Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To almost be done unpacking from our Disney World trip. I hate unpacking.

--To have finished The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins. It was fabulous and I wanted to know what was going on. If you liked Gone Girl, you'll like this one. Check out my review on Goodreads and we can also become friends!

--To hope we don't get a tornado this week. We have a small chance. I hate going into the shelter.

--To be bummed that I have to cook again. It was nice going to places and having someone cook and clean up.

--To love the mint shakes from Arbys.

--To hope to go to Disney World again in 2016. Next year we have a family reunion on Ohio.

--To love my kids, but I'm happy that they are going back to school. Spring Break is over!

Airing My Dirty Laundry


  1. i think i'm the only one who likes unpacking. i hate the clutter. but packing, forget it. i dread that crap.

  2. My kids have Spring Break next week. Luckily they are going to my parents' house, so I get a break too! Woohoo!! Then I just have to deal with the fallout when they get back!

  3. I hope you don't get a tornado. I hate unpacking too. I was away last week and still haven't unpacked.

  4. Oh - I hope you don't have a tornado!!!
    I'm one of those anal people who unpacks within 5 minutes of getting home - I have a few issues:)

  5. Your Disney trip looked like such fun! I keep hearing good things about that book- I'll have to read it soon!

  6. I despise unpacking, I usually just throw everything in the washer when I get home from a trip haha.

  7. Mint shakes from Arby's?! Say whaaaaat?!?! I am SO there!! hehe! ;-) - www.domesticgeekgirl.com

  8. Your daughter is such a cutie.
    I hope you don't get a tornado either. The last one we had took out part of my parent's neighborhood. It was scary not being able to get to them. Looking forward to more of your Disney blog adventures!

  9. It's hard to get back to cooking and cleaning up after someone has been doing it for you.

  10. unpacking is the worst. i need to do it right away otherwise my suitcase (with everything in it) will sit there forever!

  11. I hate unpacking. I throw it right into the washer like Jen. Tornadoes are the worst. Hope you guys are tornado free. Spring break is next week for us and I'm bringing the kids to my parents. No break there, but at least I don't have to clean! Love your site. -Kim

  12. Me and my Husband just watched "Gone Girl" and now I was going to pick up the book to read what I was missing. CRAZY STORY!! ...hope you don't get a tornado either!

  13. Unpacking isn't my thing either!

  14. The mint shake sounds really good :)

  15. Mint shakes...mmmm...
    We will probably go back to Disney in 2016. We're trying to make it a regular thing. And just one of these days, Des will actually be old enough to remember these trips!

  16. 2 years later and i'm still experiencing disney withdrawal. your pics made me want to go even more!!!
    here's my review of GotT. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1181520619?book_show_action=false
    i liked your review. :)

  17. I cannot wait to head to Disney again! We went in 2011 and 2013 and I am going through withdrawals!

    I am also with you on unpacking! Ugh it is so miserable! Packing is exciting because you are going somewhere but unpacking means that the fun is over! We are heading on vacation to Gatlinburg and I am so ready to get the heck out of dodge!


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