Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hey, It's Okay!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To wonder if I'm the only one NOT catch Pokemon. I've never cared about the game.

--To have gone to see The Secret Life Of Pets over the weekend. And then Kevin Hart retweeted my tweet about it:

--To be a little bored with Big Brother. I hope it gets better.

--To actually have liked The Secret Life Of Pets better than Finding Dory.

--To plan on checking out Prime Day on Amazon. There's supposed to be all sorts of deals.

--To LOVE the new Target like Cat&Jack. You can check out previews here. In some stores the line is already there.

--To also have gone to SeaWorld. You can make reservations to swim with dolphins. I think I might have to do it.


  1. My kids want to see Secret Life of Pets so I hope I like it too! That's awesome about Kevin Hart's tweet!

  2. That's pretty exciting that Kevin Hart retweeted your tweet and answered you! That's why I like Twitter so much because things like that are possible.

    I liked Finding Dory but didn't love it. I'm definitely taking the kids to see The Secret Life--and maybe my daughter to see The BFG. We are cat fans in our house, too (hi Ruby!) and think the Nine Lives movie coming out in August looks cute.

  3. I definitely don't understand the Pokemon thing, it's just weird.

  4. Well now I will have to see the Secret Life of Pets. Scarlet is seeing it with her camp tomorrow. I'll take Des this weekend!
    I'm not playing Pokemon either!

  5. I loved Finding Dory, but I agree I enjoyed Secret Life of Pets much more!

  6. The pet movie looks so cute. My pugs already love the commercials lol. I've heard Kevin Hart is a super nice guy!!

  7. I would love to swim with dolphins!

    We just got back from the Pets movie. I thought it was cute. Though my favorite part was the Minion short!

    That Cat and Jack line looks cute. The polos in their uniform line look like they're getting great reviews and my oldest has to wear a uniform this fall, so I think I'm going to order some- thanks!

  8. Haha, same here, Pokemon NOPE! Pretty cool about your tweet!

  9. I don't have the Pokemon app either, ha ha. Swimming with dolphins sounds like it would be fun :)

  10. I'm not playing Pokemon!!! And we are kind of feeling the same way about BB. I hate that they have siblings in the house and that they brought back old players. CBS is almost trying too hard.

  11. My kids want to see Secret Life too. Very cool about the tweet!

  12. We finally just saw Dory yesterday and are hoping to catch the Pets movie next week. Dory was cute and so I am happy that you liked Pets so much. Hopefully my kids will like that one too! Lots of good movies during the summer is always a plus.

  13. Did you like Prime day? We only found one thing we needed... it was slightly better than last year, but I still wasn't impressed at all.

  14. That's so cool that Kevin Hart retweeted you! I didn't realize the movie was out, we've been waiting for it.


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