Sunday, April 9, 2017

Why You Should Go To The Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular Dessert Party (Unlimited Cupcakes!)

"Hi Mr. Stormtrooper. Are you nice like Finn?" Natalie scowled as the Stormtrooper marched on. "He just walked right past me. How rude!"

The thing about the stormtroopers walking around Disney's Hollywood Studios? They don't stop. And if they do stop, it's quick. They'll say, "Proceed with photo," and you better be ready, because if you aren't, they keep moving.

"Just keep trying to get their attention," I urged Natalie. "Maybe you'll get lucky at the Dessert Party tonight."

Yes. You can sign up for a Star Wars Dessert Party. Look, I'm all about desserts. When I heard it was ALL YOU CAN EAT desserts, I paid for my family without hesitation. Plus...there were adult beverages. I repeat: ADULT BEVERAGES. After walking around all day with a mood flipping tween girl and a teenager who sighed dramatically whenever I went into a store to shop, I knew I'd need an adult beverage.

You can sign up for the Dessert Party online. Just look up Star Wars Dessert Party and it'll pop up. It's $69 for everyone 10 years old and up, and $39 for kids 3-9. It's held in the Launch Bay where you meet Chewbacca and Kylo Ren. When you check in, you get these lanyards to wear.

All the food is set up and you'll drool all over yourself. Or maybe that was just me. I've been told I'm uncouth.

If you aren't into desserts (!?) there are healthy options. Grapes. Other fruits. Veggies. Hummus. But who wants that when there are cupcakes?

You can get sodas, water, and a Guava juice.

Plus there are the ADULT BEVERAGES. I was carded when I placed my order.

I'm kidding. I wasn't carded at all, and I instantly felt old, but I knew I could drown my sorrows in the booze. I tried the Galactic Punch.

The drink was tasty, but I only had one, because my teenager informed me it was "inappropriate to drink alcohol in front of your children." He has autism, and he's very much by the rules. In his mind, one sip of alcohol will get you drunk. I informed him that one drink would not get me drunk.

"Okay, but if you pass out, I'm leaving you so you learn a lesson," Tommy answered matter-of-factly.

There are small tables set up inside, or you can eat outside.

Guys? They also had Nutella frozen in dry ice. It's delicious.

You basically stand around for an hour. You can explore the Launch Bay, or stuff your face with the desserts the entire time like I did.

"Mommy? Can we go see the Jawas? How many cupcakes have you eaten?" asked my judgmental daughter.

I swallowed down a hunk of chocolate cupcake and agreed to see the Jawas. One Jawa wanted Natalie's Stormtrooper pin that she bought from the store.

Towards the end, Stormtroopers appear because they are the ones who lead you to the fireworks. Another reason to go to the dessert party is you get your own reserved spot to watch the Star Wars fireworks.

"Hello!" Natalie called out to a Stormtrooper. (There are two.) "Are you nice like Finn?"

They walked by.

"Well," Natalie huffed, offended.

"Here, eat this, it'll take the pain away," I said, passing her a cupcake because yes, I had to get another one.

Natalie nibbled on the frosting. "They're coming back!" She shoved it back at me. I finished it off because...well, cupcake.

Natalie stood up straight and...saluted.

"Why did she do that? This isn't the military," Tommy asked.

But..a Stormtrooper STOPPED.

Natalie saluted again.

He balled up his fist and Natalie tried to fist pump him. He shook his head rapidly. He was not trying to fist pump. He was trying to show her the Stormtrooper salute. Natalie finally got it, and he moved on.

"Cool. They acknowledged you," I said.

"I want to be a Stormtrooper," Natalie said. "A nice one. Like Finn. I'd tell Kylo Ren to be kind. Did you just get ANOTHER cupcake?"

I popped it into my mouth. "No," I replied, my speech garbled.

I mean, look. If I'm paying $69, I'm going to eat all I can. And drink all I can. But I will say I was a responsible adult and only had one alcoholic beverage. This is mostly because Tommy kept peering at me as if he expected me to suddenly pass out or jump on the tables and start doing the can-can. He was so sure I'd get drunk. After I finished my drink, I grabbed a Diet Coke and had like 4 of those.

A little after 8 it was announced that it was time to move to the fireworks area. The Stormtroopers lead the way. Keep your lanyards on. This is how they know that you're supposed to be with the group. A few people who weren't part of the party tried to jump in, and the cast members told them to leave. Politely. You're also given these Chewbacca steins to keep, plus a bottle of water. He sort of looks high, but I still love him:

I poured the rest of my Diet Coke in mine. It was awkward to sip out of, but I found a way.

Now, it's still crowded because there are probably like 40 other people or so at the party, but it wasn't terrible. We got an amazing view. The show is a mix of fireworks and scenes from all the Star Wars movies.

It was my first time seeing this, and I was impressed. Lots of cool special effects.

Would I do the dessert party again? Yes! I mean...UNLIMITED CUPCAKES PEOPLE!

Would you do the Star Wars Dessert Party?


  1. We are trying to decide between this one and the one at epcot this year. We did the one at the MK last year and LOVED it.

  2. I have a confession to make: I have never watched any of the Star Wars movies. But I would become a fan just to enjoy this amazing buffet ... especially the cupcakes. Oh mine!

    Joyful Savings recently posted: CashBack Like a BOSS - A list you don’t want to miss!

  3. We are huge Star Wars fans! This looks like a great time; so jealous:) Our kids would have flipped

  4. Love this!! I love me some Star Wars!

  5. This is really cool! I'm not the biggest star wars fan but this sounds like something even I would enjoy! :)

  6. Wow! You had so much fun there! I love the food and the fact there is adult beverages! Your son is so sweet to warn you about drinking alcohol. I would gladly do this with my family. :)

  7. Wow looks like an awesome party :) Am not a huge fan of Starwars, but whenever my PR hires some stormtroppers for our party, it makes the event more cool, and we hit the dance floor.

  8. say no more. You had me and my whole chelfdom at unlimited cupcakes! Expect an army of chelflings, we're comin over :))

  9. It seems the perfect place for Star Wars fans! So funny!

  10. The cupcakes are amazing. I'm laughing at your kids judging your for alcohol and cupcakes!
    And the salute!
    This is such fun. We didn't know about this but if we had, we would have gone!

  11. OMG! I so jealous of you right now. This is a fabulous party and unlimited desserts! That is just the icing on the cake :P Glad you had so much fun :)

  12. That looks like so much fun! We did the Tomorrowland dessert party years ago. We all remember it because my son literally lost a tooth while standing above the dessert buffet and some guy yelled out, "Little dude lost a tooth!"

    Don't worry, it didn't fall into the desserts. :)

  13. It looks like you guys had an awesome time! Honestly you had me at adult cocktails!

  14. How fun is this especially if you are a Star Wars fan. You don't have to tell me twice about all you can eat desserts and drinks, everything looks and sounds yummy!

  15. I’ve always thought how an intergalactic dessert would taste like.
    I hope the force of light diet inside me is stronger than the dark side of sugary sweats when i decide to conquer that party.

  16. My boys are huge Star Wars fans and would love this. I would go just for the cupcakes.

  17. Wow, that looks beyond awesome! Imagine meeting all those characters! And did someone say unlimited cupcakes?!

  18. Adult beverages?! Say no more! An event like this would be for me. My kids LOVE Star Wars and so does my husband.

  19. You had already convinced me with "unlimited cupcakes," but Nutella frozen in dry ice? I would join the dark side for that.

  20. Who isn't into desserts? Only crazy people lol. I LOVE desserts and that spread looks amazing!

  21. Holy Cow! This is a Star Wars Geek's dream! lol I would love to do this with my son! Everything looks wonderful and delicious!

  22. This sounds like so much fun. You definitely had me sold with all you can eat deserts and adult beverages! Frozen Nutella also sounds amazing.

  23. This so cool Definitely my kind of family day.

  24. What a great experience! This is a dream party! Look at those cupcakes! They are so cute and looks delicious.

  25. I would totally do that Star Wars dessert party! This is the first time I learn about it and I am definitely saved for future reference when we go there. Thank you so much for sharing!

  26. Can I wear huge buns like princes leia?! If so, I'm in! Plus, unlimited cupcake? Yes please!

  27. So fun! I surprised my kids with a StarWars breakfast when the last episode dropped. Can't wait to see the new installment.

  28. You had me at dessert. Lol. This looks like so much fun! First time hearing about this.

  29. This looks like a wonderful party idea. I am sure my guys would love to have this.

  30. The desserts look marvelous. And it's nice they had some adult beverages. My daughter would look at me the same way if I was drinking one so I know what you are saying. :)

  31. looks like you had a lot of fun, somehow I envy you...

  32. The only consolation for all kids party "Adult Drinks" Repeat and pay attention. "Adult Drinks"!

  33. I'm not massively into Star Wars, actually, not into it at all, but you definitely have me at unlimited cupcakes!!

  34. How can anyone not go to a place this awesome! I'm sure the kids will have loads of fun here! It's really nice!

  35. To be honest you wouldn't be the only one drooling on yourself if I had that much delicious cake in front of me. As for the 'adult beverages' it is definitely appropriate to have more than one lol x

  36. Wow this is amazing I would love to do something like this, I bet you had incredible time!!

  37. I love desserts as it is what more if you add Star Wars to the invitation. I cannot miss something like this even if it's just for the kids! Lol. I think it's awesome that you guys got to go. It looks like a lot of fun!

  38. Oh I would love to go there and experience the unlimited dessert and all :) I am not a fan of Star Wars but it looks so cool!

  39. This looks like a super fun event. The cupcakes look delicious and um... unlimited dessert?! Yes, please!

  40. a Star Wars Dessert Party?? that looks like so much fun. and i love it the cupcake that looks like one of the characters

  41. You had me at cupcakes! This is something we would love to do as a big fan of the franchise and a toddler who is already into Star Wars in a big way!

  42. You had me at unlimited cupcakes! I have a serious case of sweet tooth for desserts and this is right down my alley. Thanks for sharing this!

  43. This was an exciting event. I felt as though I was there. I love all of the food options and I am so glad you were camera ready when he stopped. Perfect picture.

  44. Adult beverages...unlimited cupcakes...sign me up!! I go to Disney all the time and I had no idea about this. Even though I'm kid free I think I'll check this out:-)

  45. This looks like so much fun! I would go for the fun but stay and hang out for the unlimited cupcakes!

  46. We are planning a trip in December and we've been kicking around the idea of trying it. It looks like a GREAT time.

  47. I loved reading through your post. Not only because it was a Star Wars event but because I had to laugh every time your kids would ask how many cupcakes you had or how many drinks you've downed. I would be having my fill too if I paid that much!

  48. This looks like a fun event for kids and adults alike. I'm not a Star Wars fanatic but I did enjoy the movies. I hear the light show at Disneyland is awesome.

  49. Looks like a very fun event. While I'm not an avid Star Wars fan, the event did interest me if only for the unlimited cupcakes! The sweet treats look yummy!

  50. I am good with anything that involved dessert. My husband loves Star Wars, so he would love this.

  51. Looks like great fun! Not a big Star Wars fan but I would still enjoy this!

  52. STOP IT, those desserts look so yummy! Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

  53. How can anyone say "no" to this! I mean I think the food alone is enough to convince me! Star Wars is something our family loves too!

  54. OMG! These muffins are amazing! I am sure you all had a wonderful time!

  55. You had me at 'adult beverages'. This is the perfect way to spend an evening after a day of rides and fun. (Rena)

  56. What a fun looking party! The Galactic Punch would have been my choice too. And unlimited cupcakes? Yes please! I would need the grapes to offset the cupcakes. I almost always have fruit with my sweet desserts.

  57. I mean do you really have to convince ANYONE?! You said desserts - hahahaha! ;)

  58. My kids adore Star Wars. They've seen every movie, and I know they would just love something like this!

  59. Wow! This event looks really fun and super exciting! Those cupcakes are really mouthwatering. Wish I could be here right now!

  60. But what I am curious about...Did they have adult beverages? LOL The whole layout looked spectacular. I am glad you got so many photos so I could feel like I was there.

  61. Whoa! Unlimited cupcakes you can count me in. I get excited with all the photos.

  62. Disney desserts are the BEST! I'd totally eat all the cupcakes I could get my hands on (and maybe have an adult beverage or two to wash it all down!)

  63. This looks like so much fun. I'm not even that into Star Wars but I can appreciate the imagination and work that went into it.

  64. Even if it wasn't a Star Wars dessert party, I'd love to go there for all these treats. Everything looks so delicious! :)

  65. This looks so fun! Oh I'd love to go. I am sure I would enjoy this.

  66. I am not a Star Wars fan, but I sure have a sweet tooth so I'd definitely enjoy all the desserts. It's going to be fun. :)

  67. That does look like so much fun. All those cupcakes look so amazing. I'd love to go there!

  68. So much fun you look like you had a great time. Our family is a big fan of Star Wars.

  69. That looks like so much fun! I went to Hollywood Studios a few months ago and wish I knew about this Star Wars Galactic dessert party! Would love to visit there soon!

  70. Holy moly. I want to go to a Hollywood Studios party! I love Star Wars AND dessert!

  71. This sounds fun! My kids love Star Wars and unlimited cupcakes? Can't get any better than that!

  72. wow! This is heaven! I am sure that my kid will go crazy over it!

  73. This is a great event to visit especially for the star wars fans. Who doesn't want unlimited cupcakes. I think the fee you paid is worth it.

  74. Hello unlimited cupcakes. That's enough to make anybody go! Sounds like a fun time for sure.

  75. You had me at unlimited cupcakes. Star Wars fan will get an extra treat, pun intended!


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