Thursday, November 12, 2015

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: People Bitching About People Bitching About Not Wanting To Decorate For Christmas Early

I can't get into the Christmas spirit until after Thanksgiving. I've always been this way. Walking into stores and seeing them all decked out for Christmas makes me go:

I know why they get all their Christmas crap out early: they want more money. Fine. I can deal. But having to hear Christmas music in early November?


I've ranted about this on social media. I have friends who decorate their homes for Christmas right after Halloween. Cool. Great. Not for me. Sometimes they get offended when people like me don't understand the Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving. I don't understand this. Decorate all you want. But I won't until after I've had my turkey.

So you'll see people online bitching about Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving. And you'll have people bitching about those people who are bitching about Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving.


Do what makes you happy.

I've been called a Grinch for not wanting to decorate now. I am not a Grinch. I promise. I will get excited after November 26th. I have tons and tons of decorations that I drag from the garage.

But now?

No Christmas decorations for me.


  1. I agree 8 million times. I'll decorate...once Thanksgiving has had its turn.

  2. I love this about you! :) And yet, I was already talking about Passover with a friend last night and Hanukkah isn't even here yet.

  3. I'm the same - as soon as Thanksgiving is over, it will be all about Christmas over here. I'm still enjoying fall! But I could care less when other people decorate.

  4. outside LIGHTS, we'll string up while it's still warm out- nobody wants to freeze their tails off stringing up lights in 30 degree weather.. the other stuff can WAIT!!! but i'm good to not decorate until Dec. 1. i like my holidays to have their own turn, not all crammed together. :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. UHM Yes. Though it's funny... this is the first year that I feel really unusually excited about Christmas. Like, fast-forward-to-the-24-excited which is really unheard of and bizarre for me, because I want to enjoy this season and Thanksgiving (my other favorite holiday). But yea, everyone needs to chill out with decorating the tree for Halloween, lol.

  7. I don't decorate until after Thanksgiving but to each their own.

  8. We don't do Thanksgiving here but I have the same rule. No Christmas til after I celebrate ageing (25th Nov).
    London turned their Christmas lights on this year on Nov 2nd. Just ugh!

  9. Seriously why do people have to police people? Get a life. Do you.

  10. With you on this...! Let's enjoy Thanksgiving first... No need to drag Christmas for thaaat long, sheesh!

  11. You are not alone. I just don't feel it's time for Christmas until after the 26th either.

  12. I'm with you! I love Thanksgiving too much. :) If that weren't at the end of November, I'm sure I'd decorate sooner... but it doesn't feel "right" until that's over with.

  13. I've recently seen a Christmas decoration in a shop and asked myself, just why?

  14. We usually go after Thanksgiving, although occasionally we get our tree the day before, but we don't decorate until after!


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