Friday, November 25, 2011

How Did It Go?


Edible food!

We had Thanksgiving on Wednesday and I’m proud to say that everything turned out.

How was your Thanksgiving?

Do you go Black Friday shopping?

Tom and I were going to go to Wal-Mart. And then we remembered the site and realized what kind of patrons dwelled at the store and changed our minds.

I found some deals online, in the comfort of my home.

Still, I love to hear Black Friday stories. So if you have any, please tell me all about it.


  1. NO black fri stories here! I did the same as you. I did hear about a woman pepper spraying other shoppers over some bed sheets or someother kind of useless item. craziness!!

    YAY on cooking a great Thanksgiving dinner! :o)

  2. I can't stand crowds, I'd rather pay full price then deal with all the craziness.

    We are going thrift store shopping later though, they do Black Friday too and there are killer deals to be had.

  3. No Black Friday up here, but I've already finished my shopping anyway *whistles*

  4. The only Black Friday story I have is this - I normally don't "do" Black Friday; but this year I've got a houseful of people and desperately needed some alone time - so I went and wandered aimlessly around at Sears (the least crowded store I could find) for a while. Glad you had a great (and edible) Thanksgiving.

  5. Not, under any circumstances, would I venture out into the madness that is Black Friday shopping. No way, no how. The mere thought scares me more than spiders!

  6. Thanksgiving was great and our Black Friday experience was pleasant! Just a little out of it from lack of sleep now lol

  7. LOL @ the walmart peeps. That site is hilarious. Unfortunately I won't be able to part-take in Black Friday festivities since I live in Canada, but I am attending an American thanksgiving dinner with some friends from the states :) Hope you have a great holiday weekend!


  8. Looks delicious! Edible is always my prime goal. I stayed far far away from black Friday, though I'm quite fascinated by the phenomenon.

  9. That looks delicious! Glad your meal turned out well!

    I avoid Black Friday like the Black Plague, so I stayed inside all day yesterday. No fun stories here, but one of my friends (who works at Best Buy) ran a guy out of the store because he was hurling racial slurs at his manager. Gotta love that Christmas spirit. Sigh.

  10. Good thing you didn't go to Walmart. I can't believe how crazy people get. Shouldn't they be sleeping off the turkey dinner?

  11. i ended up at target. the line was long and it took an hour to check out, but the only thing that was crazy was the amount of people, lol. it would've been much better with someone to talk to though, talk about boring.

  12. Hey, we had edible food too! What a coincidence. I hate crowds, hate shopping AND hate malls, yet strangely I found myself in a mall on Friday, but we just dipped in to take kids to Build-a-Bear, which was empty, thank god. And we went to Toys-r-Us on Saturday, but it wasn't bad at all. And we got a 50 buck toy for 20, so I'm happy. Mostly shopping online this year.

  13. Sounds like your Thanksgiving was perfect....NOT Black Friday shopping. I would rather have a root canal.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I always enjoy "meeting" new friends. Your blog is awesome. I love hearing about dirty laundry!

  14. My sweetie wrote about our experience on my blog for today. Stop by and see what you think...

  15. I did the Black Friday Walmart 2am. (don't ask why) As soon as I saw the 4 lines of full carts and millions of people...I turned around and walked out. Target was waaaay less scary and ZERO lines! phew!

  16. I guess I should have specified that those 4 lines reached the BACK.OF.THE.STORE. I am STILl having nightmares!


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