Monday, January 16, 2017

Moms, Take That Me Time

"This review was made possible by iConnect and Luvs. I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.”

When my kids were babies, I won't lie, it could get tough.

There would be tears:

There would be anger. Toys would be thrown in my direction and sometimes I'd get clipped in the head with a sippy cup. And then more tears would come, because the baby would realize hey, I WANTED that sippy cup and now it's not next to me:

There would be messes. Lots and lots of messes.

Being a mother can be stressful. It took me a while to realize that taking time for myself was important. If I sat down with a book, I'd feel guilty. Shouldn't I be with my baby? They grow so fast. Maybe I should set down the book and be with the baby. But then it finally clicked. I needed that me time. And here's why:

1. It helps you to recharge. When you're a parent, your mind is always running. You think about meals to make. Laundry. If the kid is in lessons, when do you need to get the kids to those. Volunteering at the school. Oh crap, is she getting sick, why is she feeling warm? Your mind NEEDS to rest so grab that book. Watch that series on Netflix. Take a long shower.

2. It makes you a better mother. If you're constantly thinking of others and not yourself, it doesn't end well. Resentment builds. Perhaps yelling occurs more often. But if you take that break, you feel refreshed. You can handle the sibling fights. You can handle the pile of laundry. (Maybe.)

3. You'll smile more. I find when I take time for myself, I appear to be more cheerful. Otherwise people ask me why I look so upset. "It might be because I haven't read a book in a while," I might answer, and then I realize, oh right, I need that me time. Otherwise I frighten others.

4. It makes you a better wife.  I mean, there is that saying "Happy Wife, Happy Life." It's true. When I'm upset, it tends to trickle to everyone else in the family. It's not fair to them. So for their sanity and happiness, TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF.

Sometimes I'd forget to do the things I loved when my kids were small. I felt like I had to do it all. I felt like I had to change all the diapers, but thankfully I used Luvs, which made my life easier. These days, Luvs is still helping out since they recently introduced new and improved ultra leakguard diapers with nightlock plus. I was always thankful that Luvs wasn't overpriced. Diapers can add up, after all. Luvs wants you to save even more with this coupon for $1 off. You can purchase the new Luvs Ultra Leakguard Diapers with NightLock Plus™in most grocery stories. 

Doing the things I loved helped me prepare for the hard times. It also made me appreciate the fun times more. Finding products like Luvs also helped make life easier so I could appreciate my babies even more.

So moms: take that me time. Do what you love. Recharge.

You deserve it.


  1. I'm not a mama yet and I think a big reason for that is because I am afraid of losing out on the me-time! Haha :) I know once I have kids of my own, I'd like to find the me-time because my mantra is: "If you give more to yourself, you can ask more from yourself."

  2. Yes!! Take time to yourself. Being a mom is a job.

  3. I agree that "me time" for a mom is important!
    I'm just glad my kids are out of diapers now. :)

  4. I can only imagine how hard it is for moms to always think about everybody else. I think every mommy needs at least a moment just for herself and it's nothing wrong with it!:)

  5. Me time is so incredibly important! I make it a point to even just take a bath so I can relax and recharge.

  6. I feel you - I don't even have children and need to recharge, so I cant even imagine what mommies go through!

  7. Everyone needs me time once in a while -- especially moms! Being a parent seems so exhausting, that recharge time must be essential

  8. What a cute post, with all these pictures of your little ones! I think sometimes we all need a reminder to take time for ourselves - it matters more than we think sometimes, and it really does make all the difference.

  9. Recharging is very important just like at work where you were allowed for a vacation leave if needed. It is not only for you but for the sake of your family as well. Just like bringing back oneself to life.

  10. You are so right. But sometimes it is really difficult you now? But we have to make an effort and take time for ourselves.

  11. I couldn't agree more. Motherhood is not an easy job, and feeling guilty from taking a break is a big NO! NO! NO! - AMER

  12. Like my mom told me , having kids is a full JOB with a lots of emotion and love :)

  13. Everyone needs a little time away! It's never a bad thing to balance things out. That's why there are two parents!

  14. I don't have any kids but I can imagine how expensive and exhausting it is to raise one. Props to all moms out there, you're doing amazing!

  15. I have 5 kids and I so agree with me time. It took me a while to realize that my time is more important than a clean house.

  16. Me time is SO important! Kids take so much out of you, so you need to nurture yourself the best you can.

  17. This is great advice. Having important roles and responsibilities doesn't mean losing yourself. Me time is so important for anyone.

  18. Not going to lie, between the blog, the personal chef work, and being a full time stay at home mom, I totally forget to take time to myself. Thank you for telling me that it's okay, because most of the time I feel guilty.

  19. I don't know how you do it, but you defo make parenting look really easy! If I have kids, I'm coming to you for advice!!

  20. Good points. Yes it makes sense that you need to have a little me time in order to not get burned out. If you are going to get burned out by not taking a break that is not going to be good for your kids.

  21. Good point - having me time is so important and stop you getting burned out. I love the photo with little one with the mirror. xx

  22. I agree to these post sometimes we tend to forget to take care of ourselves. We realy need a break sometimes.

  23. I don't yet have kids but I am a great advocate for mum's taking some me time whenever they can to recharge and just be themselves

  24. I'm enjoying pretty much a lot of me time now that my children are older. I remembered when my children were younger, being a mom was a full time 24/7 job. I totally agree with your points on why moms need that me time. It definitely helps me keep my sanity.

  25. It's very important to take time for yourself. Can't take care of others when you don't take care of yourself! Great post!

  26. Everyone needs a good break especially moms. I think it's just fair that we are given the me-time that we all need. It's perfect for unwinding and just relaxing before we head out to battle again with the kids.

  27. I could not agree with this post more! I take an hour every morning where my boy plays in the playroom by himself while I work out and get ready for the day. I always wonder if it makes me a bad mom to put him in there by himself? I really don't think so because it sets me up for success for the rest of the day.


  28. I definitely make sure that I block off a small amount of time where it is just for me. I think it makes me a better mom and wife all around.

  29. Having a me time as a mom is being thankful for me. It's not always happen but I'm really happy when I had my me time for 30 mins at bathroom while showering.

  30. As a Mum Your job is nearly 24hrs you must certainly need time to yourself and use whatever you need to get it xx

  31. I can totally relate to this. My son is a year now and I can count the times on my hand how much me time I took. Well today is one of those days I really need some me time. I am going absolutely crazy. My son has 4 molars coming in all at once. Since I am still breastfeeding he wants to be attached all day for comfort. I all officially touched out after a week of constantly being touched and the crying. I feel bad for him but I won't be of any use comfort wise if my husband doesn't give me a break soon. Only problem is my son only wants me. Definitely encourage moms to take some me time.

  32. Yes yes and yes! Take the time. If you feel guilty look at it this way, a little me time makes us better at all the things we are and do for others.

  33. I'm better at taking me time now then what I used to do. Me time varies from going to my room, a movie or lunch by myself. I appreciate when I can get away.

  34. This is the cutest post. I'm not a mom yet, so I can't really relate to being a parent, but I CAN relate to putting time away for yourself. I don't do that enough, and I know I need to make more time for ME.

    Jasmine /

  35. Haha this is great advice! So much is expected and demanded from moms, sometimes all you need to do is just take a step back and breathe!

  36. Hahaha. This was really good advice. I'm not a mom yet but I totally feel like one of the reasons I am so not sure about kids is losing out on me time. Great post.

  37. Your little superman is sooo cute!
    Sometimes a lil mess at home is alright :)

  38. This carries such an important message for mommies to remember! I can only imagine how hard it must be to take a step back from 100% focus on the little ones, but self care really is so beneficial for not only the mommy, but the baby too!

  39. So cute pictures, adorable :) Great advice I will keep in my mind when I will be a mother :) everyone is needed ME TIME !!!

  40. It took me awhile to realize the importance of self care time. When our kids are babies we give and give because they are so helpless but as they grow we don't stop and we start to run on fumes. So many great lessons here.

  41. Yes, so true. Some days that "me time" is 10 minutes alone in the bathroom. But we definitely need to take care of ourselves so that we are able to take care of everyone else.

  42. Amen! I've made myself stop feeling guilty about ignoring the kids every once in a while and reading a book. Thankfully they are old enough to take care of themselves for the most part now.

  43. Yes to all of this. I definitely need to set up more me time. I have vowed to make this year the year that I do it.

  44. A lot of mothers feel guilty about taking some time off for themselves. What they don't know is that they need it. I think these are great reasons to convince moms to spend more time alone.

  45. I'm no mommy but I think me time is so necessary! You're worth a little break!

  46. Not a mom myself, but I definitely know that sometimes we all need that "me" time.

  47. I am a single mom, and desperately need "me time". I take whatever I can get! I always end up missing my children during "me time", haha.

  48. This is super important for mothers! You are a mother but also a human being with a need for special time alone. Great topic to talk about (:

  49. I insist on recharging.Moms have to take self care and self love seriously. Great post

  50. I'm only sorry that it took me this long to take that ME time, but it makes a huge difference. Cassidy has had no trouble taking it all this time!

  51. I so agree with you that Moms need to recharge as it not only help them but their family too. Loved the pictures you shared and hope you enjoy your 'Me-Time' thoroughly :)

  52. I love reading to give myself a break from everything. It is so important to have that time and stay true to yourself.

  53. I totally agree with you that all moms should take a small break from their busy schedule and recharge themselves. As being mom is a toughest job in the world!

  54. The best advice my mom ever gave me still resonates. Take time for yourself or you cannot take care of anyone else.

  55. Yes, taking time out is important. If you don't do it on purpose, you won't get a break for 18 or so years 😀

  56. Having raised three boys of my own this is a great post! It got pretty hairy raising them and sometimes walking away and taking time for myself really helped me gain a better perspective which was a necessity to my sanity since I had 3 in diapers at one time and most days felt like I was loosing my mind!

  57. I'm not yet a mother yet but this blog is a great way to remind yourself that you always need a time for yourself.

  58. Luvs is also my go-to diaper brand. They work better than any other brand I've tried. And they are the most affordable! Also, Netflix is my mommy time. When the kids go to bed, it's time to binge watch my favorite shows. :)

  59. I agree that moms need that me time. I have four boys with a girl on the way. People ask me all the time how do I do it and the key is making sure I take time to recharge.

  60. Ladies listen to this post! I have two teenage chidren and I so wished I took more time for myself even now. Really important for you & your kiddos

  61. I am a major proponent of me-time. I think it is so important, no matter what work you are doing, but especially for moms. This is such a great post. Thank you for sharing.

  62. Am honestly know to myself that Im not good with kids. Their cries give me headaches, and I have very short patience with them. But whenever I met a kid who is so kind and not-a-crying-baby, I find myself spoiling the baby!

    I don't know yet... but hopefully I won't be called a Monster Momma :)

  63. Goodness knows I need some me time! I have 3 kids under the age of 8! - Michelle

  64. Yes, you definitely deserve it!!! So do all of us!!! I have three and sometimes I feel like pulling out my hair. Great posts

  65. I'm not a mother, but as someone who gets most of her me time when sleeping, I'm really picking up what you're putting down. How i'd love to sit and read again!

  66. Being a mom is such hard work. It is important to take breaks! Me time is so important for every body! We need it to recharge ourselves.

  67. This aspect of their existence takes precedent over many other factors and influences their decisions daily. The working mom tends to miss her children during the day.

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