Monday, February 21, 2011

I Love You. Most Ardently.

“I love you,” I said to Tom as we talked on Skype. “Most ardently.”

I thought he’d be moved. Instead he went, “What did you call me?”

I sighed. This is why it’s hard to be married to a man who doesn’t like to read. “I said ‘I love you. Most ardently.’”

“Did you make that up?” Tom stuffed M&Ms into his mouth. He’s obsessed with the candies.

“No, I didn’t make it up,” I replied. “It’s from Pride and Prejudice.”

I expected Tom to nod. I mean, hasn’t everyone heard of Pride and Prejudice? Instead he just chewed on his M&Ms and waited.

Pride and Prejudice,” I repeated.

“Sounds awful,” Tom finally answered.

If things aren’t blowing up, he’s not interested.

“Mr. Darcy says it to Elizabeth and I think—” I begin.

“What kind of name is Mr. Darcy?” Tom interrupted.

“I don’t know. Ask Jane Austen. Only you can’t, because she’s, you know, dead. Anyway,” I pressed on. “I’ve always wanted someone to say that they loved me. Most ardently.”

Tom shook his head. “I’m not doing it.”

“Why not?” I demanded. Honestly, it’s not like I ask a lot from him. I only request simple things: such as dressing up as Henry VIII on Halloween (he won’t, he says there is no way in hell he’s wearing tights), taking ballroom dancing lessons (he’d rather kiss a toilet), and saying romantic things. Like I love you. Most ardently.

“I won’t say it because first of all, I already forgot the word,” Tom admitted. “Absently, was it?”

He’s lucky he’s in Korea. Otherwise I’d have conked him over the head. I find it amusing that he can remember all of Megan Fox’s films but he can’t recall a simple word.

“Ardently,” I corrected.

“Whatever,” Tom said. “Second, I won’t say it because if I did, I’d have to beat myself up.”

“It’s okay to show emotions,” I snapped.

“True. But not that way,” Tom insisted.

“Well, fine. I love you. Most ardently.”

“Great. And I just love you.”


  1. My hubby and Tom sound like twins

    I have begged for any kind of dancing lessons.

  2. Aww I love Pride and Prejudice. Mr Darcy is my ultimate fantasy man. Even if he is a bit stuffy and proud! Oh and movie wise I love Colin Firth Darcy! hehe

  3. Nope theres no way my hubby would say that either. LOL!

  4. I could probably get my boyfriend to say something like that. But he's the one into saying weird mushy things and I'm the one like "um, I just love you, okay?"

  5. I have been waiting for years for my husband to say to me "you complete me".


  6. Lol - I couldn't imagine those words coming out of my husbands mouth - EVER. Ok, maybe I could get him to say them within those precious 5 minutes after you push a baby out - when they are just in awe. Then maybe he would love me, most ardently.

  7. I don't think in all my life I've ever met a man who would say that... Or knows what it means. *sigh*

  8. Aw, isnt he romantic? lol

  9. haha so cute -- my husband would roll his eyes at me for that too haha =)

  10. LOL At least you got an I love you out of it!

  11. Hahaha, great one! How it happens that we marry men who are our opposite?

  12. i almost watched pride and prejudice today. the one with kiera. i still might. i'm in a romantic mood. then my lame ass husband will come home and ruin it.

  13. My husband hates my obsession with P&P. He often makes fun of Mr. Darcy - to which I tease him that he knows who Mr. Darcy is.

  14. At least you got an I love you... My kids get them all the time, but me? Only in times of crisis. I spend all my time making up crises so that I can get a bit of love around here.

  15. He loves you ardently and absently, Amber. Chill.

  16. Men! If I told my husband that he'd laugh at me. :)

  17. My husband once told me he loved me more than the feeling he got when he farted after eating Mexican food.. isn't that lovely? ;)

  18. This is such a silly exchange! And I think "I love you, most absently." pretty much would hit the nail on the head, neh?

  19. This is such a silly exchange! And I think "I love you, most absently." pretty much would hit the nail on the head, neh?

  20. Guys don't talk that way in real life.

  21. I'm laughing so hard. I do love Ms. Austen, but I have to say "ardently" sounds kind of like work. Absently? Still laughing.

  22. Maybe a more fitting response from him would have been, I love you more than M&Ms?

  23. LOL, I doubt there are many men in this world willing to talk like Mr. Darcy!

  24. Mr. Darcy is such a gem - his character sure did set the bar high.

  25. Gah I wish to tap into your skype...Hee that sounded dirty and so not classy like Jane Austin

  26. If you ever get him to say it make sure you record it for posterity.

  27. You gotta love him! He's not going to change, either!

  28. LOL I am most amused. That made me AND my hubby laugh.

  29. wow... Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite movie, its been almost a year since tha last time I watched it.. now hearing those words again, definitely will watch it tonight! :)

  30. Well, at least he loves you, right??

    Now to make my husband say it....

  31. My hubs would say it but he'd be laughing the whole time. He also might say he loves something else about me "most ardently"... TMI?


  32. I love little tidbits of stuff from you and Tom, it's like I'm there...

    but I'm not, that would be creepy~

  33. Bahaha I love that he said he'd have to beat himself up. P&P is one of my favorite movies ever, and the book ranks high up there as well. Love love love!

  34. The whole if I said that I'd have to beat myself up thing TOTALLY sounds like my husband. Whatever, how hard would it be to just play along once in a while right!


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