Monday, December 26, 2016

Things That Happened on Christmas

We had a fantastic Christmas. And here are some of the things that happened.

1. Natalie got the pug she wanted--well, in toy form. I can't deal with a dog. Two cats is quite enough, thanks.

2. The top of our tree burnt out. It actually did this a few days before though. But oh well. We'll hopefully find a deal on a new one with the Christmas sales.

3. Our living room looked like this:

4. My teenager got a ton of video games because it's all he wanted. This means we won't be seeing much of him. He'll emerge to eat and use the bathroom but that's about it.

5. I got this cool olde book purse and a shirt from The Princess Bride. If you want some for yourself, Tom shopped at Think Geek!

6. AND this pretty necklace:

7. Tom wasn't left out. He got some goodies, plus a Fitbit Blaze:

8. We had dinner with my parents and my Nana Jo!

9. I put this together!! Well. Okay. It sort of fell apart in some places because I don't know how to tighten screws properly. Oops. But the point is, I DID get it all together.

How was your Christmas? Or if you don't celebrate, did you have a fun weekend?


  1. Yay!! Pugs are such easy dogs tho. You should get her one!!

  2. So glad you had a nice Christmas! Our living room looked like a tornado hit! One child but so many gifts from various family members. Love the necklace you got, very pretty!

  3. We had a great Christmas- the first one Bubba has been able to really participate in. I'm exhausted and my living room looks like a toy store threw up. BUT I'm hoping for some well occupied kiddos today. Merry Christmas!

  4. Theses teens and thier video games. My boys have most of those. Merry Christmas.

  5. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas spent with family. That necklace looks perfect!

  6. I love Tom's PJs! Adorable :)

    I didn't get as many gifts this year, but the gifts I got were HUGE. My husband's parents got me a laptop. I still can't wrap my head around it. I feel like it's much too big of a gift to accept but they refuse to take it back.

  7. Love that book purse and it seems you had a fun filled Christmas!!!

  8. This is such a sweet post! Your kids seem adorable! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  9. Looks like fun! Love the necklace you got and of course the pug! So cute <3

  10. Looks like you guys had an amazing Christmas! It's nice to see that you all were happy with the presents that you got. Good job putting that bike together!

  11. Your Christmas looked like so much fun!
    I put together a bike too! Go us!

  12. So glad you had a great Christmas visiting your parents. Your kids really made out like bandits. And you did a great job putting together the Razor.

  13. Looks like you had a great Christmas. The decoration of tree is lovely. Everyone looks happy with there gifts. I love the heart necklace.

  14. You had so much fun for Christmas...minus the burnttop of your tree! 😃

  15. You had a wonderful christmas. I love my Fitbit! Best wishes to you and your family this holiday season.

  16. Looks like you had a great Christmas! Happy New Year!

  17. It looks like your Christmas was fun and full of great memories to cherish! I love the necklace that you got.

  18. Tom has great pajamas!
    The kids got everything they asked for and so much more. Same with me! Now my eye is on the prize- 2017!

  19. Awwww it looks like everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

  20. You post made me laugh about your daughter getting a pug and your son emerging to eat because video games will have him preoccupied lol. Im glad you guys had a great christmas! Your top lights of your tree went out? At least the year is ending, so you'll be taking them down (:

    Isaly Holland

  21. Christmas was so much fun for us too this year as we had our cousin family joining us together after so many years. Your living room looks busy with gifts and I am in love with that stunning necklace too!

  22. Looks like you had a nice Christmas and that necklace looks perfect! Happy holidays to you and your family!

  23. Our living room also looked like that and that's okay! Glad I wasn't the only one ;)

  24. Ooh, I almost thought you had gotten a real pug for Natalie! Looks like you guys did well over Christmas..! Can you adopt me? ;)

  25. My Christmas was great. My hubby and I celebrated it at home and we were on a Star Wars movie marathon.

  26. Christmas was wonderful. I hosted dinner this year with family. It looks like you had the perfect Christmas. Also, did Natalie name the pug?

  27. Sounds like a great Christmas! I love your Princess Bride shirt.

  28. Wow, Santa definitely came to yours, what wonderful gifts. Glad you all had a wonderful Christmas.

  29. Wow! The picture of
    your living room clearly shows how much fun everyone had while opening the gifts during Christmas! I loved your necklace!


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