Thursday, November 17, 2016

How To Score A Hatchimal


They seem to be a hot toy for Christmas this year. Honestly, I don't get it. But it was on my daughter's Christmas list, because of course she'd want difficult things to find.

I didn't think I'd luck out. But I kept calling my local Toys R Us and was told they generally get new shipments every few days.

I happened to go to Toys R Us one day. I looked down the aisles for a Hatchimals. Natalie wanted the exclusive unicorn Hatchimal found only at Toys R Us. Naturally it was no where to be found. But then I went to customer service and found 4 Hatchimals sitting there. No unicorn, but oh well. A Hatchimal was a Hatchimal, right? I could make a horn and stick it on the thing's head.

"Can I get one of these?" I asked.

The worker nodded. She said they keep them at customer service because people kept buying them all up to sell online. Or they'd try to steal them.

First of all, if you're buying these up to sell for triple the cost online, you suck. Don't do that. I know you need Christmas money and blah, blah, blah, but don't do it in a disgusting way. Stop it.

Second of all, how in the world would people steal a Hatchimal? The box is all awkward. But okay. People are weird.

I was pleased with my purchase because it was on sale for $49.99. I think the normal price is $59.99.

I'm also hearing they pop up randomly on Add the Hatchimals to your cart and keep checking if the $59.99 price comes up. Unfortunately there are assholes on there too and some are selling the thing for $100+. Don't give into their greed.

A few people online have also suggested going to the Target Inventory Tracker and typing in the DCPI numbers of the Hatchimals. Some of them are: 086-08-0396, 086-08-0898, and the Target exclusive one is: 086-08-0899. This will tell you if they have any in stock.

If your kid doesn't get one and really wants one, just explain that it's really not that great. Seriously there are YouTube videos showing that the toy isn't the best. My daughter might get a kick out of the thing when it pecks out of the egg, but I can almost bet it'll end up at the bottom of the toy chest after a week or two. I'll try and remember to share a video of the toy in action.

So if you have a Toys R Us nearby, call them. Ask if they have any in stock. If you go into the store, check out customer service. That's where I found mine, plus 3 others. This thing reminded me of when Furbys came out. I really wanted one, and happened to find one at the shoppette, because I was in Belgium at the time. They were all the rage and guess what? I played with it for a week, then turned it off because it kept making noises at me in the middle of the night and freaking me the hell out.

Does your kid want one of these? If you already opened one up, does your kid like it?


  1. My son has a Ps3 and plays with it quite often, now (it's been a while actually ) wants the Ps4, and it's not cheap. I asked him what's really so different about them, and he said there are new games that you can only play with the upgraded version. See what I mean, it's just a plot to make us spend more money, and it's disgusting, but I will buy it anyway, at least I know he will use it for more than a couple weeks.

  2. Lol this looks like something my sister got months back.
    She was super excited about it and bugged my folks for months, and still, few weeks later, she had lost all interest and it was no where to be found!

  3. These are so cute! the things toy makers come up with, might get one for grandson

  4. Something I'm not looking forward to is fighting to get "that toy" for Christmas. Luckily my little one can't yet talk or understand ads. But that day will come. I can't believe how many ads they have on YouTube on the baby channels. It's ridiculous!

  5. So weird!! Lol! But I lived through Cabbage Patch and Monchichi in the 80s. You gotta have these strange toys!

    1. Fuzzy Wonders hatch as well, but sing and tell jokes. Had one that responded to talking. Looks like a Furby in a sweater. Wonder why Hatchimals caught on but these didn't. Same starting price

    2. Did you actually GET a fuzzy wonder? I cannot for the life of me believe those are not a scam as they are identical to furbies and it seems like it would be some sort of copyright infringement.

    3. Nope not a scam! We got ours!

    4. Nope not a scam! We got ours!

  6. These things are weird. I hope my kids don't want them!

  7. These are definitely interesting, they are odd and entertaining at the same time lol.

  8. I've never heard of these until right now! It reminds me of the hot toy that was cool when I was younger. Those "tamagotchis" were allllllll the rage. Do you remember them?

  9. Surprisingly, I have yet to hear of these. I wonder if it's a girl thing? Neither of my boys have mentioned it. Now I know the scoop! Thanks!

  10. Holy cow... I had no idea what that was and never knew it was a thing. I remember when Tickle me Elmo was a big thing and hard to find. I have two older teens so these days... are over! LOL Thank goodness!

    1. I remember tickle me Elmo too when my daughter was little I had heard how awesome it was supposed to be but I wasn't going to pay thousands of dollars for one. While I was at toys r us getting Xmas for my girls I just happened to be there at right time I guess and found one in stock.I thought she would be so excited however come Xmas morning she opened it took one look at it and started screaming at top of her lungs and crying lol.She was scared to death of it ended up having to hide it in top of closet so she couldn't see it until eventually just giving it to one of her cousins.😂

  11. I spend so much money on my son's video games. And they outgrow the games so fast.

  12. My boys would love this. I too would not like the noise.

  13. Yes, Furbys, Tickle Me Elmo, and now these! My daughter saw a commercial and said "I want that!" I did not realize they were such a hot commodity! There must be some sort of subliminal message in the commercials!

  14. This looks so cute but I wonder if they are really worth the price? Thankfully, my little siblings are too big for these now :)

  15. I hate that parents have to deal with the stress of finding the hot toy of the year! My kids are too young for this, but I'm sure it will happen soon! Hope your daughter loves her hatchimal! -Erin at

  16. On my kids list, at the top of his list! lol Hoping I can score one without too much of a hassle!

  17. These are interesting! I have4 years old sin and he is mostly into Thomas trains.

  18. Too funny, one of the DJs of the radio station I listen to was mentioning these last night. I can see both sides of the selling issue: supply and demand. But it sure does suck when people try to price gouge.

  19. Isn't it funny what toy goes viral and becomes all the rage? I remember people fighting over tickle me Elmo! I wonder if I would have wanted this when I was little!

  20. My daughter would love to own a Hatchimal....I wouldn't mind either (lol). Play time just keeps getting smarter and smarter.

  21. This looks like something my son and daughter would have loved when they were younger.

  22. This time of year is hard to score certain toys. Glad to hear you were able to find the Hatchimal! My niece would love one for Christmas :)

  23. These are adorable but I have seen them going for CRAZY prices online. My son thankfully has not mentioned anything about these but I am just waiting for him to now.

  24. Somehow I am glad my nephew is only into nemo and Dora at the moment because these people selling almost double the price is crazy.

  25. People are definitely weird by trying to steal and re-sell the toys. Anyway though, awesome post, you have a great voice! I hope she plays with it longer than we played with our Furbies! I did the same thing because mine freaked me out too!!

    Sondra Barker
    Pretty Fit Foodie

  26. I haven't seen this yet but it looks so cool. My son is obsessed with Lego toys. We got him a 4000 pieces set from Amazon.

  27. I have never heard of Hatchimals before, but sounds really interesting & different. My kids are so young to handle such toys at the moment, but might be a great choice for the big kids!

  28. my daughter has been seeing the commercials and asking for one. luckily she's 4 and easily distracted.

  29. I've seen these in toy stores but I've never thought of buying one for my kids. At least, unless they ask for it, but so far, they've never paid attention.

  30. I have never seen these, of course neither have I looked for them, but my little one is too young and so Christmas shopping will be easy for him.

  31. I haven't seen this toy and I bet my kids would surely love this

  32. I've never seen anything like this before. Looks like a toy that kids will have fun with!

  33. These toys are so cute! Great tips on how to score one!

    VA | Collectively Bee

  34. My son wants one of those for Christmas. I think it is a good option!

  35. This is my first time to see a toy like this! I'm sure kids would love it.

  36. It's not on my kids' radar yet but I'm sure they'd love it. I know this because I want one!

  37. The kids will enjoy and love this specially this Christmas gifting.

  38. I'm this an egg that u have to take care of and then it hatches into a toy?? It kind of sounds like the "live" version of those pocket pet video game things.

  39. Ive been lucky my kids never have had to have that one toy, I remember some of the toy crazes buzz lightyear was one year and those pocket games and furby!

  40. I had no idea what a Hatchimal was till I saw the picture, of course I knew right then what you were talking about. My daughter points it out every time the commercial comes on. I had no idea how much they were though.

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  46. Your guide on scoring a Hatchimal is an absolute game-changer for parents navigating the holiday season! The step-by-step instructions and valuable tips provide a strategic approach, giving readers a better chance at securing this coveted toy. The personal anecdotes and humorous touches make the post not only informative but also enjoyable to read. Your relatable storytelling creates a sense of camaraderie among parents facing the Hatchimal craze. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and adding a touch of humor to the quest for the elusive Hatchimal – it's a must-read for parents on a mission!
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  47. "Wow, what an incredibly detailed and helpful guide on how to score a Hatchimal! Your step-by-step instructions make it so easy for anyone to understand and follow. I especially appreciate the tips on where to find them and the reminders to act quickly before they sell out. Thank you for sharing your expertise and making the hunt for Hatchimals a little less daunting for all of us!"

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  48. "How to Score Hatchimal" on Airing My Laundry is a must-read guide for parents navigating the frenzy of securing the elusive Hatchimal toy. With practical tips and firsthand experiences, the author shares valuable strategies for successfully finding this coveted item during the holiday season. From online resources to in-store tactics, every suggestion is aimed at helping parents fulfill their children's wishes without the stress and frustration often associated with toy hunting. Whether you're a seasoned shopper or a first-time Hatchimal seeker, this insightful article offers actionable advice to make your quest a success.
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