Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To have not watched The Grammys. As I've stated many times before, most of the music of today bothers me. I like some songs but most are just noise to my poor ears. I did like the fact that Paul and Ringo were on though.

To have also not watched The Bachelor Wedding. I did't even know there was one until I saw a commercial for it. I thought it was a joke but alas, it was not.

To be ready to buy some Girl Scout cookies. Thin Mints and Caramel Delights are our favorites. (The peanut butter ones are tasty too.)

To be excited that Gymboree sent Natalie some bubbles. They've noticed I've been posting a lot about them. Gymboree knows I exist!

To try not to say anything snarky when I see people writing articles bashing kids who love Disney princesses. It's not a big deal. Really, it's not.

To be glad Natalie never liked Justin Bieber. I hope he gets the help he needs. Natalie does, however, like some One Direction songs but she says the boys all look like toads.

To have a giveaway for a pair of tickets to see the new movie Gimme Shelter here.

To let Natalie go out in her dress up dresses. When we went to the Disney Store the workers were like, "Princess Anna is here!" and Natalie was incredibly excited. Sometimes small kids will point and go, "She's dressed like ANNA!"


  1. I think it's awesome that Natalie goes out in her dress up dresses! She's a kid and she should totally enjoy that time. I think a lot of times parents try to get their kids to grow up too fast. I say let them enjoy being kids and use their imaginations!

  2. I let me little girl go out in dress up clothes all the time! Why not? Who is SHE supposed to be impressing? :)

  3. I know my little sister would be so excited if she saw another little girl dressed like Princess Anna! And it's so okay to not have watched the Grammy's. I didn't even realize they were on till the day after...

  4. I also did not watch the Grammys...or the Bachelor wedding (like you didn't even know there was one)...not interested in either.

    Part of the fun of being a little girl is dressing up. I love when parents let there kids be kids...even if it means wearing Disney Princess dresses in public.

  5. I love that Natalie goes out dressed up like Anna (or any princess!!).
    When my boys were younger they used to wear capes, underwear on the outside of sweatpants - you know just like a super hero - we went all over like that!!!

  6. My kids go out in dress up clothes all the time! Why bother spending a ton of money on costumes if they never get to wear them, right? The only places they can't wear their costumes are school and church. Beyond that everywhere else is fine with me!!

  7. My guilty pleasure is the Bachelor, and I am a hopeless romantic, so I will proudly admit I watched and anticipated the Bachelor wedding...lol.

  8. I think its great that you let Natalie wear her dress up dresses out. I don't like watching any award show, I just check out the horrible dresses the next day in the news!

  9. I am at a loss as to what to say to people who think theres a problem with little girls dressing up as princesses. What the eff? What do they say about GROWN women dressing up at Disney? Effing Eff! I think its adorable and it is perfectly natural. Those people who complain probably had a lousy childhood.

  10. We should all go out in our dress up dresses... Life would be more fun that way. Love that giddy smile on her face.


  11. I love her costumes! I think the articles bashing Disney Princesses are silly. Why not? I adored Aurora when I was a little girl. It didn't harm me any. Much better to like Disney princesses than crazy celebs who will most likely be doing something trashy in the news tomorrow.

    I watched the Grammys b/c my husband but it on, but I was reading during it and would only occasionally look up. Aside from if they mentioned someone country, the only time I knew any of today's music was if it was a song from a Kidz Bop cd.

    Today's music. Huh. I sound really old.

  12. Never have I ever given a shit about JB and I LOVE that your daughter agrees with that (in a much more subtle way lol). Also - rock on for letting her go out in what she wants. If only all moms would do that, self-expression wouldn't be such a hush-hush topic.

  13. I love that your daughter dresses up to go out sometimes! That must be so fun for her! :)
    I didn't really watch the Grammy's either. I only stepped out to see Daft Punk perform, and then I proceeded to ignore the award show for the rest of the night.

    The Girly Gamer

  14. My kids love going out dressed up and I kind of like the reactions they get. She makes a great Princess Anna!

  15. Can I just tell you how happy I am that you didn't watch The Bachelor wedding either? I thought I was the only one! I actually wanted to, but I just forgot to set the DVR.

  16. I'm cool with her princess dresses if you're cool that I let my son run around in his superhero pjs all day on the weekends! =)

  17. I like the clothes that show up on shows like the grammys. It always makes news the next day!

    And the bachelor. Psh. I have friends who watch those shows every season and that's fine but it's totally not for me.

  18. I didn't watch the Grammys either. Just don't care for so many of the major artists these days. Also, not sure whether "major" or "artists" are good adjectives for these people. Largest moneymakers, perhaps?

    Kudos to you for letting Natalie go out in her dresses--kids need to use their imaginations!

  19. I let Penny go out in her princess dress and we got all sorts of smiles. I got her a super cute Rapunzel-style dress for Valentine's Day and can't wait to see her in it!

  20. There are articles bashing kids who like princesses? What?? Being a mom with internet access sounds like hard work. Good for you for letting her do her thing!

  21. I watched the Grammy's soley for Ringo and Paul!! And the rest I was pretty much disgusted by. Except for maybe Pink, because the was phenomenal. But, what the..?? Is it just a competition to see who can be the most vulgar anymore? Isn't it supposed to be about Music?

    My girls love Disney Princess and I am quite certain they will be Just Fine. SMH.

    Also, being Canadian... I am very very very sorry about Justin Beiber. I know you probably thought we were better allies, but I guess this one slipped through the selection process. :(

  22. Natalie looks beautiful as a princess! Why shouldn't she get to play dress up if she wants to? Justin Beiber needs some good advice. I've never been a fan, but I hate to see someone so young and so lost.

  23. Abby goes out dressed up all the time! I love it. And Justin needs some serious help!-Ashley

  24. I love Disney princesses almost as much as I love Girl Scout cookies. And I didn't watch the wedding either- shame on us!

  25. all of those dumb articles bashing others are just ridiculous..nothing but bored people who have nothing better to do than stand on a soapbox and preach bullshit. no thanks.

    Vodka and Soda

  26. I don't even know who Princess Anna is! I never got into Disney in general.

    I didn't watch the Grammys either, and definitely didn't watch someone self-centered enough to televise their wedding!

    Give me a book over the TV any day :)

  27. Now I seriously want some girl scout cookies. Those adorable little girls get me every time, especially when one of them is dressed like a cookie!

  28. Haha, we've let the kids go out in way worse than a Disney dress!

  29. Yes, totally let kids embrace the princess thing while they still want to as really the grow out of it too quickly anyway. It really is so sad how many teen celebrities/musicians make it out unscathed. Never been a Bieber fan myself

  30. I hate awards shows. They annoy the crap out of me.
    People should worry about raising their own kids and not which kids like Disney Princesses. Geesh...

  31. Ok, so many things to say. Not interested in the Grammys. Likewise, did not know there was a Bachelor wedding. Oops! Now, I'm hungry for Girl Scout cookies, thank you very much. My daughter loves Disney princesses. Me? Not so much. It's helping me get ready for when she's a teenager. I'm sure I won't like LOTS of things about that!

  32. Oh, yes. We have had a lot of Anna sightings down here. Then again, it's more special if it's just Natalie and not a theme park full of them.
    I let Scarlet out in her dresses. She loves it. And I know it's a passing phase I will miss someday. Some people just have sticks up their butts.

  33. I tried to watch the Grammys. The old groups that performed were my favorites. I love that you were sent bubbles. That brand is really wonderful.

  34. I have no problems supporting my daughter's princess obsession. However, her dresses are more for summer than winter. I will let her wear regular dresses with pictures of princesses over long sleeved shirts. Like she wore a dress with Belle on it to shul last week. :)

  35. Aww, your daughter is really cute on her princess costume! I love the way she dress up and how you support her from what makes her happy. -ANOSA


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