“I’m so jelly of your hair!” the woman behind me at Target said.
I was momentarily confused. She was WHAT of my hair? Jelly? That’s a sweet spread, am I correct?
“It’s so long,” she continued.
I thanked her even though I was still baffled. Jelly? She looked to be about my age and she’s going around saying that she’s JELLY of my hair???
What was the world coming to?
All these new words.
Jelly, in case you didn’t know, apparently means jealous to some.
To me, it’s a sweet spread that belongs on toast or sandwiches.
Here are some others words that make me cringe: cray cray and selfies.
Cray cray means crazy to some.
It’s a nonsense word to me. I will never tell someone that they are acting so “cray cray.”
Selfies is one I just learned recently. If you take pictures of yourself, it’s a selfie.
Why are we making up ridiculous words?
And don’t get me started on how much I still hate amazeballs.
The rest of the world can partake in these nonsense words but I refuse. (It’s not so bad if teenagers use it. I used silly words as a teen. But when I see a forty year old saying that something is totes cray cray it makes me want to laugh my butt off.) (Totes means totally now. Really. Because saying the word totally is too long. I guess?)
My name is Amber and I will forever use the real words and omit the ones that don’t exist.
For example:
I am JEALOUS of the people who can afford personal chefs. It’s TOTALLY CRAZY that people still don’t understand the difference between your and you’re. I am taking a SELF PORTRAIT of myself and the fact that I was able to read an entire chapter of my book without getting interrupted is AMAZING.
See what I did there?
(Guess this means I’m a cranky old person. Hi.)
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You are so funny but correct. Thanks for posting what totes means. I must be an old person too because I have no idea why people use these words either. Loved your post, thank you!
ReplyDeleteI don't get it either. O and when people write in text shorthand ??? really just write out the full word will you.
ReplyDeletepfft. stop being so cray cray and uptight ya old hag! ;-)
ReplyDeleteOh so true...but sometimes I do type in abbreviations/Internet lingo or whatever-you-call-it. It's just when people get confused with similar sounding words and their spelling, it gets to me. Trade vs trait vs treat so on...
ReplyDeleteOh, I have to agree! I am so sick and tired of all these words that people are using - and "jelly" is one of them!
ReplyDeleteI am so with you on this. I was just thinking this morning how stupid the english language is becoming when I saw somone use ridic for rediculous. I also hate when someone says ain't. These are not words people!!
ReplyDeleteI refuse to respond to texts that are "mangled" with non-words.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on this 100%
YES! This has been driving me insane lately! 'Totes' (for totally) is another one that's been driving me up a wall recently. How hard is it to use the real word? Is it really that hard to had a few extra letters? I don't understand it.....
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard of amazeballs!! This post made me laugh so hard my stomach hurts!
ReplyDeleteagreed!!! And I had never heard "jelly" before. I guess I'm old :P
ReplyDeleteOh man! "Selfie" is my biggest pet peeve! I don't mind my teens saying some things. Like you said, I said stupid things as a teen as well, but when my daughter made a "selfie" comment a few days ago, I lost it. aslkjdaij!!! That word sounds stupid unless you're 2 and don't know HOW to talk yet.
ReplyDeleteI've never heard "jelly" either! But I think it's "totes adorbs". I also hate the term "preggers" and the word "nosh". I know "nosh" is a real word, but just say EAT!
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha!! Cracked up! I am totes guilty of using words like adorbs! ;)-Ashley
ReplyDeleteTotally agree. I didn't even know what selfie meant until last month. I thought it meant taking a day by yourself..a selfie with yourself. But, nope. Cray cray is terrible. Jelly? Never heard of it. I hate totes for totally and adorbs for adorable. Of course I do it in a mocking way. "Baby Des is adorbs today." And my husband will says, "Totes." Ack, we're not helping the problem!
ReplyDeleteI don't like totes, jelly, cray-cray, adorbs, amazeballs, awesomesauce, or any combination thereof.
ReplyDeleteI have, however, been known to respond with, "Word."
To each her own, I suppose!
I hate the stupid fake words people make up like that. Totes is a particularly hated one. It's not that hard to add a few more syllables! They just sound so unintelligent. My husbands likes to mess with me sometimes by throwing words like that in to our conversations. My blood pressure shoots through the roof when he does it; he's lucky I don't smack him. :)
ReplyDeleteOh my god yes!!!!!! The only made up word I use is awesomesauce but that's because a group of blogging moms and dads that I know (no longer blogging but still follow on FB) we used it. One of the kids said it as her version of "awesomeness" but it was just so cute that we all used it. That's my only guilty pleasure word. I promise!!
ReplyDeleteThis post is totes adorebs.
ReplyDeleteI say True That.
ReplyDeleteThat is probably the only slang word/phrase that I use.
Oh, and awesomesauce.
I just feel so awkward trying to say Totes or Jelly.
Hi. I'm Shawna and I'm a lover and user of the CORRECT English language.
I work on a college campus and supervise a group of student workers. I hear some of these words occasionally. Sometimes I have to stop myself from using them. I will admit to calling my son cray cray just to be silly, though.
ReplyDeleteI TOTALLY agree with you there! I get so stabby when people say jelly and cray cray!
ReplyDeleteI can't stop myself from saying cray cray. But usually it's in reference to my child... that's ok right? :P
ReplyDeleteI hate totes and bestie. Have you heard bestie? Jelly is also absurd, though I will confess to saying cray cray before. BUT always in a mocking tone.
ReplyDeleteFirst I've heard of jelly. I agree with you 100 percent though. I think amazeballs bothers me the most. And the your/you're thing? Don't even get me started!
ReplyDeleteCrankie and cray cray
ReplyDeleteWith you 100% on this!
ReplyDeleteYes! Why are people making up new words or shortening words. Teenagers doing it is one thing, but grown adults? It is just wrong.
ReplyDeleteTOTALLY agree with you! I haven't actually experienced this phenomenon in person; but it's every online! Drives me batty.
ReplyDeleteI consider it in the same league as "baby talk." It grates on my nerves.
So true. I try really hard to keep up since I am "older". Yes, there I said it. Sometimes I put TTYL on a text or email. And I quickly found out that is waaaaay out of vogue. I don't know. YOur way is safer.
ReplyDeleteI've always been an abbreviator and nonsens word make-er-upper so I can't even try to back you on this!
ReplyDeleteSO funny. And I am SO guilty.
ReplyDeleteYou won't catch me saying those words either. Wouldn't have known what any of them meant if you hadn't explained them! My daughter does use the word selfies, so I'd heard that one before!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you on almost all of these (totes cray cray just about kills me). The one I will use is selfies. I think it has a different connotation than self portrait. A self portrait is the occasional picture a person takes of themselves to remember a moment or test a camera or catch that together time when there isn't someone else around to take the picture of the two of them together. Selfies are the seventeen times a day photos people take of themselves and splash all over social media until I want to throw up. Irritating enough when teens do it, but when my 40-something-year old friends do it it becomes truly icky. Seriously, have you no life? Are you really that vain? How many different ways can you prove to the world that you refuse to grow up?
ReplyDelete(Sorry, hit a nerve there. Ugh!)
Wishing you a nice day full of complete and grown up words.
I can't help but say cray cray. It's just funny. I get the annoyance though. Ha!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I just posted a "selfie". I really should not contribute to the destruction of the English language...
ReplyDeleteWhat words of English do you speak? I'm so glad I don't know anyone (even young) say something is "cray" for crazy. At least I've never heard them in person say it. I would have instinctively raised my hand to my hair and go "what? did you say I had jelly in my hair?" lol
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, how am I only just now discovering your blog? LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteSecond, I use every single one of the phrases you referenced, although sometimes it's ironically, which I realize makes me a total d-bag. At least I admit it.
One phrase my secretary uses is "Totes McGoats" and I secretly love it.
I'm going to start following you on BlogLovin' and I'm sad I didn't know about you until now. It is being rectified immediately!
I may be guilty of an occasional "cray cray" but someone is really out there but jelly, totes, and adorbs drives me up the wall! it is like proper grammar and language has gone out the door! I worked on a college campus until recently and some of the conversations I would have with students would make me want to bang my head on my desk. Some of them couldn't put together an intelligent sentence because it was full of this type of ridiculous slang and text speak. It kills me!
ReplyDeleteI confess to using Cray Cray because it makes me laugh. But I HATE the rest. Oh and BESTIES. Just say best friends dammit!!
ReplyDeleteLMAO!! I completely agree. Slang and baby talk are so similar like that. Stupid fake words substitued for the real thing. I never used baby talk with my kids either. When people tried it I would immediately correct them. I have to admit, that I'm lucky none of the words you mentioned have been brought into my house yet! (Unless my son is texting them... that can be confusing... teen code on their texts.... urgh)...
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree with you more, I don't mind so much reading it as actually hearing someone say it. I feel like I would look like a total idiot if I said any of those things. I like normal, real, words as well :D
ReplyDeleteI keep a young person with me at all times just to translate!
ReplyDeleteI keep a young person with me at all times just to translate!