Sunday, July 16, 2017

There's Always Rapunzel

"This is the story of how I died."

When Natalie was little, she used to recite this line often. It would terrify people when she'd do it in public. They didn't know what the tiny little human was talking about and tiny humans utter things like that in horror films sometimes right before they kill you.

"Oh, she's quoting Rapunzel," I'd explain to gaping mouths. "It's the first line in the movie."

For the longest time, my daughter was obsessed with the movie.

She watched it over and over again. She had the dresses. She frightened people when she walked around with frying pans. She'd correct people when they'd call Rapunzel's boyfriend Flynn Rider.

"Actually," Natalie would say primly. "It's Eugene Fitzherbert." When she was small, it came out as, "Fizzherbert" so it was especially cute.

In Pre-K the kids went around and said what they wanted to be when they grew up. Most people said the normal things. Teacher. Fireman. Policeman.

My kid?


She was so sure she could be Rapunzel. She would flip her long hair and call it "Rapunzel hair"--before it was cut off, that is. When we went to DisneyWorld in 2010 she couldn't wait to meet Rapunzel.

Meeting Rapunzel was her dream and the meeting did NOT disappoint. Natalie had on Rapunzel's wedding dress. Her brother was dressed as Flynn Rider--excuse me, Eugene Fitzherbert--and Rapunzel was charmed. She asked if Tommy had the crown in his satchel and he did. So she put it on. Natalie was thrilled. There was her hero, who she wanted to be, right in front of her.

Natalie asked if she could touch Rapunzel's hair, and Rapunzel agreed. I think Natalie was baffled why her long hair was back when it was gone in the movie--but she didn't really care about the inaccuracy because her HERO was in front of her. Showing off her hair that felt and looked so real.

As Natalie got older, her Rapunzel infatuation slowly faded away. It wasn't all gone, of course. When we went back to Disney World in 2013, she insisted on meeting Rapunzel again. The look of awe was still there.

She still loved Rapunzel, but at this point a little movie called Frozen came out, and a lot of her attention was on Anna and Elsa.

But she still had a soft spot for Rapunzel.

Granted, I could see she was getting older, and her love of Disney Princesses was starting to fade. In fact, I watched in horror as a neighborhood little girl walked out of the house with Natalie's Rapunzel light up wand.

"Uh, Natalie," I said, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. "Your friend just left. With your wand."

Natalie raised an eyebrow and looked at me as though I were an imbecile. "I know. I gave it to her. I'm getting rid of my baby stuff."

It felt like I was kicked in the gut. Baby stuff? What? She was only nine.

"I mean, she's in second grade and still likes that stuff," Natalie continued. "And you always told me I should be generous."

A lump started to form in my throat. I pictured Natalie in her Rapunzel dress flashing a perfect row of baby teeth at me as she danced around holding a stuffed Pascal and Maximus.

I know she's getting older. I know it'll be about makeup and boys and Snapchat. But I didn't think it would happen so fast. So when we went to Disney World in March when she was ten, I wasn't sure how it would go. In the past she'd excitedly meet the Disney Princesses.

But this time?

When I asked if she was excited to see the Disney Princesses she told me that she wasn't a baby anymore and that she knew they were actresses.

"They aren't REAL," she told me pointedly.

Still, she wanted to see the princesses, real or not. She wanted to see Rapunzel because "memories," as she put it.

I didn't know how it would go. Would she walk over to Rapunzel and look bored?

No. She still looked at Rapunzel with magic in her eyes. Rapunzel was still her hero.

"You were always my favorite. You still are," Natalie told her.

"Why thank you, Flynn," Rapunzel answered with a grin.

It was Natalie who gave Rapunzel the hug.

"I watched you all the time when I was small."

Sometimes I wonder if Natalie is also grasping onto being a kid. She knows she's at the awkward age of being a child but also crossing over to being...older.

I think she'll always hold onto her love for Disney Princesses. Yeah, she might know they aren't real.

But she'll always remember.


  1. My daughter is totally into Rapunzel right now too. I should totally make her one of those hair hats for Christmas!

  2. Oh I love this! There is nothing wrong with being Rapunzel.

  3. Such a cutie!! I like Tangled so much. I'm always singing When Will My Life Beggggiiinnnn! Lol

  4. LOVED this! Love how she's so considerate and so generous!! You're doing a great job with her!!

  5. Rapunzel is one of my fav disney movies! just after Mulan. So so funny! I totally get your daughter is so into her. I mean, she's an amazing fighter with a pan! xx corinne

  6. I love this! Tangled is one of my favorite Disney movies. Although I'm much older now, I will always have a place in my heart for Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. She was my all time favorite princess when I was small.

  7. The horror of hearing. I'm getting rid of my baby stuff. Still have photos and great memories.

  8. This is so sweet. Tangled is one of my favorite animation movies. Love the pictures, especially with the long hair. Your little girl is cute. :)

  9. My daughter was totally into Rapunzel. Her hair was past her waist until February when she had it cut to just below her shoulders. Her birthday themes in the past were Princess and My Little Pony, this year it was Harley Quinn.

  10. Ugh. I know what you mean. When my kids started to grow up and leave things behind, it was so sad.

  11. Oh, that's so sweet! It's so hard to watch kids grow up. I have three daughters, and I love that my youngest will still hold my hand at 10. I'm dreading the day when that stops and she decides she's too grown up.

  12. I love her costume and wig!! You made me giggle with the horror film line, my youngest also says things in public or sings things that make people stare. Kids are funny

  13. This was really a good post. My daughter is 20 months and it's all about Sophia the first ("Fiah") and Moana (ahana) I'm hoping she still keeps that soft sport for them as your daughter did with Rapunzel.

  14. Rapunzel is my daughter's current favorite. So sweet to see how much your daughter still loves her after all of these years!

  15. Disney movies are always good.. Tangled is a good movie filled with fun! Its just perfect for "Family Movie Nights" My niece loves to watch this over and over.

  16. Rapunzel was always my daughter favourite and even we bought dresses for them with longhairs...but that's true they still love Disney princess but they become shy of showing there love for it. My girls are same.

  17. Great post! As the mother of two daughters who are growing up far too fast, I understand quite well how special it can be to witness those (now rare) moments of childhood wonder.

  18. Oh! Your daughter will remember meeting her hero fondly for years to come. She sounds like a doll!

  19. I am so glad your daughter got to meet her idol! She sure has the pretty blond hair to BE her idol! Maybe she will work at Disney someday herself!

  20. I absolutely LOVE these pictures! Man, her smile made me smile! What a cutie! #teamrapunzel!

  21. I loved Rapunzel when I was a kid just like Natalie but never got to meet her.. Great that she met & hugged a character she loved .

  22. I'm not sure if Scarlet still thinks they're real. I think she does, but Des doesn't! That said, even I get all gaped-mouth around them! Starstruck.

  23. How cute she is. I love her dressed up. It's so nice when Children play the part of a movie.

  24. I'm so glad your daughter got to meet Rapunzel!! How awesome!!

  25. This was so sweet, I love all the photos. It's crazy how fast kids grow up sometimes.

  26. You have a beautiful, kind and generous daughter. My daughter loved Ariel when she was little. Like Natalie, she watched the animated movie over and over again.

  27. Oh she is such a sweet little lady. Until now I watched Tangle over and over and I love it.

  28. Seems Like I need to Take my kids to watch this one ASAP ..:) Rapunzel

  29. I am 36 and still obsessed with Rapunzel and would love to see her, real or not. Something doesn't have to be real for you to enjoy it. Otherwise there would not be any books or movies other than biographies or documentaries and dictionaries. How dull would the world be? That knitted "wig" is fabulous by the way. I want one!

  30. It is lovely that despite growing older she still has a soft spot for her childhood memories. Its crazy to think how quickly our tastes change as we grow older but we always remember!

  31. I am not sure why this post made me teary eyed! I love Rapunzel and I was so happy when Tangled came out and I didn't mind watching it over and over with the kids. My kids might go through the same phase someday but I'm sure they'll still have that magic in them. --Marceline Dementori

  32. That is such a sweet story. How sweet that she loves Rapunzel so much. I think that is my favorite Disney movie, tied with Moana. It is tough when they start outgrowing things - my kids are about the same age and I see it too.

  33. Your daughter is so adorable she looks cute on her costume with matching long blonde hair. I am a grown up lady but I'm still a fan of Disney movie.

  34. Aww such cute costumes! I have to say that I love Rapunzel too, it's a great fun Disney movie! Disney movies are always great because they always have the lines for the adults too!

  35. I still love Disney princesses and Rapunzel .My daughter loves them too.She us only 5 now .But I am trying hard to make her believe that magic and good stuff are a belief away.

  36. What a toughing photo you have there. I can see how happy she is hugging Rapunzel.

  37. This is one of my favorite Disney movies as well. I love Rapunzel! That's really neat that you were able to see her too!

  38. Such a precious story full of all kinds of good feels and sentiment! I love Disney and Rapunzel. Love all of your photos especially the throwbacks!

  39. This is so sweet and brought a tear to me eye. I loved seeing all the pics of her over the years with Rapunzel. Looks like she is working on her own Rapunzel hair.

  40. This post is too cute! Ariel and Belle are always magical to me.

  41. This post is so sweet and it could take me back to my childhood days too.Looking at these pictures of your kid with her beautiful moments with Rapunzel could make me so happy.At home my kid also loves these stories.I am sure he too would love to experience such moments with his heroes...

  42. So cute looks like your daughter had a great time. I loved that movie.

  43. I love this post. My boy is 8 and seems to be getting rid of so many of the things he once held so dear. He no longer wants to go to Disney on Ice as it's 'for babies', but I'm clinging on for dear life to my little boy!

  44. It always the precious moments like the ones with your daughter with Rapunzel that make motherhood amazing. When they start loosing interested in the things they loved is what is always heart wrenching to us. Thanks for sharing these precious moments.

  45. motherhood moments with kids are awesome moments to cherish and value for life. cool/.

  46. I love this post SO much! My son was the same way with Peter Pan. It lasted way too short. Now he laughs as I tell him how much he loved and thought he was Peter Pan. Life moves too quickly and I wish it would just slow down a bit.

  47. I think it's cute that she always used to impersonate rapunzel. As a teen, I really liked spongebob. He was my fave.

  48. I miss the days that my boys played dress up. Kids grow up so fast! We still dress up on halloween as a family and I have us do costume events. I think it is good to help remind kids to still be kids even when they feel too old. It is so much fun!

  49. Always fun to look back and see our little girl and what she was into at the time. Junior hight means make up and boys. Good luck mom.

  50. Awww, mama it's SO hard when they grow up. I'm over here trying to get it out of my 11 year old that he doesn't believe in Santa anymore because I don't want to do that stupid EOTS anymore, but he swears he still believes and I don't want to burst his bubble just in case.

  51. It's hard for us to watch our little ones grow up. Your daughter looks beautiful and happy in these photos. I would love to take my kids to Disney.

  52. I was just talking about this yesterday with a relative. My 11 year old cousins are suddenly little grown ups! Interested in texting and socializing and toys and play seem to be taking a backseat. It's great when we can grab little moments back and see that flash of childhood.

  53. It's amazes me how fast time goes by. I think of those times when the kids were all at home especially now with the twins at college. Sometimes just walking past their rooms makes me tear up.

  54. The innocence and awe of being a child can not be duplicated. It is fun when they meet their heros and heroines but then they do grow up too fast.

  55. It's so sweet how she wanted to still see the Disney Prinecesses even though she knew they were actresses. Childhood memories are so precious.

  56. I miss the days when the kiddos were younger and would play dress up. So many wonderful family memories.

  57. My kids had their photo taken with Rapunzel when we went to Disney. It was a highlight of their visit there!

  58. oh my gosh are you serious- this is SO STINKIN cute! i love it :) my kids adore the movie too!

  59. What lovely memories! My daughter is the same age so I can totally relate. And yours now likes horror movies.. as does mine lol.. how times change! I like to show the kids pics from when they were little.

  60. This is so sweet! I get sad when my kids are done with a phase in their childhood. My youngest insisted on wearing a cape wherever we went for most of the time he was 2, around his 3rd birthday he stopped wearing it and I was so sad. I love that your daughter still has those memories of a beloved Princess and was still excited to see her!

  61. This is just so precious. I love all of those photos of her growing up and her different Rapunzel looks! And that she's still her favorite, even now :)

  62. What a sweet girl! I love how she has shown her love for her favorite character. Such gorgeous photos!

  63. What a sweet post! I love how she knew she was an actress but still got a little starstruck around her!!

  64. Lo I can just now imagine her saying that line in public. Hilarious to think of how people reacted. She looked so cute as Rapunzel

  65. She is so cute as Rapunzel. My younger daugher is a Rapunzel fan, too. So I know what it means... :)

  66. That is so funny. My family uses movie quotes all the time and we get the strangest looks sometimes. I love it.

  67. I love Rapunzel. When my daughter turned four I had a Tangled themed dress up birthday party for her. It's on my blog if you want some ideas :)

  68. It's hard to watch them grow up and leave behind the "baby" things, but those memories we'll always be precious to us. Lovely photos of her meeting her childhood hero. I am sure she'll always love looking at those photos and remembering all of the good times she had pretending to be Rapunzel.

  69. eek its so amazing and we love tangled in our house ha- my daughter would love this!

  70. My daughter was too old when the new Rapunzel came out. I'm sure she would have been obsessed too. Your daughter is a cute Rapunzel. :)

  71. I love the dress and the hair really is Rapunzel! Thanks for sharing this post with us.

  72. Aww..She is really adorable! Whou wouldn't fall inlove with Rapunzel of Tangled?! Thanks for sharing your little girl's favorite with us.

  73. I loved Rapunzel and watched the movie a million times when I was a kid. Those are sweet photos of Rapunzel and your daughter.


  74. Aww, I remember going through this four times with my kids. It broke my heart when they started to grow up and the "magic" started to fade. Now I get to see the magic with my grandkids

  75. Oh my.. Haha she talks like a 13 year old girl already. Haha. Kids nowadays are so smart, they matured so fast.

  76. Beautiful post, yes my daughter also love Rapunzel. Then comes Elsa, now Elsa also faded away she doesn't want wear Elsa dress. But want to see the movie.

  77. My daughter was Rapunzel this past holiday. She really enjoys Rapunzel, but her princess is Ariel. I am so glad that she still had the twinkle in her eye when she saw Rapunzel last.

  78. She was the cutest Rapunzel! I love all her reaction when she saw them!

  79. She looks adorable with the costumes, and that is also one of my favorite movies

  80. What a wonderful opportunity! I haven’t seen Repunzle before nor had I heard that specific quote.

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