Saturday, December 14, 2013

Like The Disney Movie Frozen? Win A Frozen Hairbow! **CLOSED WINNER IN POST**

So who all loves the new Disney movie Frozen!

We do!

Obviously. I recently posted pictures of Natalie prancing around in her Anna dress.

It's why I was so happy when Beth contacted me and asked if I wanted to review one of her Frozen bows. Look how adorable this is:

Natalie adored it right away.

"ANNA IS ON IT!" she screeched. "I love her!" She immediately wanted it on and ran out to show all her friends. One of them asked if I made it. Natalie laughed and went, "Mommy doesn't craft."

Beth makes all sorts of beautiful bows. You can check out her Etsy page here.

I loved this military style bow:

The bows can be customized too. You can switch it to DADDY is my hero and ask for Air Force or other military branch colors.

Beth had kindly offered a Frozen bow to a lucky winner. Yours will look like the one I've pictured.

Giveaway Rules:

--Must live in the US

Also, you must like Beth's Facebook page to enter. Please enter with Rafflecopter so I can ensure you've done this.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I will run this contest until December 21st. Good luck!


  1. I love the Minnie Mouse bow! My girl is a MM fan all the way!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the one with both sisters from Frozen and the one with Olaf.

  4. Oh me, me, me! Pick me! We all love Frozen here. So of course I want a Frozen bow. I love the one with both of them!

  5. I love the Rapunzel one! With the yarn hair! So cute! But all of them are!

  6. We just saw frozen so definitely that one!

  7. Definitely the frozen bow! My daughter would love this :)

  8. Love the Minnie Mouse and Snowflake bows.

  9. There is a mini princess who wants anything Disney and would love this!!! So me!! Pick me!!

  10. Ohh and I just saw the etsy page - I LIKE THEM ALL!!! My fave though - the zebra with the initial - Baby Girl is all about her name these days!!

  11. Her bows are amazing. I love the MLP bow!

  12. Beautiful bow! We loved that movie.


Thanks for the comment!

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