Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To be in Dallas! Today is a fun day. We're going to the aquarium and Medieval Times. We wanted to go to the JFK museum but it would have been like $50 for us to go. Spending that much to walk around a space where one dude shot a president didn't make sense to me. You can see our adventures on my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.

--To not be doing anything for St. Patrick's Day. I see some people do Leprechaun traps or make green food, but I'm just not creative enough. We'll probably just have pizza for dinner.

--To really be enjoying Breaking Bad. We're almost to season 3.

--To have a giveaway for two AMC movie tickets to see The Young Messiah here.

--To can't believe Natalie will be nine on Saturday.

--To have had a story published on The Mighty here.

--To be taking Natalie to the American Girl store to eat at the bistro.

Airing My Dirty Laundry


  1. Hope you're having fun in Dallas!! Ooh, I"m not sure what I'm doing for St. Patty's Day other then working out...! HA

  2. Oh!! Our #ho-tel is right across the street from the Galleria! (Directly behind it)
    Have so much fun!!!! Xxoo
    Happy Birthday Natalie!

  3. Have a great trip! I love the American Girl picture!

  4. I took my daughter to the AG Doll store in NYC last summer. We did not eat there but I plan to do that for her this summer at the one in DC. It's fun living in the middle of many cities.

    Hope you're enjoying your trip!

  5. I am so so jealous you're going to Medieval Times. We were supposed to go when we were at Disney in January, but it was the day I got sick.

  6. Have fun on your trip! One day, I will take my niece to the American Girl Bistro. I'm the cool auntie. ;)

  7. Oh my gosh have fun at the AG Bistro! I loved taking my daughter to the cafe in Chicago. It was sooo cute and a great memory. They even had chairs for all 3 of her dolls. Yes, 3. Years ago I would NOT have been okay with the thought that she had 3 expensive dolls. But the grandmas love giving them to her and she really does play with them. They are a great toy. Enjoy!

  8. Way to go on getting published on the Mighty :) Have fun in Dallas :)

  9. Have fun on your trip!! And congrats on being published!!!!

  10. There's a bistro? Sign me up!
    Congrats on The Mighty. I saw you there and was so happy.

  11. Have fun in Dallas! :)
    Congrats on your story for The Mighty.
    This year we made our first leprechaun trap. My son's class is trying to catch a leprechaun.
    Hope y'all enjoy your vacation!

  12. I don't watch Breaking Bad but I have been re-watching Supernatural & Criminal Minds before I start binge watching the latest seasons. Congrats on getting published!

  13. We're PCSing to just a couple hours from Dallas, so I am looking forward to checking it out soon! Have fun! :)

  14. Is it okay to be into season 4 of M*A*S*H*? Or to have one sentence written of a novel? I love this stuff, by the way.

  15. Congratulations on being published at The Mighty! I love that site.

    And it's totally okay not to be doing anything for St. Patrick's Day - I actually just wrote a post about how I LOVE St. Patrick's Day for the sole reason that you don't have to do anything.

  16. We aren't doing anything for St. Patricks Day either, we are too lazy haha.

  17. Happy early birthday to your 9 year old! :)
    Hope you're enjoying Dallas.

  18. Enjoy your time in Dallas!! My dad used to put green food colouring in our milk for St Patrick's Day...and we're Irish, so we really should be celebrating.

  19. I am so jealous! I have wanted to go to ANY of the American Girl outlets... um, I mean take my girls there of course :)

  20. Hope you guys had fun in Dallas. I've been to the JFK museum & you're not missing much!

  21. Funny. I have lived in Dallas since oh, the 80's and I have never once been to the 6th floor museum. I have been to Dealey Plaza, of course. Several times, mostly when family was in from out of state. Hope you had a good trip and the Texans were nice to you!


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