Thursday, April 9, 2015

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Adults Picking Up Easter Eggs

So we went to the Easter Egg Hunt on base.

It's divided into age sections. We were in the 7-8 area.

Now, when a child is 7-8, I feel they can get their own eggs. Without the help of parents.

But when it was announced that the hunt had begun, I was stunned to see tons of parents out on the field SCOOPING UP EGGS!

I didn't understand.

See, there were golden eggs out there, and some golden eggs had a prize. I watched as some adults went for many golden eggs while shouting to their kid to HURRY OVER! so they could put them in their baskets.


Not cool.

When your kid gets older, let THEM get their own eggs. You have bigger hands. You can get more. It's not fair to the other children. Play fair, dammit.

Still, Natalie ended up having a fun time. She didn't get any golden eggs, thanks to the greedy adults, but she did get a lot of tootsie rolls, and she loves them.

But seriously? Adults? Back off. Your kid can get their own eggs, I promise.


  1. And that is why we stopped going to our small town Easter Egg hunt. seemed to bring the worst out in people. I would leave every year with one of my children getting one or two eggs. Then creating my own hunt at home.Some parents are awful and thought less.

  2. And that is why we stopped going to our small town Easter Egg hunt. seemed to bring the worst out in people. I would leave every year with one of my children getting one or two eggs. Then creating my own hunt at home.Some parents are awful and thought less.

  3. So annoying. This was obviously our first year doing the town easter egg hunt and was shocked to see so many parents picking up eggs for their kids (we were in the under 5 section). Izzy got one egg which made her quite happy which is all we wanted. Seriously parents CHILL OUT.

  4. I didn't go to ours this year, but my husband took my son. He's five. From what I could see on the video, there were no adults out there. I can understand when you have toddlers who will wander off that you would go with them, but even then I wouldn't pick the eggs up for them. And if they are too small to pick them up, then they don't need them. I'm glad Natalie had fun anyway!

  5. I didn't go to ours this year, but my husband took my son. He's five. From what I could see on the video, there were no adults out there. I can understand when you have toddlers who will wander off that you would go with them, but even then I wouldn't pick the eggs up for them. And if they are too small to pick them up, then they don't need them. I'm glad Natalie had fun anyway!

  6. This is why we only go to our church egg hunt. Parents are ridiculous!! I understand helping your 1-3 year old, but beyond that, if they want eggs, they can get them by themselves!

  7. The equivalent on my end would be adults helping with the afikomen hunt. Like doing the actual searching. I don't mind giving my kids clues or it will never end. :)
    I also get annoyed when the adults ask the four questions. My kids are old enough to do it on their own.

  8. That would be so annoying, at that age they should get their own or it takes away the fun of it.

  9. Omg. That same thing happened to me when I was a kid in elementary school. What a bunch of horse malarky.

  10. That is crazy - I think that past about 4 there is no need for parents to be "helping" the kids!!

  11. No...really? The adults HIDE the eggs. The kids FIND them. That's the rule. If the adults participated, I hope they gave whatever prizes they won to the kids.

  12. Ah! We had a similar problem at our post one. They didn't really divide the kids super well. And the toddlers were not able to get any eggs in most cases.

  13. Ah! We had a similar problem at our post one. They didn't really divide the kids super well. And the toddlers were not able to get any eggs in most cases.

  14. I noticed this same thing when my boys were little. Honestly, parents shouldn't even be allowed out there.

  15. Wow really? That's just ridiculous! How is that even fun?

  16. How annoying! Even my 2 year old picked up her own eggs.

  17. We had bad weather so ours was postponed until tomorrow. I will look for that nonsense!
    When I first read your title I got scared you meant me since I "helped" Des as his age 1-2 race once.
    haha... 7-8 is ridiculous.

  18. Agreed! The more of your blog I read the more I like you! I couldn't agree more with your opinion here!

  19. What a bunch of assholes. I don't understand adults who competitively interact with their child's those sports fanatic moms and dads who stop at nothing to make sure their kid is the star of the soccer team. Get over yourselves!


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