Thursday, January 29, 2015

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Barfing

I hate throwing up.

I'll do anything I can to avoid it.

So when my stomach started majorly hurting the other night, I wouldn't allow it to happen. Tom always tells me, "Just puke! You'll feel better!" Maybe. But I cannot stand the feeling. I usually start crying hysterically as soon as it happens.

It was horrible though. I kept waking up all throughout the night. My stomach would lurch. I'd take deep breaths, willing the pain away. I could only sleep on my back. If I tried to move to my side, I would immediately feel awful. I was hoping I'd feel better when I woke up in the morning.


I had to stumble in and get Tommy up. I basically sat on the couch, dead to the world. Tommy was like, "Don't get me sick."

The entire morning was a blur. I remember getting Natalie cereal. I brushed her hair, but not very well, so she went to school looking frightening. I walked her to school hoping the fresh air would make me feel better. Also, I wanted steps on my Fitbit so my Mom didn't think I was dead when she checked it.

The fresh air didn't help. I wanted to crawl the last few steps home.

I never had a fever. It was just a stomachache. I wasn't able to eat, which made me sad, because I love to eat.

When Tommy came back from school he asked if I had Ebola. I said no, but thank you for the concern. He would not let me touch him. "I can't have your germs. Sorry," he'd say.

Dinner was nuggets nuked in the microwave because I wasn't able to stand upright long enough to prepare something better.

It was not a fun day.

But you'll be pleased to know that I'm doing much better now. I can eat again. Now I just hope that the kids don't get sick.


  1. I hate that feeling so much too. Glad you're feeling better now!

  2. Oh no! I hate that feeling too and always end up in hysterics. Glad you are doing better.

  3. Oh no! I hate that feeling too and always end up in hysterics. Glad you are doing better.

  4. Ugh I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better. I wish I could will the pain away. A couple of weeks ago I woke up on a Saturday and was throwing up from 6am-10pm. My stomach is a bitch and will throw up like she's competing for a gold medal. I fucking hate it. Meanwhile...people like my husband and Tamara can count the number of times they've thrown up on one hand. :[!

    I hope your kids don't get it! lol @ Tommy not wanting your germs.

  5. This really and truly made me laugh only because of the gif and the fact that my sister gets hysterical when she has to vomit. She screams and cries and she thinks she's dying. Glad you're feeling better.

    ♥Krystal ||Creatively Dysfunctional
    Come on over and connect with me on social media & join me as I Co-Host Thursty Thursday!

  6. I'm right there with you - I will do anything to avoid puking!!! Sorry you had a miserable day - hope you are 100% and that the kids don't get sick!!

  7. did you have norwalk? because it sounds like you did. norwalk ran amok in our family and went from my husband to kayla to me and i willed myself NOT to puke!

  8. Oh no, glad to hear that you're feeling better though!

  9. Stomach illness is awful, then you can't eat and that makes you feel even more weak. GAH. I'm glad you're feeling better.

  10. I agree - Throwing up sucks, although it is true that you feel better immediately after. ;/ Glad you didn't have to!

  11. Ugh, stomach bugs are the worst. Glad you are getting better.

  12. Glad you're feeling better. I hate stomach bugs - I'd rather have ten colds than throw up even once.

  13. Oh man I hate throwing up too, but if it gets to the point where I know I will feel better if I just let it happen I will. I hate not being able to eat -- I love food so much! Glad you are feeling better!

  14. I totally sympathize and feel the same way about puking. Don't get me started on seeing my kids puke, either.

  15. I hate throwing up so, so much too. I will never ever throw up if I can help it. It's always horrific, projectile, coming out my nose, scream/crying all at once. Awful. Glad you are feeling better!

  16. You can be like Ted from How I Met Your Mother ("Vomit free since '93!) or like Jerry Seinfeld with his "streak." I hate barfing too. Part of the reason I have no plans to conceive again. I was SO sick with my third pregnancy that I can't even fathom how anyone would want to be bulimic. Last time I barfed a lot was when I had vertigo last winter. It was horrible and the throw-up burned my throat every time I did it. Sometimes at night, I'll get reflux while I'm sleeping. I hate that too. Anyway, glad you're feeling better!

  17. the stomach bug is horrible...and barfing is the worst side effect of it!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. I was sick all week too lady! I feel your pain..I loathe throwing up. I finally got well enough today to go see American Sniper with my husband. I hadn't seen daylight in 6 days! Vampire status.

  19. Oh dear - so glad you're better.
    Like you and Kim, I don't believe in barfing.
    Since norovirus is generally spread through the contaminated surfaces from the barfing/diarrhea (lovely?), I would think that since you didn't do it, you were able to spare your kids.
    You're a hero.

  20. Throwing up is terrible even if you feel better after. I just hate it! Ugh Glad you're feeling better.

  21. There is nothing worse than being sick! I'm glad you are feeling better.


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