Half my books are probably that genre.
So I was excited with Lisa from BookSparksPR contacted me about a book she and her friend Liz wrote.

You might have heard about Lisa and Liz. They run a site called Chick Lit Is Not Dead and I love it, because it’s so true. If you want to read about the latest chick lit book, check out the site. They also do giveaways on books, which excites me because free books=an ecstatic Amber.

Liz and Lisa wrote a book called The D Word. It sounds hilarious. (Curious on what it's about? Check out Amazon.com)
Clearly they do a lot of writing so they wrote a guest post on things they do when they AREN'T writing. So without further ado....here are 5 Things Liz and Lisa do when they aren't writing:
5 Things We’re Doing When We’re Not Writing
We spend a lot of time writing. The posts for our website, CHICK LIT IS NOT DEAD. Our two books: I’LL HAVE WHO SHE’S HAVING & THE D WORD. And emails. We write a lot of emails. And we love to write- everything from a story to a clever Facebook status (although Lisa’s been pretty rusty in that department lately). But that’s not all we do. Or all we’d want to do. Or all our husbands would let us do. So here’s what we’re doing when we’re not writing (in no particular order).
1.Exercising (Lisa) or Avoiding Exercising (Liz)
In an attempt to keep her sanity (and lose her spare tire) since having the baby, Lisa squeezes in workouts whenever she can- even at **gulp* 5 a.m. She looks like a hot mess when she staggers into the gym bleary-eyed but she tells herself it’ll be worth it when she can move from tankini to bikini. Liz, on the other hand, is quite adept at avoiding workouts. In fact, if it was an Olympic sport, she might even medal in it. Her hatred for working out started back in college when she fell flat on her face while trying to keep up in a step aerobics class and then reared its ugly head again recently when she tried, and failed miserably at, P90X. That's when she decided that it was much cheaper and easier just to give up cheese.
2.Watching Reality TV
Without shows like The Bachelorette and Big Brother, we’re not sure what we’d do to feel numb to the stresses of life. Thankfully there’s enough horrible TV out there to give our brains the vacation they need from real life so we don't have to turn to booze. Although, don’t get us wrong, we definitely enjoy our cocktails!
3.Planning Our Next Trip To Vegas
Okay so maybe we were just in Sin City for Liz’s vow renewal (woo hoo ten years!) and maybe we even have a rule that we only go to Vegas ONE TIME a year (hell, rules are made to be broken right?) but we might just be planning another trip to Vegas for September… and then another one in November. We like to use the excuse that we want to see each other since Lisa moved to Chicago two years ago. But really, we love to get dressed up, play some blackjack and maybe have a little escape from the kids. Speaking of…
4.Being Slaves to Our Babes
Lisa’s baby is almost six months old and Liz’s kids are six and four. So it’s safe to say they keep us pretty damn busy! From Girl Scouts (why oh why did Liz volunteer to be a troop leader again?) to Mommy and Me swim class (Um, why did Lisa sign up for a 9:00 a.m. session?) we’ve got our hands full. And if that's not enough-we decided to take the entire brood to Hawaii later this summer. It will be so much fun once we can get through the plane ride, right??!!
5. Stressing That We’re Not Writing
Sure, THE D WORD was just released. And yes, we should probably be kicking back and relaxing and basking in the glow of completing another book. But that’s not our style. We’re already in the planning stages for our next book that we both believe we should’ve started writing yesterday. So if you come looking for us in the next few months, you’ll probably find us holed up in a hotel room somewhere between Los Angeles and Chicago banging out another manuscript!
And great news. Liz and Lisa have offered a free e-copy of their book to a lucky winner.
To enter, just leave a comment on what your favorite book is.
For bonus entries:
Like chicklitisnotdead on Facebook
Follow Liz and Lisa on Twitter
Leave a separate comment with each entry.
Good luck! I will announce the winner when I return from Texas on July 14th.
My most recent ChickLit read/love is ONE DAY by David Nicholl ... awesome. Beautiful. Heartbreaking. Awesome. ChickLit written by a man is still ChickLit ... and anyone who can make me cry like a baby while reading deserves some sort of award (that he already won because the book is that good) because gosh darnit I'm not a cryer (or is it crier?) ... and crying while reading is challenging because the words get blurry and then it takes longer to read so you're stuck in the moment of tears for even longer.
ReplyDeleteBeing a slave to my 40 pound dictator 2 year old tops that list...oy...
ReplyDeletePS. My favourite book right now is the Birth House ;)
My favorite book is The Hunger Games. Love it!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity for the drawing and have a good trip to Texas! :-)
I also followed them on Twitter so I get my bonus entry? :-)
ReplyDeleteI want a free book!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book is Jen Lancaster's Such a Pretty Fat.
And while I'm here, I LOVE your blog Ms. Whispering Writer and I read it every day. Thank you!
Great giveaway! My favorite book is really hard to narrow down, but if I had to it would be Dark Slayer by Christine Feehan.
ReplyDeleteI love too many books to pick one favorite. I can't help it; I love words. Can I just pick them all?
ReplyDeleteI also already like chicklitisnotdead on FB!
ReplyDeleteHmm what book. The hubster and I cancelled our cable this year and are having a book-off. I'm winning:) Anyway I LOVED 'The Girl with the Dagon Tatoo' series but I think my favorite from that was probably 'The Girl Who Played with Fire'.
ReplyDeleteI am in love with Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGood in Bed By Jennifer Weiner. But I love everything she writes.
ReplyDeleteI just read Sarah Addison Allen's Garden Spells, and I loved it.
ReplyDeleteI "liked" on facebook. Is that a separate entry? I'm leaving a separate comment just in case.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOoh, this is such a tough one to answer. One that I can reread over and over again is Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite book is "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult. All of her books are amazing, but that one is still my favorite. And the movie doesn't do the book justice at all! I was rather upset with the movie...