Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up!


To not have watched the Grammys. I don’t like most of the music. I can’t believe that people find Nicki Minaj music.

To be sad that Whitney Houston passed away. She had an amazing voice and I feel for her daughter.

To have bought the new Sophie Kinsella book that is out today.

To love the movie Drop Dead Fred. Haven’t seen it? You should! “Cobwebs!”

To have a giveaway for a $20 gift card to Crate & Barrel here.

To be humbled that my nine-year-old is better at Angry Birds than I am.

To be purchasing chocolate for 50% off tomorrow. I wait for the Valentines to go 70% off and then pick them up for the kids for next year.

To have finally seen Breaking Dawn and giggled throughout it. I don’t see how anyone finds any of that romantic. An ice cold dude who stares at me at all hours of the night is creepy.

To have listed some items on eBay here. I will have more listed in the coming months.

To think that Valentine’s Day is a Hallmark holiday but still enjoy it. Tom has surprises for me today!


  1. I am sorry for Whitney and her family but am sick of hearing all the details of her death. Let's let the family grieve in private now....

    I loved Breaking Dawn the best of all the movies so far! Yes, he's creepy but he is a vampire!

    Way to go Tommy! Get those angry birds. I don't even have that app...

    Enjoy your valentines surprises!

  2. I agree, Minaj is just bizarre to me, as are the Twilight movies (no interest at all). The Whitney thing is very sad.

    Genius idea for scoring next year's stuff for nothing. Guess what I'm doing tomorrow??

  3. Very sad about Whitney. I was so glad to see her break away from her destructive relationship with Bobby Brown and few years ago and thought she was on the right path.

    Hope you get some good surprises!

  4. I love Drop Dead Fred and that line is my favorite of the whole movie!

  5. I don't care for the most of the music at the Grammy's either, but I watched for the Whitney Houston tribute.

  6. OOOOHhhhh! I didn't know there was a new Sophie Kinsella out! YAY!

  7. Ooh I love Sophie Kinsella. I hope you'll let us know how the book is.
    I always love buying any seasonal stuff the day after as soon as it goes on sale. One year I bought sooo much Thanksgiving-y decorations.

  8. I seriously purchased the "eagle" for .99 just for when I get stuck on Angry Birds Which is like, all the time

    I love 50% off chocolate!! :o)

  9. Breaking Dawn was the funniest of the movies...not my favorite. Enjoy your chocolate. :-)

  10. I had pre-ordered it based on your mentioning it in one of your posts and it is uploaded to my Kindle today! (the release date)

    Enjoy your reading and your chocolate!

  11. Yay for sale chocolate! And don't get me started on creepy sparkly nipples.

  12. It's more than all right to buy chocolate the next day at 50% off, but cards for next year? I would totally forget where I put them by then. Happy Valentine's Day!

  13. Happy Valentine's Day.
    And yeah...Minaj is...odd.

  14. I watched the Grammies for the first time this year. Was bored by a lot of the music, but I am becoming a big Adele fan.

  15. Your V-day candy idea is AWESOME! Although, if I did that there's no way it would make it to next year!

  16. I dvr-ed the Grammys. Then I can just zip through the music I don't like.

    I'm sorry to hear about Whitney, too. It's tragic to watch someone throw their life away.

  17. Nicki Minaj (insert gagging sound here!) is not making music, she's making noise.

  18. I didn't watch the Grammy's either...and I doubt I'll ever watch breaking dawn. I'm not sure I can handle that much brooding. lol

  19. I love after holiday sales!! They are the best!!

  20. I've never seen Breaking Dawn but I'm pretty sure that's exactly how I'd feel

  21. I hope you enjoyed you Valentine's Day surprises!

  22. I didn't watch the Grammy's either (I am more of an Oscar girl) but you better believe I'll be at Walmart tomorrow for the 75% off candy.

  23. I'm so impressed you're able to save the chocolates for the next year. Mine would go fast!

  24. I don't get Breaking Dawn either.

    And my 5 year old kicks my butt at angry birds

  25. I didn't watch the Grammys, either, and Nicki Minaj annoys me. I hate her voice, I hate her words, and she doesn't sing... she babbles!

    Whitney's passing is sad. Even sadder that they're putting photos of her face-down in a bathtub in the National Enquirer. That photo and those of her home in Atlanta should be illegal to post. Let the deceased have their dignity!

    I love buying myself books. hehe.

    Drop Dead Fred is THE BOMB!!

    My 7 year old is an Angry Birds prodigy!

    Half off chocolate... everyone loves that!!!!

    I haven't seen Breaking Dawn yet. I'm ready, though. lol


Thanks for the comment!

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