Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To have mixed feelings about Netflix remaking Anne of Green Gables. I love the original so much. I hope it's not messed up.

--To think it's cool that Mayim Balik reunited with her co-star from Beaches. I LOVE that movie.

--To have taken Natalie to see Suicide Squad. I went to see it when it came out with Tom and Tommy and thanks to YouTube Videos, Natalie really wanted to see it.

--To have finally seen Batman VS Superman. I honestly thought Batman and Superman were jolly good friends and Tom was like, "Um, no."

--To be glad the kids are doing well in school. Tommy seems to like high school okay thought he HATES that he has to take PE for a year. (I'll have a blog post about that soon.) Natalie says she's been making new friends. She sits next to a boy and says they've bonded over liking Dan TDM and farts.

--To appreciate all the comments I received from my post from yesterday When Your Child Gives Up A Sport. Some suggested that I keep pushing Natalie to try gymnastics, but it's just not my parenting style. Plus, it was getting irritating listening to her whine about going every week. She might decide to try it again though! We shall see.

--To be sad that Gene Wilder passed away. I enjoyed many of his movies. I recently showed Natalie Willy Wonka and she loved it so much that she wanted to act out a scene.

--To be dramatic when I run. This was me after I finished running. I hate that I have to do it, but my metabolism is dying and I love my junk food. Plus I'm too cheap to buy new pants.


  1. I don't think I even knew Mayim Bialik was in Beaches. Great movie.

  2. Omg. My mom and I love Beaches. I cry every single time. It's such a beautiful movie!! Can't believe Lifetime is messing with it!!

  3. Beaches is one of my favorite movies of all time!

  4. I am sad about Gene Wilder too. I feel like 2016 is sucking my childhood away! I am proud of you for running. Seriously, I only run if something is chasing me.

  5. hah, does metabolism die?? You look good!
    Cassidy really wants to see Suicide Squad and even drove halfway there on Sunday night but hit traffic and realized he'd miss the movie, so he came back.
    Sad about Gene Wilder. What an actor.

  6. My son let my daughter watch WW&TCF the other day without me being there. She liked it, but I thought some of it was disturbing. Apparently, it didn't bother her. She's singing the Oompa Loompa song now!

  7. So sad about Gene Wilder, we've lost a great many celebrities this year.

    One of my all time favourite films is Young Frankenstein - genius!

  8. Haha that last picture is me BEFORE I run. LOL. Not a runner.

  9. Amen on #1. I don't know how I feel about that either. I have loved what they have done so far. So let's see...

  10. I'm with you on the Batman and Superman thing! LOL

    Sondra Barker
    Pretty Fit Foodie

  11. I was/am so sad about Gene Wilder!

  12. Oh goodness, I am away on holiday and something always happens... I had no idea Gene Wilder passed away!! :( I loved Anne of Green Gables so am excited about the Netflix remake... Let's see.....


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