Monday, July 4, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To not like it when people have deer heads on their walls. This freaks me out. The glassy eyes seem to follow me everywhere.

To want to see the new Tom Hanks movie. I really like him.

To always make the last bit of my ice cream soup when I have a bowl of it. I always stir the last bit until it's liquid and then I slurp it up. I only do this at home though.

To want to slap Casey Anthony's parents. And Casey Anthony. And her lawyer. Basically everyone who believes she's innocent.

To cringe when people walk into a room and say, "Knock knock." If you need to really knock, actually KNOCK. Don't just walk in and SAY knock knock.

To not care that William and Kate are coming to the US. They seem like nice people but really, I wish we'd focus more on our soldiers. You know, people defending the country.

To think plain oatmeal tastes like paste. I like the strawberries and cream one.

To have not seen fireworks on the fourth of July. There was a ban on them in Texas because of the drought. No biggie though.

To think it's silly that some parents are in a tizzy because they think Cars 2 was too violent. It wasn't. I liked the movie.


  1. Seriously there are some parents that think Cars2 was too violent........OMG thats sad!
    Get over it people, you cant put your kids in a total bubble. And if you want to......Don't go to the movies that aren't G rated!

    Yes I agree....plain tastes like paste. I like Maple/brown sugar!

    I didn't watch the fireworks tonight either. Too late, Dan's out of town working, Gav doesn't care.
    Happy 4th to you! Thanks to your hubby, you, and family for all the sacrafices for our country!!! Big hugs to you all!

  2. Seriously there are some parents that think Cars2 was too violent........OMG thats sad!
    Get over it people, you cant put your kids in a total bubble. And if you want to......Don't go to the movies that aren't G rated!

    Yes I agree....plain tastes like paste. I like Maple/brown sugar!

    I didn't watch the fireworks tonight either. Too late, Dan's out of town working, Gav doesn't care.
    Happy 4th to you! Thanks to your hubby, you, and family for all the sacrafices for our country!!! Big hugs to you all!

  3. Right behind you on slapping the crap out of anyone that thinks Casey Anthony is not guilty. errrrr

    Peaches and Cream Instant Oatmeal. oh yeah baby.

  4. As we were watching Cars 2, I said to my husband, "How many parents do you suppose are going to be angry and think this is way too violent?" lol. I didn't care about it, but I must say, I wasn't a huge fan of the movie, I got a little bored.

  5. I'm in Texas, too so no fireworks for me either! Felt kinda odd, not hearing any loud booms all night

  6. We missed fireworks this year, too, not because of a drought we just couldn't get to see them, and I am bummed. But my neighbors are still setting theirs off at midnight now so I can honestly say I've had enough fireworks anyway.

  7. I haven't seen Cars 2 yet. I'm afraid it will be too violent for me. I can't handle it!

  8. The 'Larry Crowne' movie is cute. Starts a little depressing, but gets better.

  9. I'm totally in love with Tom Hanks.
    He could film himself just saying the alphabet and i'd pay to see it.

  10. I want to see that new Tom Hanks movie too. It looks really good.

  11. I love Tom Hanks -- I can't wait to see Larry Crowne -- it looks so cute =)

    I feel the SAME way about deer mounts!! I don't mind the skull mounts but it is weird when they have the glass eyes...I told my husband if he ever has one it will go in a man room where it can't watch me haha

  12. Really? We've been on vacation, but I still want to take my 2 year old to see CARS 2.

  13. I love Tom Hanks!!! And Julia Roberts! This movie is a must-see for me!
    :( I'm scared that Casey Anthony might get off....

    *I didn't see a single firework either, I heard them... but I was trying to get LB to sleep while they were exploding! Not too easy :(

  14. Slap. Slap. SLAP! That's the sound of me helping you slap some sense into C.A.'s supporters.

    Ewwww...plain oatmeal. *shudder* Maple/brown sugar, please?

    William and Kate? *yawwwwwn*

    I've got my It's Okay Tuesday post up.

  15. I was nodding my head right along with every one but what new Tom Hanks movie? I love him too and didn't even know he had a new movie out. I must look into this at once.

  16. We had fireworks down the beach from us. They were loud and scary.

    I hope they fry Casey Anthony! Anyone who would lie like that about their child and not get hysterical sitting in court deserves it.

  17. It's dry here too, but there were tons of fireworks. Sorry you missed them

  18. I agree, you definitely need something else besides just the oatmeal. I like maple syrup and pecans. yum!

  19. I am in Texas too.. we watched fireworks on tv.. yipee! HA.. And we went and saw Cars 2 this weekend and I thought it was awesome!!

  20. I love ice cream soup! When my brother and I were younger, we used to let the ice cream melt a little, and then my dad would stir it up so it was all melt-y and soup-y and delicious! I think I know what I'm going to have for dessert tonight!

  21. I like Brown Sugar Maple Oatmeal, Tom Hanks (and Julia Roberts), agree about that Casey chick, and want to see Cars 2. It's all okay.

  22. I totally do that to my ice cream as well! I like it that way! As for Cars 2 being violent..don't think so. So much action for my 3 year old that he actually sat still! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  23. I guess you wrote this before the verdict came in? I'm going to be kind of surprised if some wacko vigilante doesn't decide to take justice into his own hands. Sad all the way round!

    And I agree ... our soldiers, sailors, etc. deserve our attention and honor ... William and Kate do not!

  24. Yes, I wrote this before the verdict.

    The verdict sickens me :/

  25. I agree. The verdict makes no sense. Same about those who think Cars 2 is too violent, though they are preferable to those who take their 5 year olds to zombie movies.

  26. Since you came to check out my blog I had to return the favor! Now following. :) And I agree with most of the things on this list (although we've gotten to watch TONS of fireworks this weekend). I totally do that with my ice cream, too. And the knocking thing drives me crazy! If someone says, "Knock, knock," to me, I assume a joke will follow.

  27. I don't blame you on the fireworks. My hubby did some in our yard and didn't exactly aim them right...they popped right over us. Yikes!

    I had no idea William and Kate were coming to the US. Guess that tells you how much I care? ;)

  28. Hi...Thanks for coming to my blog and commenting and thanks for reading my guest post at A Perfect Dose of Life. I've stopped by here and red the first two posts I see and they are fantastic. I am a new follower. Look forward to hearing from you more!!!!

  29. I'll admit it-we didn't go see Cars 2 because of all the hub-ub. More afraid we have to take out a shrieking two year old who is sensitive to sounds then any "violence". Oh well. We will get it on DVD.

    I like oatmeal too.

    But I'm SOOOOOO there to slap Casey Anthony's face. Can I slap her with, oh, a 2x4?

  30. Yeah when William and Kate come to California they are supposedly going to Disneyland and Watts..I've lived here my entire life and I avoid Watts like the plague..

  31. I vacated Texas for the flooded midwest- no burn ban here- shot off several hundred dollars worth of fireworks in my uncle's cul-de-sac. Put on a neighborhood show. It was awesome. It was also low maintenance- Light it and run, the fireworks pretty much ran themselves.

    I heard about the Anthony case while at Six Flags over Mid-America (St. Louis) today. My brother got mad at me for yelling while in line. I wasn't very happy. Then again, she'll face angry mobs forever, people will never accept her the same again, and she'll face her judgment day. She'll have to suffer for the rest of her life knowing that everyone else hates her and that she killed her kid. I hate her, I don't like that she's not charged, but I think that she'll suffer outside of prison too. Just look at how people are talking about her, people who don't even know her! I believe she's guilty, but whether she serves her sentence in prison or not, I think she'll get enough abuse to feel awful about what she's done, then eventually she'll face some judgment for what she's done. She'll be alienated. etc.

    Ice cream soup is awesome. Amazing. Blizzards from DQ are amazing.

    Saw something on William and Kate. Skipped over it. I only read internet news, so it was easy to skip.

    I hate all oatmeal. It's all paste to me.

    I absolutely hate when people think knocking no a door as they're walking in counts as knocking before entering. IT DOES NOT!!! Flipping a-holes, before means knock, wait for me to answer, then enter. -_- One of my biggest pet peeves.

    ~Perpetually Me~

  32. But isn't it strange that the premise of the new Tom Hank's movie sounds almost exactly like the TV show Community? Coincidence? Hmm...

  33. haha, I know what you meant about those obnoxious people who walk into a room with a shouted 'knock knock' but in MY world the knocks are followed by a newly 4-year old's really bad and just invented joke. ( have to say who's THERE now!)

  34. deer heads freak me out. and when you make them fancy by painting them white - doesn't matter.


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