Thursday, May 11, 2017

I Am A Perfect Mom

What does perfect mean anyway? And why is everyone so eager to strive for it? I think we're all perfect in our own way. Our decisions are important to us. Our decisions mean something to us. So in my eyes? We're all perfect because we all make our own choices and we stand by them.

I am a perfect mom because....

....I had an epidural with my both my kids. Right away I told the nurse, "And I'll be wanting the drugs. As fast as you can."

I am a perfect mom because.... home never looks immaculate. It will always looked lived in.

I am a perfect mom because....

.....I did not join the PTA but instead donate directly and support them by sending in checks to the various activities they have throughout the year.

I am a perfect mom because....

....I serve my kids fast food at least once a week.

I am a perfect mom because....

....I do not allow my kids to co-sleep. My bed is my area. My space. It's okay to have your own space.

I am a perfect mom because....

....I make sure my kids always use the proper you're. I do not want to have an adult child who goes around typing "your welcome."

I am a perfect mom because....

....I refused to give up on my son when I realized he had autism. I looked for any way I could help him. I'll be fighting for him for the rest of my life.

Be confident in the choices you've made. Don't feel guilty if others don't agree with them because guess what? It's your life, not theirs.

And remember, in your children's eyes?

You are perfect.

And that's all that really matters, right?


  1. Happy Mother's Day!! I hope you get chocolate, Diet Coke and fries!! Oh and stuff from Think Geek.

  2. Aww..such a cute post. I enjoyed reading it and I agree completely..motherhood is perfect the way it is. More power to u and wish u happy mothers day :)

  3. Happy Mother's day! This post is so refreshing in our 'perfect' social media world - where clutter and chaos is always just out of shot.

  4. All that matters is love! Unconditional love for our kids! Kudos for being a perfect mom!

  5. This is such a cute and inspiring post! I have heard so much of co-sleeping and I was always like... "yeah your baby's place is in their own bed coz you're allowed privacy, time and space for yourself". Also, not good for the relationship if their is always the baby in between. Unconditional love is so important. I do think you're a perfect mom coz you're just being yourself and doing the best you can! xx corinne

  6. haha! This is so awesome! Ofcourse you are a great mom! Mom's are always great no matter what!

  7. I LOVE this! I didn't do the co-sleeping thing either. Actually, it wasn't much of a thing back when I had kids. And, I remember having more than one birthday party at the local fast food joint when my kids were little. That was a thing back then. Now that I have grandkids, they do think I'm pretty close to perfect. All mothers are perfectly perfect! Happy Mother's Day weekend!

  8. Awww what a lovely post, so true! I hope you have a lovely mothers day, you rock!

    Lennae xxx

  9. I love this! I think there's so much pressure on us to be perfect that it is important to step back and take ownership of the fact that we are what we are and that's ok!

  10. If you do all things with love, then it's usually the right thing g to do. Thank you for sharing your journey of motherhood with us.

  11. Happy Mothers Day to all those perfect moms. You're welcome! Enjoyed reading this and yes it is me to a T.

  12. You are a WONDERFUL mother! And don't feel bad, my daughter is like 82% chicken nugget and like 18% water and healthy stuff haha.

  13. Happy Mother's day! I believe every mom is perfect over their own different ways. I salute every mother in the world! -ANOSA

  14. This is beautiful! Perfect moms come in so many varieites! We are all striving for imperfect perfection :)

  15. You are an amazing mom. Don't forget that you are perfectly imperfect. And that's fine.

  16. This sounds like me. I don't strive for perfection, I only strive to make it through each day.

  17. Happy Mother's Day! I love this post I think to many people put pressure on themselves to be "perfect" when really they already are.

  18. Happy Mother's Day Perfect Mom!

  19. Happy mothers day to you!! This was a great post and yes, you cannot be perfect, but you can be who you are!

  20. I love this post! You have such a beautiful family, and I bet you are a perfect mother. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  21. You made me realized that I should feel the same being a MOm. Sometimes I feel like I am not enough or I'm not doing enough for my kids.

  22. That picture of Superman Tommy is a winner!!!
    I'm more like you with the PTA/PTO. I cannot do meetings and positions, but I can donate like the best of them!

  23. I do think that too many mothers put undue pressure on themselves. It's okay if you can't do everything for your kids as long as you do the most important ones.

  24. This absolutely perfect. I am a perfect mom because sometimes I choose to let my kid watch a movie if that means I can use the bathroom and shower in peace ;)

  25. I love, love, love this! I feel like parents feel so much pressure to treat their kids a certain way: pressure from social circles, parents of their own, grandparents, etc. But whatever works for your family is what you should stick with. This article shows exactly that - fantastic!

  26. Now I am reading this again. Probably one of my favorite post from your site. I love this story. Happy Mother's day and indeed you are a perfect mom! Hugs and kisses to you. - ANOSA

  27. This was so sweet in many ways. You are a perfect mom for all those reasons and more. Those kids are very lucky.

  28. What a cute post, so sweet! You got reason, you're a perfect mom because you love your children and do the best you can for them! Happy mother's day!

  29. Love the cute photograph there at the end. And Happy Mother's Day. That's great that you make decision and stick by them. It's important for you. And it's important for your children.

  30. Ah Happy Mother's Day! We had ours back in March already! You have this parenting thing nailed xxx

  31. Happy Mother;'s Day. I loved reading this post. We are all perfect parents in our own way and to our children, we;ll always be perfect.

  32. Such an honest and adorable post. happy mother's day! you are a perfect mom :)

  33. Yes we are!! I think we do the best we can with what we have. As long as the kids are ok, healthy and the house it's not on fire... We are ok!

  34. This is a great post and you are a perfect mom. I believe we all parent different and we don't all need to listen to how others parent if it works for us. Thanks for sharing this post.

  35. Awww, Happy Mother's Day! You're right, our kids love us and think we're the best mom in the world. Nothing better than their unconditional 💘 Notice I didn't type "there love"...guess my mom did her job, too! Enjoy your special day!

  36. this was awesome! I joined PTA and i am a huge help with with the classroom and I let my kids watch tv and if I have to get at least one fast food meal so my kids can actually eat then i'll do it. Autism is rough, my brother has it and has downs syndrome so I know some of the struggle. It's wonderful that there is more information out there.

  37. Amber, you're a wonderful mom! I'm sure Natalie and Tom would be so proud to have you in their life!

  38. Great post! In the eyes of our children we are perfect, so we should see ourselves that way too.

  39. Some days I have "moments" and it makes me think if I am doing a good job as a mom and setting a good example for my kids. And then I give myself an affirmation - "I am enough." That makes me feel good about myself and I am sure my kids love me through all my imperfections.

  40. great insight and am glad you are the real deal when it comes to being the best mum out there, every kids deserves this. have yourself a wonderful mothers day celebration.

  41. Happy Mother's Day! I'm glad you don't feel compelled to follow every bit of parenting advice you hear or read.

  42. We have a little different "perfect mom" beliefs, but I believe a mom should do what is best for her and her kids. I think it's great you have great confidence and you are showing your children how to be very strong. I believe in co-sleeping up to a certain age because I agree with you, it's okay to have your own space. I had an epidural with three of my pregnancies, but for my fourth pregnancy I chose not to have an epidural. And for this pregnancy, I am planning another med-free birth. I think moms who choose an epidural are doing what is best for them. Nothing wrong with that at all! I like your point about a house that is "lived in". Lately, my home has been looking like this because of my two toddlers. LOL! And I am okay with that, too! Happy Mother's Day!

  43. Great article. Yes you are a great mom !! I think I am too :)

  44. Happy Mother's Day! I think it sounds like you are a great mom, most importantly, because you care!

  45. Happy Mother's Day to us! Cheers! I think we are perfect in our own little way.

  46. I LOVE THIS! yes to it all! Happy Mother's Day

  47. I am perfect too! It is wonderful when we can celebrate our perfection because it is how we see ourselves(and what our kids needs from us) not how others do. Happy Mother's Day

  48. I love this. I hope you had a great Mother's day. Moms are always perfect :-)

  49. Aww, this is so cute, loved reading this post with all these beautiful pics :)

  50. You are perfect wit all of the imperfections you have. Motherhood is enough already so any mom who is trying will all of their might without a handbook is perfect enough!

  51. I agree, it's all about how our kids see us and not how other people see us a mother. I love this post, it's empowering and inspiring. It a good reminder for all the mothers out there!

  52. Wonderful post and I believe we are perfect for our kids.Theres really no other explaination.I adore the pictures and I am trying to find a soloution to co-sleeping .

  53. My son tells me I'm a "perfect" mom almost every day, lol!

  54. Moms are under way too much scrutiny. So, I absolutely love this! You are a perfect mom if you love your kids and do your best for them. <3<3 Beautiful post.

  55. A mom's job is never easy! I love this post and a truibute to Mom's everywhere!

  56. This makes us all perfect mom's especially in our children's eyes. I don't trust a completely clean house. People do live there right so it should look lived in.

  57. This is great. I think there are a lot of things that make a perfect mom with the most important one being a mom that's there to support kids as needed.

  58. Perfectly said! Nowadays, it's so easy to be discouraged and frustrated when you see that you're not doing the same thing they are doing on social media. But I agree with you, in your child's eyes, you are perfect, and that's all that matters. :)

  59. I think this was such a heartwarming post! I think that all moms out there are perfect, in their own ways, with all the decisions they take. As in the end, they are helping shape a little human into a great kind adult.

  60. I love this article because we all live like this and we are all perfect. I have a "lived in home" too and that is the way I like it.

  61. I love the message and agree with the fact that we have to own up to our decisions and know we're doing the best we can, and doing a damn good job of it! As for being perfect? Nah. Nobody is. And everyone just needs to stop attempting to be impossibly perfect and feeling horrible for not living up to our ridiculous expectations of ourselves. I'm a mom, my kids are alive, happy, healthy, we're kicking butt and having a blast most of the time, messing up here and there but laughing it off together and moving on with it! Love, learn, no shame, no regrets!

  62. You have such a positive attitude about your motherhood. I always look forward to reading your posts.

  63. I love how you approach motherhood! Embracing how you are and how you parent is the way it should be. Thanks for sharing :)

  64. This is such an heartwarming and beautiful post. We all are perfect the way we are. We don't need to change anything. I love your attitude towards life.

  65. Nobody is perfect but we do the best we can. That's all that matters!

  66. I love the "your welcome" part! As a teacher, YOU ARE A PERFECT MOM if you are teaching this! Love it!

  67. What an amazing post! Perfection, by everyone's standards, is something un-achievable and I've come to accept that if my kids think Im doing good job then thats enough for me! Thanks for sharing! :)

  68. This is such a sweet and really touching post. I agree that despite the fact that learning to be better never harms, we do not have to agree with everyone and should not be guilty if our way is different from the others'. You said it well: "It's your life, not theirs."

  69. You have been such a good mother to your kids. Anyone would be lucky to call you mom!

  70. You are an excellent role model. Don ever stop doing your thing!

  71. My heart melts while I was reading your post. Most especially on this line: "I refused to give up on my son when I realized he had autism." Indeed you are a perfect mom.

  72. I agree. All moms are perfect to their children. Dad’s too. We do everything we can to ensure their best interests are at heart. And that is perfect

  73. I like that there can be so many different ways of being the perfect mom. You are made perfectly for your kids.

  74. I agree that you think it's what your kids think about how they are doing which is most important. Not that it's always important every second as they can be upset by some things. But ultimately knowing they love you and think you are amazing makes all the difference.

  75. I couldn't have said it better! You're amazing at what you do and you are the only one who knows what's best for your children. I hope a lot of mothers would read this post, so they know that they're perfect too.

  76. This is so true! We are different and have our own ways and decisions. I kept laughing on the "you're" part. I so agree!

  77. I couldn't agree more. We are all perfect in our kid's eyes. You are one amazing mom

  78. I love this! I am the perfect mom for MY kids and that is all that matters!

  79. Such a great post! Love this - and I love the message behind this. You're doing an amazing job!

  80. The message is fantastic and i wish more mums could feel like you

  81. Fully agree on the 'your and you're' aspect! Looks like you're doing a cracking job. Keep it up!

  82. Seriously love this, I wish that every mom would remind themselves these things!

  83. Sounds like you are raising your family just fine. So that does make you perfect in your home

  84. I've been called the grammar police because I cringe when people use your instead of you're and don't get me started on to, too and two. I love everything about this post!

  85. This is a great reminder to all moms to stop the judging. We all do the best we can! We should stay focused on what is right for our own families!

  86. THERE IS NO definition of perfect, so of course you are. We all are. And PS: I am right there with you, when I get to the hospital to give birth the FIRST THING I am going to say is "EPIDURAL PLEASE!!!"

  87. This is so awesome. I really like the one where your house looks lived in as well as the one where your kids are encouraged to use the proper 'you're'.

  88. These were all great thoughts and do show you that you are such a caring and thoughtful mom. It is good to always steer your kids in the right direction.

  89. Embrace YOU, honey!! Love this post, and regardless of how others think or feel, you are doing what is right and good by your children. As a retired teacher, I bow to you and your diligence for the use of you're.

  90. I really like this post. It is a great perspective on being a mother. We are perfect all in her own little ways. In Each family there is something that is just perfect for that family. I laughed out loud when you talked about the proper grammar for you're I feel the same!

  91. True story. My wife insisted she was going to deliver our first born naturally. Fast forward to contractions being less than 2 minutes apart and she quickly gave up on that! If the scars I have from her contractions are any indication of the intense pain women feel during labor then an epidural is more than necessary. From a perfect dad who cannot even begin to understand labor and delivery.

  92. Right on on the epidural. The only thing I regret about it is that the birth ended up being Csection. Im right there with you on the need for those drugs ASAP lol

  93. I had an epidural as well with my son. I wish I could have had it sooner. LOL

  94. I just love this. There are so many amazing ways to be a great, perfectly imperfect mom. Keep doing you, mama! Your kids are lucky to have you.

  95. Great encouragement to all moms. I too had the drugs with all five of my births and I was excited when I got the epidural before the pain set in when I had my last kid. I was already at 4 CM so I never felt any pain.

  96. You are an awesome mom and we all need to stop trying to live up to other's standards. We just need to do our best.

  97. Yes we are perfect moms. Sometimes we have to remind OURSELVES that we are perfect just the way we are. Kudos to you for reminding yourself and keep up the great work.

  98. I love this post. You are the perfect mom for your kids, just like I was the perfect mom for mine.

  99. This was a great post! You're right in our kids eyes we are absolutely amazing. My house may not always be perfect but my kids are very happy and that makes me happy. They will forever remember their childhood.

  100. I think everyone's definition of being the perfect Mom is different. We should do what we feel is right and make sure our kids are taken care of.

  101. I also had an epidural and it's a great decision. A painless delivery is so much better than feeling the suffering. It's not a definition of how good or bad a mother is.

  102. I love this it made me smile! I think this is well, perfect. I love how you are confident in your choices you are a great mom!

  103. What a beautiful post! Though, I did laugh out loud about teaching your kids proper grammar! If I had kids, I would do the exact same thing!

  104. I agree with you parenting should be celebrated and recognized that parents do a great job. Being a parent is difficult so I admire you on your efforts for striving to be the best mom.

  105. Yes, we're all perfect in our own way. And for sure there are no other mom that is perfect for my children. I know them more than anyone else and I know how to be perfect for them!

  106. I was just feeling like a crappy mom - as I looked around my house at the piles of toys and school papers just left all over. But after reading this, Thank you for making me realize I'm the perfect mom - especially in my children's eyes.

  107. You're kids will love your version of perfection. You're lived in house is way less lived in looking than mine.

  108. wow you go girl motherhood is a blessing and if you feel like your the perfect mom and your children feel so who can tell you your not

  109. I love this. This is real motherhood... No one is perfect, so in a sense, there's perfection in our inperfection, right? I mean, the most perfect thing is doing your best, loving your kids and yourself, and not letting the sanctimommies get you down.

  110. I believe that as long as kids are happy and healthy, and grow up to be a functioning member of society, the parents did a perfect job. To strive for perfection is impossible, so let's focus on progress and doing the best we can with what we've got. That sounds pretty wonderful to me.

  111. So cute. I love your look on life. We are all perfectly made for our kids. And good for you for not cosleeping!

  112. This is cute post. After a long time I'm seeing such a great post. And yes, you are perfect mom in every manner. Lucky kids

  113. What a cute post! I agree with you. Being a parent is difficult so I admire you on your efforts for striving to be the best mom.

  114. I couldn't agree more on your post. All mom and mom's to be are so much different from each other but I must say, all are indeed perfect moms in their own ways.

  115. hihihi You are funny. But yeah, there's no really perfect one. Just one that is perfect for her family. The important thing, we strive to do what is best for the family. :D <3

  116. I love the list. then when it comes to not never giving up, I stopped. I am having difficulty with my middle child and it is as if i am giving up. You boost my confidence on my son to still fight for him no matter what. thank you.

  117. You are one of the sweetests and passionately Momma we met here online! Thanks you for opening your doors to us :)


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