Monday, July 25, 2016

No, Orange Is The New Black, Veterans Aren't Like That

Have you seen the latest season of Orange Is The New Black? Well, even if you haven't, I'll explain. The show is about a bunch of women in prison. In season 4, new prison guards are needed so veterans are hired to fill the positions.


There's actually a discussion in the show where the "big wigs" of the prison talk about how they'll get more money for hiring veterans. This rubbed my husband, who is currently serving in the Air Force, the wrong way.

"So now we're just dollar signs to companies?" he grumbled.

I reminded him that at least veterans were being hired. So many veterans are left without jobs.

But then we get to "meet" the veterans. And they're all assholes.

I watched in horror as veterans basically abused inmates--rough pat downs, knocking them over, giving them overly harsh punishments, forcing them to fight.

I'm here to say that veterans are not like that. Some are and it's probably because our government doesn't seem to care. The amount of veterans who go without the proper care is horrifying. PTSD is real. But it seems as soon as our troops finish serving, the government is through with them, and it's a shame. One day I hope it all changes. One day I hope our veterans are given the best care available.

Most veterans that I've met are kind. Friendly. I completely understand that the writers of Orange Is The New Black wanted conflict. But they shouldn't have put the veterans as the bad guys. Did they forget that Orange Is The New Black might not even be around were it not for our soldiers fighting for our freedom on a daily basis?

So I'm asking people to not buy into the stereotype that Orange Is The New Black is trying to convey. I understand it's a fictional TV show, but millions watch, and I'd hate for people to think, "Oh man, are veterans sadistic creeps?"

They are not.

In fact, I know one veteran very well. She volunteers. She cares about the environment. She is there to lend a hand. She's kind.

She's my mother.


  1. I have to say that was a huge downfall for me during this season. I was really disappointed that they chose to categorize veterans that way.

  2. I completely agree. :-( Luckily the show does have many times where it categorises people in the RIGHT way. Just not this time :(

  3. I just started watching this series recently. Thanks for this post!

  4. I've not watched OITNB so can't really comment. I don't like it when tv/movie makers portray a group or profession badly.

  5. I watched the show and when I saw the veterans behave that way I just thought that it's a really bad idea to hire people to work at a prison without the proper training. I would have thought that no matter who was hired. So personally I didn't have any negative thoughts about veterans in particular after watching the show but I could see how they were shown in a negative light. It did bother me that pretty much all of them were bad characters and they couldn't have at least a few nice ones! Like even the female veteran character was just prepared to turn a blind eye when it looked like one of the other guards could be sleeping with one of the inmates(or worse).

  6. Yeah we threw in the towel with this show in season 2.
    For interesting prison shows, I suggest Oz. It's very good.

  7. I recently watched the first four episodes of season one and will not be watching any further. I feel so badly about the way we humans treat each other.

  8. And this should make us think about all the other stereotypes that we are daily "offered" everywhere, well done for raising awareness about it.

  9. And this should make us think about all the other stereotypes that we are daily "offered" everywhere, well done for raising awareness about it.

  10. I haven't watched Orange is the New Black, but it makes me angry to hear about veterans being portrayed that way.

  11. We just finished watching the most recent season and I agree that the show portrayed veterans horribly. I was actually surprised that they had portrayed them in that light because I have a family of veterans who are absolutely amazing and would never treat anyone, even someone in prison, like that.

  12. I somehow missed the part about them being veterans. Thanks for clearing that all up though.

  13. I somehow missed the part about them being veterans. Thanks for clearing that all up though.

  14. I also somehow missed that they were veterans-maybe it wasn't brought up enough to put a spotlight on that little detail-but I agree in that the way our vets are sometimes viewed and treated here is appalling. My husband is a vet. And he certainly isn't anything like the season 4 guards

  15. Aww.. your mom!
    Agreed about veterans being all kinds, just like all people - some of us suck and most don't. I personally have never met one I didn't like.

  16. I haven't really kept up with OITNB - but really? Argh, that would rub me up the wrong way as well... Aww, love the pic of your mom - she looks lovely!! xx

  17. Yea I wasn't a huge fan of that portrayal either. Good on you for speaking up!

  18. This was written really well, I felt uncomfortable at how veterans were portrayed in the show. They could have picked a different demographic to make the "bad guys"

  19. I tried watching this show on at least one occasion and didn't care for it, so I can't say much about that. But I will say that one likes to be misrepresented.

  20. Most of us know (or at least should know) that that is a complete misrepresentation of Veterans. Unfortunately, some people tend to forget that television shows are just television shows "THEY ARE NOT REAL!"

  21. I have to admit that as a non American, I have watched from afar staggered by the apparent disregard for veterans, once they have served their purpose to the Government, but I do wonder if it is not a universal thing, worldwide. Politicians are always willing to throw the young and the best in as cannon fodder, but quickly forget when the men and women come home, just not to a "land fit for heroes." As to the television programme, I haven't seen it and I suspect, like you suggest, they are merely seeking conflict. Were veterans the right choice as scapegoats? Probably not.

  22. I really like how you cleared this out.
    It might be a fictional movie, but a lot of people just might buy into that idea if they do not know any Veteran, so thank you for that.

  23. I haven't watched this show before but I think I would have been disappointed in the same fact. My husband is a veteran as well.

  24. Living in the UK this is a new series to me. I am slowly watching my way through season 1 at the moment.sadly not all drama get things spot on although some do tackle issues fantastically.

  25. Unfortunately, I haven't watched Orange is the New Black. I have to look into this episode. Thanks for this post!

  26. Sorry but never been watched this series but thanks for the post!

  27. I know this def hits home for you ..... but even reading this I am disturbed. I have so much respect for veterans and those fighting for our country... for our freedom... for my kids. For a show... an athlete... or anyone to take away the respect these men deserve is so sad to me :(

  28. Thanks to your husband and mother (and all veterans) for their service. Glad that OITNB is fiction, and I'd never begin to image all veterans are as portrayed.

  29. Thanks to your husband and mother (and all veterans) for their service. Glad that OITNB is fiction, and I'd never begin to image all veterans are as portrayed.

  30. I've never seen the show and don't personally know too many Veterans. That being said, I'm still aware and appreciative of their service every single day. I have heard so many stories about PTSD breaking apart families after people get back from overseas and it breaks my heart that they don't get the support they need (and deserve).

  31. I gave up on that show after a couple of episodes because it became crude. I don't watch that much TV. However, now that I know about that episode I won't watch again. I come from a military family and if a show disrespects our veterans it is never worth watching for me.

  32. Ihave never watched the show but I will look out for this episode when I decide to do a tv binge weekend.

  33. I hate that veterans can be seen as dollar signs and then portrayed that way on tv. Your mother sounds like most veterans I know including my own father.

  34. I have not watched this show but heard it covers a lot of different and social topics. Might watch that episode.

  35. I watch OITNB and usually love the realness in the show. This struck me as too over the top. Yeah, maybe one veteran hired or even 2 would be like that, but the whole group?

  36. I have not really been watching orange is the new black but what a shame that the made the veterans to be villans.

  37. I've never followed Orange is the new black but sometimes what television is showing is not the real picture. It is just their publicity stunt to attract masses and increase their TRP's without bothering about reality our hurting the sentiments of the people! Your mom sounds like a wonderful woman!

  38. I used to watch Orange is the New Black but stopped after a few season, it really got to be too much after a point! Maybe I should give the new season a try.
    xx, Kusum |

  39. It's tough when a TV show decides to depict a certain group of people the wrong way. It's disappointing and insulting to those who are in that said group. I'm sorry that you guys had to experience this.

  40. I don't watch the show, but I agree with you. When there are millions of people watching a show that they love, they have a tendency to think it's true or accept it as truth. Not very many people can separate real life from fiction. Especially with all the life living shows going on out there now.
    Thanks for sharing.

  41. I haven't seen the show yet but I guess they should focus on the group not just on one or two of them. Love to watch veterans shows as my great grand uncle won Victoria Cross.

  42. I don't watch that show, but that's horrible that they portrayed Veterans that way. I completely agree with you and definitely don't view Veterans that way.

  43. I watch this show just because there is noting else to watch. It definitely sucks that they did that :-/

  44. OITNB is one of my favorite shows on Netflix! I hate how the veteran's were portrayed this season though.

    VA | Collectively Bee

  45. Madrespect to your for clarifying and raising awareness for PTSD. I have a few friends who suffer from it and there's no easy quick fix. It takes a long time and even then there's a struggle to go back to any type of normal life

  46. This is crazy. It makes me angry. We don't treat our veterans well here. Praying it changes with the new president.

  47. I can understand your anger, but at the end of the day it's still a fictional show. What kind of jail is that anyway?

  48. I have never watched the show. I am disappointed to say the least!

  49. This really does make me upset. Even though the show is supposed to be somewhat funny, that is not to me in any way.

  50. yea, it wasn't a good way to go, but i hae to remember, this is fake,it's only a tv show.


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