Monday, February 14, 2011

Gourmet Valentine's Day Cookies?!

“I think the kids will really like the cookies you’re bringing to the Valentine’s Day party,” I said to Tommy as he sat writing out his Valentine’s.

“Frank said his Mom is bringing in gourmet cookies. Made at home,” Tommy added pointedly.

“Frank is probably lying out of his, butt,” I corrected. Gourmet cookies indeed. At a children’s Valentine’s Day party? If that was true, what a show off. And could Tommy bring home one so I could try it?

“Why don’t you make cookies at home?” Tommy wondered as he scribbled out his name on the Valentine.

“Trust me, Tommy, it’s better that I don’t,” I replied. I’m not the worst cook in the world but I have dropped an eggshell in the batter many times. And once I accidentally used olive oil instead of vegetable. “Hey, make sure you write neat.” Tommy’s penmanship was beginning to look like chicken scratch.

“I’m tired of doing this,” Tommy moaned. “My fingers hurt.” He curled and uncurled his fingers dramatically.

“Hey, imagine how I feel when I write all those thank you cards after Christmas. You’re almost done,” I reminded him.

Tommy scowled as he picked up his pen. “I don’t like this.”

I had to listen to him whine. It was not pleasant. All he had to do was write names. Imagine if he had to scrub all three toilets in the home like I had to do that morning.

Finally, Tommy finished. He had picked out Valentine’s that came with lollipops which will annoy the health nut mothers. They’re probably having their children pass out organic Valentine’s with a carrot stuck on it or something.

“Are we making my box?” Tommy asked.

He had to make his own Valentine’s Day box and this frightened me at first. In the past, all he’s had was a plastic bag for the Valentine’s. I am not crafty in the least and yes, I admit that I thought I’d have to hammer a box together.

Then someone suggested a shoe box.

A shoe box! Of course. Duh.

So Tommy made this:

Natalie, on the other hand, didn’t have to make her own box.

But she did have to bring in a healthy snack.

I really hope her class isn’t one of those who don’t allow junk food. I don’t think I’d let her attend a school where cupcakes weren’t allowed. That just seems cruel.

Anyway, I got her a platter of already cut up vegetables because have I mentioned that I suck at cutting things?

They got this for Valentine’s Day:

And yes, Tom sent me a romantic card where he basically said that I rocked, that he was glad to be married to me even though I’m odd, and oh, could I please stop shopping at Target so much?

Tomorrow I’m going out and getting 50% off chocolates. No sense paying full price.

Tom should be proud.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!


  1. A healthy treat? I think Valentine's Day NEEDS candy.

  2. You crack me up! I mean...way to think of the bottom line and get the 50% off chocolate. You've got your mans back for sure!

    Who asks for vegetables at a Valentines party? Odd! AND, I'm totally interested in seeing said "gourmet" cookies. I mean gourmet can you get? Unless of course you're the coconut chocolate chip from Paradise Bakery. YUM!

    Anywho...Happy Valentines.

  3. Yeah, I'm a day-after Valentine's Day sale chocolate girl too!

  4. what? Healthy Valentines snacks, I don't think so! I sent my 7yr old with Valentine's for his class that are the Fun Dips? Do you remember those from when you were a kid... the straight sugar... you even lick the straight sugar from sugar... yup that's right, I'm winning mom of the year award right there for this one! lol

  5. Valentines is not for the healthy. It's about chocolate and yum!

  6. Chocolate covered strawberries? - half way healthy!
    My tennage Aspie still hates writing thank you notes - kudos to you for getting your son to fill out Valentines!

  7. Cute, your husband cracks me up as much as your kids.

  8. What is Valentine's without chocolate? It's a great excuse to eat it all day long. I ate it for breakfast this morning!

  9. Luckily, since our school has several serious allergies, we're not ALLOWED to bring anything homemade - whatever it is needs to have an ingredients list and allergy notification on it. My excellent excuse to just buy cupcakes :).

  10. happy VD! i have been looking forward to getting myself some chocolates tomorrow at half off for about 3 weeks now.

  11. Thanks for the reminder to go out and by chocolate 1/2 off tomorrow! Yum! :) Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. My husband told me he considered NOT buying me chocolate since I'd been working so hard to lose weight, but he reconsidered after knowing how hard I've been working on my boxing skills. Healthy should take a break on V-day :-) Have a great one.

  13. Eh don't they know calories don't count on Valentines?


    This is what I made:

    Double Chocolate chip cookies (pictures included)

  14. So ... you going to Target for the 50% off sale? :)

  15. I love that you don't even trust yourself to cut up vegetables. Lol.

    Way to be a smart shopper. But also try Walgreens. They usually still have candy like four days from now and its 75% off. I know right?!


  16. Just buy the cookies and put them on a platter from home.. now they're homemade!

  17. Good strategory on the chocolate shopping. I am now convinced I should do the same.

  18. Our school system does the no homemade thing too, everything coming in has to be still in the box with ingredient labels.
    Get your self two boxes of chocolate, you deserve it. (Tom will be eating M&Ms anyway)

  19. I love mushy valentines cards. My son made me a valentine when he was about 9. It said some very sweet things, including "your eyes are as blue as the sky". When I questioned him about the "blue" he responded "What was I supposed to say? You eyes are brown like dirt!" Happy Valentines Day, Amber.

  20. Healthy treats are not allowed on Valentines Day!! And oh, thanks for reminding me about the 1/2 price chocolates tomorrow. Hello wobbly tummy.

  21. cuppycakes are the ultimate happy vday to me.

    and happy vday to you too.

  22. Hallelujah, praise Jesus, our school district doesn't allow "homemade" anything!! Yes, it sucks to pay for cupcakes, but it sucks WAY MORE to make them! ;)

  23. Wow, they really make this Valentine's Day thing a lot of work at schools these days. No wonder we grow up giving it all so much importance when all we really should be doing is looking for the after Valentine's Day chocolate sales. :)

  24. How had I forgotten about half off chocolate? Well, now I have plans for tomorrow!

  25. Health food and Valentine's Day do not go together. People need to lighten up!

  26. Well I for one love baking cookies and cupcakes... I find it oddly comforting. Or maybe it is just comforting eating all of them. Not sure. But I also love store bought cookies and cupcakes...I don't discriminate. They are all delicious! In fact I am eating a Costco ginormous double chocolate muffin as I type this!

  27. Hope you had a great VD! The holiday, not a disease. And whoever asks for a veggie platter for Valentines day deserves a real life VD. Unless it's actually a little kid asking, well then they just need to be introduced to chocoalte and cupcakes and cookies... someone needs to bring them over to the darkside. Veggies my ass.

  28. The post-holiday sales are the best - hope you score big!

    Is it weird that I went through this post thinking, "Is there really a poor kid out there named Frank?"

  29. MMMMMM You just gave me ideas. . . Sale chocolate ideas. . .

    Love the shoebox valentine carrier.

  30. Well, well, well, where were the gourmet cookies at our party, I wonder?? Our school has a "healthy snack only" policy, which I tell parents that it's okay to break. Especially if I'm waiving the rules for something like cheese nemesis.

  31. P.S. I was lazy and had my students decorate lunch bags at school. No boxes for them, but they all turned out fine!

  32. Sounds like a good Valentine's Day for you. My husband actually came home with chocolate for me. I was so surprised.

  33. Tommy's box is perfect!:) Yes, no sense in paying full price. Buy them all up & think of all the savings. hee-hee.


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