Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To find it refreshing that Jessica Simpson didn’t lose all her baby weight at once. Nothing annoys me more to see a celebrity on a cover a couple of weeks after giving birth saying that they lost it all “thanks to breastfeeding!” It doesn’t exactly work like that.

To have loved my pumpkin spice frappuccino from Starbucks. It had been so long since I had one. I’m glad they’re back!

To have finished watching The Walking Dead season 2. Can’t wait for season 3. Really wouldn’t be sad to see Carl go though.

To be excited that a bunch of shows start today. Go On, The New Normal, Parenthood…the list goes on. Thank goodness for my DVR.

To be glad no one in this family is really into sports. We rarely watch a football or baseball game.

To not understand why anyone would pay money to see one of the “stars” of Teen Mom talk. Apparently they make appearances to speak about their story.

To have bought the new Barbie A Princess and the Popstar for Natalie today. If you get it at Target you can get a free mini Barbie. I’ll be her hero for like a week.

To think it’s cool that Tommy likes to play weather. He draws stuff like this and tells me all about how the weather is going to be.


  1. I had a Starbucks Apple cumble latte today .... yay!

  2. Haven't had a pumpkin latte yet but today I'm on the hunt for pumpkin pie poptarts! Today is too cute....future weather man perhaps! Have a wonderful day!

  3. On a totally separate note, my brother and sister-in-law had a baby girl in the wee hours of Saturday morning. I flew out and met her and found out they named her NATALIE. I'm the proudest aunt ever, and I can't wait to teach her how to spell her name and then how to shortcut it and just go with "Na". Too funny!

  4. Yea Tommy! We need good weathermen. (how is he in front of a camera?)

  5. I love Tommy's weather drawing. My Davey loves to do the weather when it is on the tv. I have to pause the 7 day forecast and he tells me what the weather will be.

  6. Yes! Carl should go, definitely. Can't stand him.

  7. Carl is a little annoying, and how does he manage to just "show up" in places he should never be in the first place??? So excited for season 3!!

  8. thanks for reminding me that parenthood kicks back up tonight so i can set my dvr to record it!

  9. Yes well if us "normal" people had personal trainers, I would lose it that way too!

    His weather pic looks a bit like boobs. :p

  10. That is so totally cool that Tommy can do that. I am genuinely impressed!

  11. Oh, and in response to heavenisabookstore... not only to have a personal trainer, but also to have HOURS to work on your body. I'm always hearing how so and so spend 2 hours a day at the gym with their personal trainer. sometimes 3 hours. I mean, hello, WHO has that time?!

  12. Neat! Maybe Tommy will be a meteorologist!

  13. My kids are swimmers, and it absolutely rules our life. Between the two girls we have NINE PRACTICES per week. Ugh.

  14. I love that Jessica hasn't lost the weight yet too. She has always been the most real celebrity in Celebrityville. Dumb as a rock but real. :) I think Tommy's weather picture is awesome. Maybe you can record him doing the weather sometime so we could all enjoy it?? Thanks for the heads up about the Princess and the Popstar thing. Bigs will love me forever if I surprise her with that!

  15. I am going to make a pumpkin spice latte right now!

  16. Oh my gawd! I'm already hating all the football posts on facebook.

    And seriously, people pay to see teen mom's? Not this girl.

  17. I have been wanting to try the Pumpkin Spice Frap for a while just haven't had the time lately! I might have to run and grab me one soon :D
    I always love your Hey it's okay's!

  18. Tommy is awesome! I can definitely see him growing up to be meteorologist.

  19. Love this blog post idea. Thanks for sharing!!

  20. Just realized when we're linking up that I was supposed to put the title of my blog, not blog post. Oops! I'll get it right next time. ;o)

  21. I love his photo! Maybe he will grow up to be a weather man!

  22. I'm not a fan of the pumpkin spice flavour at Starbucks. I love that Tommy plays 'weather'. That's so awesome!

  23. So I'm blog stalking you. I started at the most recent date and haven't gotten here. You're hilarious! I love how honest you are about things. Other blogs make me feel like a lazy mom. Not yours, you make me feel normal!

    But what I really wanted to get to is that I can't stand Carl! Ugh. Such an annoying bratty child. Lol.


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