during the Amazing Race. Last year I was for the cowboys all the way. This year I don't really have a favorite team yet. I don't like the tattooed people because that guy is a dick. I don't like the Claire and what's her name because what's her name is annoying. Maybe I like the doctor chicks the best although I doubt they need a million dollars.

  8. Irks me to no end when people don't use their turn signal. But the worst is when it's a busy 4 lane highway and they don't get into the turning lane before they try to turn left!

    I Love that movie too though I haven't yet tried to put Windex on a zit or a bug bite or anything. I wonder if it really works?

  9. I totally believe the Charlie Sheen medication story. The medication is called cocaine.

  10. Charlie Sheen, gag.
    I LOVE My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Such a great movie. Hmmm, I think I'll have to watch that today.
    I'm totally with you on the candy thing. Don't waste! That candy could feed a village in Africa ... and give them cavities too.

  11. The Charlie Sheen thing has been cracking me up. Like, seriously? Medication? Does ANYONE believe that? But then a secret part inside of me says, "What if it really WAS medication and we're all just skeptical?" Darn that part of me.

  12. you should see if they have LOST stuff on ebay. they have everything.

  13. Ah, the medication crutch. Because that has NEVER been used before. Gag.
    I once interviewed a prop master who told me all kinds of prop stories. Many shows I'd like props from - sadly, I cannot find a life-size, full-flesh prop of Ian Somerhalder. *shrug*
    I'm grateful my stepdaughter doesn't like Bieber either.

  14. Wait a second here....are you saying that Amazing Race started again and I didn't even know about it? Please tell me you're kidding. I can't stand missing even one moment of that show.

  15. I'm not a huge fan of halloween sales, but I can't wait for Christmas shopping. How do you find out about the 75% off sales on toys at target? I need to be in the know.

  16. Love this idea. Very clever! Wish I would have seen the Sound of Music show.
    And yes, I too am eating more candy than my child! LOVE HALLOWEEN!

  17. I used to live near a store that would get clothing from film and tv productions. You could sometimes score some really good deals on designer clothes. When I was pregnant, I got a pair of maternity slacks that were originally from Pea in the Pod. I think they were over $100, but I got them for $15. They were great for work. They were used on the show called The District. The character's name was written inside the pants. That was a fun store to shop in!

  18. Wait, doesn't drugs and booze count for medication if your doctor perscribes them?

  19. Dangit I missed the Sound of Music cast!!
    I'll go eat a few more candies to make up for it...

  20. Do people really get rid of the Halloween candy????? Nah, I think they tell the kids they do and hide it so they can keep it all to themselves. Not that I've ever done that *cough, cough*!

  21. Well, candy to waste is a wasteful thing. Go for it!

  22. I am really thinking about throwing out the candy...I do not need anymore candy..but my husband would kill me.

  23. Ha, Mine would maybe be: It's okay to eat out (eating by myself anyway) any time I want to.

    It's okay to sit around all day in my housecoat if I don't want to get showered and dressed.

    It's okay to be up at four in the morning if I can't sleep.

    Well, you get the idea. Thanks for coming by once in awhile to visit.
    I really enjoy reading your writings and your humor.
    BTW, Amazing Race is one of those I have just never been able to watch. Maybe part of it was because they used to run over into a show I wanted to see more. Ha ha.

  24. I liked this idea, & I had to steal it to make me feel better about today. So your idea is now used on my blog, with credit given to you of course! so thanks:)

  25. Wasn't the Sound of Music Oprah show wonderful? When I lived in Orange County, California, a woman told me that she never never used her blinkers because if you signaled that you were changing lanes, you'd just get cut off. This way she was able to sneak into a different lane before they realized what was happening! =)

  26. Glad I'm not the only one who chants/shouts/cheers at the TV while watching TAR. Or Survivor. Shane thinks I'm a total whackadoodle for doing so.

  27. I've seen at least 2 ads on freecycle from people giving away leftover candy before they eat it. SACREBLEU!!! I had FIVE fun size Snickers bars at the end of it.*

    *not counting the whole bag of Baby Ruths and Reese's Cups I ate before Halloween.**

    **or the pieces I would grab every time I walked by the bowl.

  28. Okay, Charlie Sheen's people must be on the same drugs and alcohol.

    Never give away chocolate or caramel. Make them peel it out of your cold, dead hand!

  29. I thought Charlie Sheen was acting weirdly due to "exhaustion". Or maybe he's a closet Scientologist?

  30. I'm 10000% with you with the Justin Bieber thing...


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