Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To want the new book by Jennifer Weiner that was released last week. It’s called The Next Best Thing.

To not get the allure of the band One Direction.

To hate the fact that someone published Rielle Hunter’s book. What she did was disgusting. And she seems genuinely surprised that people don’t like her.

To not be able to eat a burger from Red Robin without it falling apart on me. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

To hate when people use K’s to replace words that start with C to be cute. As you can imagine, most of the Kardasian Krap makes my eyes twitch.

To be listing Natalie’s fall clothes on eBay soon. I’ll post the link when I do. I think most things are size 3 and 4 with smaller sizes mixed in.

To think it’s funny when celebrities defend other celebrities on Twitter. Kirstie Alley had shared a quote from Miley Cyrus that said “Your born to live the life you deserve.” So naturally people were like, “She used ‘your’ wrong,” and Kirstie was like “Hey all you grammar police. Go fu*k yourself with a dictionary! I’m sure Ms. Cyrus is smarter than most!” I mean, seriously? Miley is 19. She should know the difference at this point.

To have a giveaway for the new book by Linda Castillo called Gone Missing here!


  1. The "K" thing drives me up the wall too. My very first job was as a waitress at the C&R Kountry Kafe and even then, I would cringe every time I saw the sign. That's probably part of the reason why I only worked there for a few months. :)

  2. I'm going to have to Google Rielle Hunter, I've never heard of her.. she doesn't sound like a great person though.
    I hate when people don't spell things with the correct letter. I also don't like when people add a z to the end instead of an s. Ugh.
    Checking out your giveaway :D

  3. Back in the 70s, the "K-for-C" thing was ubiquitous. Kampgrounds! Kandy! It was gross.

  4. At least you know One Direction is a band. It makes me mad when people who do wrong things get money for it.

  5. I have to cut red robin burgers in half in order to keep them from falling apart. Now I really want one...

  6. I think you don't get One Direction because you aren't 12 :) I'm sure my mom didn't get NKOTB back in the day!

  7. My niece loves One Direction. I don't get it, but I am not 13. If I was younger, I think I would get it.

    I cringe when I see your used instead of you're. I know sometimes people are in a hurry, but it seems so common these days like people don't give a crap to learn the difference. It makes me sad.

  8. Somehow I'm guessing that not knowing who New Directions is, is a very good thing. ;)

  9. Is it okay that I had to Google Rielle Hunter?

  10. I didn't know Jennifer Weiner had a new book out! must get it now!

  11. I hate that C to K stuff too!!

  12. I don't know why but I am totally in LOVE with One Direction.

  13. I don't get the whole One Direction thing either...when did boybands get cool?

  14. I'm now totally distracted b/c there was a book I wanted that was released today but I can't remember what it was... I'm now off to Amazon.

  15. OK, I'm going to have to go look up One Direction now.

  16. I'm actually pretty sure that Miley isn't smarter than most...

  17. Jennifer Weiner had a new book? Need to get on that!

  18. right there with you, as usual with several of these. Especially the Miley and "K" ones :-)

  19. I guess I should be happy that I've never heard of Rielle Hunter!

  20. Wait....they have burgers at Red Robin? I have never seen past their bowl of fries and ranch dressing, Holy yum.

    And Rielle Hunter? Freaking barf. Who is she kidding? Other than herself, obviously.

    Love your Tuesday posts!! They always crack me up.

  21. Wait....they have burgers at Red Robin? I have never seen past their bowl of fries and ranch dressing, Holy yum.

    And Rielle Hunter? Freaking barf. Who is she kidding? Other than herself, obviously.

    Love your Tuesday posts!! They always crack me up.

  22. Wait....they have burgers at Red Robin? I have never seen past their bowl of fries and ranch dressing, Holy yum.

    And Rielle Hunter? Freaking barf. Who is she kidding? Other than herself, obviously.

    Love your Tuesday posts!! They always crack me up.

  23. I can't stand the 'K' thing either. My sister, Courtney decided to go by 'Kourtney' on facebook. Makes me want to gag a little.


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