Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To only like the ending of Love, Actually. The rest of it is pretty boring.

To think Celebrity Apprentice will be amusing. With Gary Busey, it can’t go wrong.

To dread going to my annual girly appointment this week. Note to self: shave legs.

To love having peppercinis as a snack.

To have joined drama class in high school so it could help me to not be shy anymore. It did not work.

To not understand why some parents won’t buy their kids ‘character’ clothing. Meaning clothes with cartoon or other characters on them. Some claim they are ‘tacky’ and ‘not their style.’ Great. But suppose it’s your CHILD’S style?

To be happy that The Event returned. It’s a good show. Not as good as Lost, but entertaining enough. Plus, Luke from Gilmore Girls is in it. I guess he’s an alien.

To almost be ready to list Natalie and Tommy’s summer clothes from last year on eBay. If you need size 2T and some 3T for girls and size 7 for boys, check out the link when I post it! Probably won’t be until next month though.

To wish I could make it to BlogHer this year…but that’s around the time my husband comes home from Korea and then we’re moving to Oklahoma. Ahh well…maybe next year?

To desperately need one of those Mom Makeovers.

To still want to go on a Henry VIII tour in England in a few years. Maybe I’ll even wear my Anne Boleyn costume and screech, “You bastard!” at Henry VIII’s gravesite.


  1. Good luck selling the clothes - it always feels so nice to downsize (or just make room for more). And I loved ALL of Love Actually, actually. :)

  2. I love when you post on Ebay! I am in need of some summer dresses, cant wait!

  3. Hey it's ok to have a snack. End of discussion - who cares what the snack is!!

  4. Don't forget to paint your toes too for your apt!

  5. I agree about the character clothing. Kids love them.

  6. Girly appointments, yuck!

    What are peppercinis?

    I can't wait to check out your ebay stuff!

  7. Today's paper talked about Gary on their trip here to Vegas. He does sound even worse than Charley Sheen.

    Didn't understand your line "To have joined drama class in high school so it could help me to not by she anymore."

    What's by she?

  8. particularly like the Anne Boleyn moment...lol, can picture it now!

    Can it be ok to eat nothing but bon bons and watch Soap Operas today, like all the working Moms & Dads think we stay at Home Moms do? I am having one of those days...lol

  9. 1. Love Actually is one of my favorite movies, actually!!! LOL!!
    2. I always forget to shave my legs for those appointments. It's still winter ;-)
    3. I'm guilty of not liking character clothes. I have become a little more open to this, but it must not be too overwhelming. I will refuse to buy him character shoes. Sorry. I draw the line there. But to each their own.
    4. A mom makeover would be fabulous!!!
    5. I can meet you in England and we can both do a skit or reenactment. LOL!!!

  10. I love all of Love, Actually. It's one of my favorite movies!

    And the Celebrity Apprentice this season is a whole ball of crazy!

  11. shave your legs...bah..they've seen it all.

    My son does pick out his own clothes at the store now. Guess what, he usually picks the ones with characters on them. I think some parents are trying to make mini versions of themselves.

  12. Oops, sorry for the typo. The drama class thing was meant to say BE SHY not BY SHE. Have I mentioned I am not a morning person? ;)

  13. You just reminded me that I need to make a girly appointment. Ugh.

    Shyness is very hard to overcome. I'll be 40 next month and I'm still shy most of the time.

  14. Bummer on the BlogHer thing but its understand able, I guess.

    And I can't WAIT your for your ebay link. Can you just send it to me and no one else. ;)

  15. Don't you kinda think they kept Richard Hatch for "entertainment purposes". I think David Cassidy was the scapegoat. You have to wonder if they manipulate things a little bit to keep the ratings where they want them.

  16. Awww, I love every bit of Love Actually.

    ha! Shave legs. I don't care about that so much as I wish they would buy me dinner. I've gotten a free dinner for less...

  17. I don't know, I think the most entertaining part of Love, Actually is when she can't stop swearing in front of the new prime minister. That was hysterical

  18. Oh I bet you sell everything! Your kids have THE BEST clothes! I think I will have to watch Love Actually tonight.

  19. Oh, how I need a mom makeover!

    I will be looking for your link to ebay- my oldest just had a growth spurt and outgrew EVERYTHING. He needs size 7s and I know from your posts that you pick out the good stuff!

  20. i've started shaving my legs more regularly so that I can wear my capris to exercise.

  21. I worked for Warner Brother Store division for 4 years. I actualy had a mother return something because her religion forbid characters on the clothes.

    Really? Religion forbid it, huh? In So. Florida of all places. Really?

  22. I can't bring myself to shave my legs before the girly appts ... it weirds me out - like I'm going on a date to get checked out in all the 'right' places haha =)

  23. Please do let me know if you go on one of the Henry VIII tours. I really want to be there when you do that.

  24. Yeah, I shave my legs for girly appointments. And I have listings for TradeMe (the NZ eBay equivalent).

    I don't buy character clothes because they're so expensive!! (But they still get them in handmedowns, bought off TradeMe, and given as gifts.)

  25. LOVE pepperchini, LOVE LUKE/Gilmore girls, and can't believe you are/were shy/anne boleyn "you bastard?"

  26. So you immediately sell all your kids clothes? Smart. I just have bags and bags and tubs or their clothes, because I MIGHT have another kid. And I MIGHT NOT. It's ridic. And I wish Natalie wasn't the same size as Maggie, cause I'd TOTALLy buy your castoffs.

    Luke from Gilmore Girls. YUM!

    And lastly...I can not do peperacinis or however the heck you spell that. ICK!

  27. In my mind, anything Gary Busey touches is gold! LOL

  28. Even if the ONLY contestant was Gary Busey, I'd still watch the show. LOL :D

  29. A jar of peppercinis only lasts the amount of time it takes Hubs and the kids to realize it's there, to be totally decimated. Guess I should be glad they want to snack on those instead of Oreos or something :P

  30. I so need a makeover...of any kind! But definitely one that includes some nips and tucks

  31. I'm really shy too, which makes it really hard to make friends. And don't you love the opening scene at the airport from Love Actually? Maybe it's because it's where I arrive when I go home and I love scaning the crowd to find my Dad.

  32. I always shave my legs for my lady bits appts too. But I'm one of those moms who has a kid without character clothing. Her style is what I say it is these days ;)

  33. I think I have to agree with Love Actually. I watched it recently (been watching Hugh Grant's movies recently) :) and yes, pretty boring. But I love the ending, not Hugh Grant's part though.

    Hmn... don't you think we ought to make a campaign? I mean, let the kids be their own style? :)

    Btw, I had my It's Okay Tuesday too. Thanks to you. :)

  34. I hate the OB-GYN appts, too. Really. Who DOES like them?

    The Event is back on? Huh. Didn't know.

    Did you mention that you were moving to OK when Tom returned from Korea? Must have slipped my mind. Senior moment!

  35. I just watched the first episode of The Apprentice today. I don't know that I can keep committing two hours to it, but it looks like it's going to be entertaining!

  36. Why is it that we shave our legs for gyne appointments? I will say, though, that when I have a female gynecologist, I don't actually shave my legs. I figure she doesn't, either, in the winter, so she won't care.

  37. Wish you could come to BlogHer, too. I would have loved stalking you.

  38. Sorry about the Blogher Conference. I'm going because it's only a couple hours away by car. This will probably be the only one I go to!

  39. My ebay stuff is going up soon too! 'Tis the season!

    Sorry to hear about your lady bits appt. I hate that time of year too.

    And I am definitely guilty of not liking the character clothes. I do however allow some, namely shoes and pajamas. Oh, and underwear. I compromise :)

  40. Gary Busey... he is a freak. Totally amusing for sure or at least a train wreck anyways.

    Shave legs... ha ha ha, I always think about that too.

    The Event - My husband was so excited when he saw it was back on. I didn't get into it. I'm not big on the sci-fi thing. I tried with Lost, I just couldn't watch them all. I got sidetracked easily.

    Yay for your hubby coming home!!! Booo for moving, moving sucks. Well, except that you get to purge & that is always a good thing. Hmmmm, I need to move so that I can do that!

  41. Are you going to be living close to Pioneer Woman? ;) I'm glad hubby coming home is in site...

  42. Wow...moving to Oklahoma! Exciting!
    I wish I was moving south.

    I always wonder how they find the women on MOM Makeovers. I always think....What about ME! I need a Makeover bigtime! Ha

    Have a great dr visit.....ewwww!
    Yep shave your legs and paint the toenails.

  43. I did my Hey It's OK today! It was fun!

    I think pepperocinis are a perfectly acceptable snack. Right along with capers. #LoveSalt

  44. What a fun feature idea! I just might have to thieve it from you and Glamour... I'll give you all the credit, of course.

  45. I so agree about the character thing. I mean wtf kind of message are you sending that you won't let your child dress the way they want? of course sometimes I feel like I would offend almost every mother on the internet- I was all bring on the painkillers for the birth (damn them for not working). I need a c-section for my son to live...fine with that! (though I ended up not getting one I would have in a second) at this point my son only dresses in pjs...all day. everyday. pjs. right now he's dressed as woody from toy story. for weeks he only ate mac n cheese. and I let him play in the sand at the dog park. yeah, dogs pee in it. I have other more important things to force him to do or not do. I've actually had parents stand there in horror with their child in their tight grip mumbling "you may not play in that" I mean its not like its a big cess pool of pee...but once in a while a dog runs up and pees in it...as they do everywhere in a dog park.

    here's mine - http://parentplanet.info/?p=2076

  46. oh and I keep meaning to tell you that I saw that the melting pot is having some special in april for free cheese fondue. I've never been to one hearing they are super pricey but I know you love them. hopefully you can find more info online than this lame post.

  47. Can't wait for Celebrity Apprentice this week. They are doing RV camping experiences in Manhattan! Can't wait!!!! LOL


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