Monday, February 2, 2015

Things I Look Forward To When My Husband Deploys

It's never fun when a spouse deploys. In fact, when my husband says he has to deploy, my first reaction is this:

However, I always try to look on the bright side of things. Do I have my moments of wallowing with a pile of chocolate? Yes, of course. But having a positive outlook helps the time pass quicker for me. If I'm constantly crying or in despair over the fact that he's gone, it doesn't help.

When my husband does go, I look forward to the following:

--The bed is all mine!

--I have the remote to myself. I love watching shows that make Tom go, "What the f*ck is going on?" (See: any Real Housewives show, Little People: LA, and Grey's Anatomy.)

--No one saying, "What did you buy at Target NOW?" when I return with bags on my arm.

--I don't have to cook dinner every night. The kids and I tend to have a lot of pancakes or waffles for dinner. This sort of confuses my son, who has autism. He'll sometimes go, "Are we going to have a real dinner soon?" It completely weirded him out when I shouted, "Ice cream for dinner!" once.

--I feel a sense of accomplishment when I fix something on my own. I fixed a broken toilet before. I was quite proud.

--I don't have to shave if I don't want to. Within a few months, I resemble a Yeti, but it's fine.

Deployments are tough. But trying to stay positive helps time go quicker.

What do you look forward to when your spouse is gone?


  1. I think it's great you are focusing on the positive. Yay for no shaving and feeling accomplished for fixing things on your own!

  2. love your positive outlook on this!! give me all the bed and no one snoring beside me! ha!

  3. My husband hasn't deployed, but he has gone on TDYs... and I try to look for the bright side of those too - eating whatever I want, having movie nights, drinking my favorite drink that he hates (Sparkletini, haha) - and just relaxing and not worrying about anyone else! I love that you try to see all the positives as well. :)

  4. I look forward to the same things whenever I'm home alone!!!!! Bed to self = THE BEST!

  5. Yes! The bed to yourself one is something I look forward to. And not having to pick up after him. Lol.

  6. Yes! The bed to yourself one is something I look forward to. And not having to pick up after him. Lol.

  7. Now I still have to cook even when Chris is gone - 2 teenage boys eat a LOT!!! I love that you look for the positives - not always easy but the best way to get through rough times:)

  8. The bed to myself and watching whatever I want are humongous perks of my husband's business trips. And we eat lots of pancakes and eggs when he's not home, too. Also tacos.

  9. I like that you focus on positives! My favorites are the not having to cook every night, bed to yourself and full executive power over the television lol

  10. I definitely found that trying to stay positive was the best way to go when it came to deployments.

  11. That's a great way to look at it. My husband works evenings 3-4 times a week and I look forward to those times I can eat, watch, and do what I want without having to take him into consideration.

  12. My husband's deployments all came before we met so I didn't have to go through any of this...I wish I would have known him then though honestly which is kind of odd. But ever since I saw American Sniper I wish I could have been there for him back then.

  13. Love these, they are all so positive! I can imagine there are down times too but your focus is definitely in the right place!

  14. You are an amazing person. I am inspired by how positive you are staying through these tough times. Thanks for motivating the rest of us.

  15. I love the positivity! I definitely look forward to watching chick flicks and not having to cook every night though!

  16. My husband is actually out of town this week and I look forward to not cooking for a few days and less dirty stuff around the house!!

  17. Your positive attitude is so wonderful! I look forward to a good night's sleep without snoring when my husband is gone!

  18. I grumble when I have to fix something on my own, not like it matters there is no guy around to do it for me. Afterwards I always feel proud. Last week I fixed my dryer, but I still kinda resent I don't have someone to do it for me.

  19. my husband doesnt go away at weeks at a time or anything but he does go to Myrtle Beach for a week in April and I look forward to not having to cook big you, my kids would be fine with French Toast for dinner!

  20. So timely because mine is going away soon, and then for TEN days in April. Why did I put that in capitals? I realize it's not a lot for you!
    For all of Cassidy's many strengths, he can be bossy, critical and cranky. So when he goes, my anxiety is actually really nice. I know that sounds horrible, and this isn't a 100% of the time thing. It's just that I really like a big bed and a remote control to myself.

  21. I suck at dinner when my husband is gone. It's either spaghetti and frozen meatballs or cereal. I most look forward to not having to do so much laundry. He changes clothes three times a day, so it piles up pretty quickly..

  22. When my husband is away, I think I'm more productive after work and before bed. I work out more, read more, blog more, etc. When he's home, I treasure those few hours together each day, so I'm more likely put the computer away, put the book down, and skip the workouts to focus on togetherness.


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