Friday, March 4, 2016

Fourteen Things About MY Fourteen-Year-Old

My son Tommy turned FOURTEEN on Wednesday. I still can't believe it.

I decided to make a list all about him. Because he rocks.

1. He has a YouTube channel where he talks about what it's like to have autism. Oh, and he plays various video games. You can check it out here.

2. I still have to remind him to put on more deodorant.

3. He appreciates his presents. He kept saying "thank you!"

4. He's taller than me. But then again, most people are. I'm only 5'3.

5. His room has a weird smell. Have you seen the Febreze commercial where the mother walks into her teenage son's room and goes, "It STINKS in here!" That's me.

6. He has autism, but he doesn't let it hold him back. He knows he can do anything he puts his mind to.

7. He loves to go to Texas Roadhouse for his birthday. The rolls are his favorite. (Mine too!)

8. He LOVES spicy foods. He gets that from me. He'll top his pizza with tabasco sauce and crushed red pepper. He loves jalapeños and banana peppers.

9. He enjoys a fun cake like this.

10. He thinks Donald Trump is a bully.

11. I have to remind him to use his Clearasil pads because he's been breaking out a lot lately. He has such NICE skin and I had to see it ruined by pimples.

12. He poses with balloons if I ask politely.

13. He's outgrowing his size 16 jeans. I have no idea where I'll buy ones that will still fit. He's skinny.

14. He'll still hug his Momma.


  1. Happy belated Birthday Tommy!!!
    (as for his pants, check the men's department, if i remember right, size 29 waist is the equivalent of size 16 jeans, and you can often find most any size length)

  2. his voice is SO deep! i loved his autism meltdown video. and loved this post on him. awesome kid!

  3. I love jalapeños on pizza too - yum!

  4. YAY! Tommy seems like such a great kid! I think Trump is a bully too!

  5. aww this was so cute! He got some great gifts :) so funny he thinks Donald Trump is a bully - smart kid! If he's having trouble with acne, try Zyderma! It's a light and naturally formulated acne cream that works really well for acne without being too abrasive on skin (especially since he's quite young) I use it on my 14 yr old nephew and it works well for him. Also you may want to think about using a simple clay mask on his face 1 time per week or just on the spots to shrink them. Here's more about zyderma > hope your son had a wonderful birthday!

  6. Hope his birthday was great!
    Ooohhhh I rented The Last of Us and I just couldn't get into it. I feel like I'm the only gamer that didn't love it! I hear it has a sad ending. He should totally get Until Dawn for PS4. It's scary and fun! I think he'd love it.

  7. Happy birthday tommy also you have such cool kids and you sound really cool as well wish I knew you personally in real life. I reat your blogs everyday as well as enjoy it. Keep writing Amber

  8. Oops I meant read in my above comment not reat 😅 Also I don't like Trump either where I agree with Tommy when he says that Trump is a bully

  9. Oops I meant read in my above comment not reat 😅 Also I don't like Trump either where I agree with Tommy when he says that Trump is a bully

  10. Happy birthday tommy also you have such cool kids and you sound really cool as well wish I knew you personally in real life. I reat your blogs everyday as well as enjoy it. Keep writing Amber

  11. Cool Kid and very perceptive! Trump is a bully.

  12. His cake is awesome!!! And Trump is a bully, that kid is smart. :-)So glad he had a happy birthday!!!

  13. Aw! I love your mother/son thing.
    I don't like Trump at all..
    Pimple are very rough. I have been there!

  14. He seems like such an awesome kid. And so right about Trump. My boys are tall and skinny. A size 16 is about a men's 28 and an 18 is a men's 29. It's hard to find the smaller waisted sizes in men's jeans though. Levi's and Old Navy jeans are your best bet.

  15. He seems like a rad kid!!! :)

  16. Awww, what a great kid! Just FYI, #2 and #5 will continue almost into adulthood. Boys.

  17. Happy birthday to your son! 14 was my year of drastic changes, and I started to experiment here and there (I can now thank my 14-year-old self for my horrible smoking habit). It's also a time in life that I experimented with good things. Like journalism classes, French, ballet, etc...trying to find my life goal and how to achieve it.
    Texas Roadhouse was my favorite for birthdays growing up too! Those rolls are indeed to die for. Whoever cleans up those peanut shells I feel for though...haha. I'll definitely check out his YouTube channel!! He sounds like he's got his head on straight with a good start to the teen years. From your past posts, I see him being a successful teen who experiments with sports and academics. Nothing like little Harlynn...(that's a good thing). Hope he enjoys his teen years ahead!!

  18. Happy Birthday, Tommy! What a great kid...!!!

  19. Happy Borthday Tommy, I hope you have a great day.

    Thought it was worth mentioning I was allergic to Clearasil and it brought me out in spots oh and I am taller than you ;)

  20. I've seriously followed your blog long enough to legitimately think, "holy cow, he's already 14!?"


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