Monday, February 5, 2018

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude and I'll delete the link.

Hey, It's Okay.... have not watched much of the Super Bowl. I turned it on for a bit to see commercials, but there's no way I could keep it on the entire time. Yawn. be going to Natalie's Valentine's Day party on Friday morning. They're having it Friday instead of Valentine's Day, since it lands in the middle of the week. also be going to Natalie's Valentine's Day dance on Friday. That happens in the evening. She says a boy asked to dance with her. We shall see. have not been impressed by the half time show. My daughter liked it though. I'd have preferred the cast of The Greatest Showman singing songs. have not cared that Kylie Jenner had her baby. I guess there was a sweet video with the announcement and I just wasn't moved. not have really cried during This Is Us. I teared up and my heart squeezed a bit, but that was it. I did give myself a pep talk before though: "He's a fictional character. He's played by Milo who was also Jess in Gilmore Girls, one of your favorite characters. He is still alive." be proud of my husband. He helps shape the Air Force by being a MTI. Not many people can say that. But my husband can.

(That's my husband in the funny black hat. He hates the long coat, but it was chilly out, so everyone had to wear them. They're very 1800s. I said to him, "Cheerio, pip pip!" and he wasn't amused.)


  1. I had no intention of watching the super bowl, but my kids - who I had NO IDEA either of them liked football - wanted to watch it, so we did.

  2. I don't think I'd care too much about Kylie Jenner either. She's always been rather meh to me at best. That's awesome about your husband and your daughter asking a boy to dance. I'm sure she's excited and nervous at the same time.

  3. I'm not really into Kylie Jenner and I didn't know she had a baby. I had a huge Super Bowl Party and it was a really good game. The halftime show was just OK - maybe it would have been better if the sound was working right. I was ready for bed way before the game ended!

  4. I did not look at the tv ONCE when the Super Bowl was on! To be fair, we had 25 people over, and I was... In the kitchen the whole time chatting. LOL! I actually sort of forgot it was even on! I need to find the ads...

  5. I am right there with you! I watch the Super Bowl but it was only for the commercials. I could care less about the Kardashian's or the Jenners. You know honestly I am too busy with my own life to worry about somebody else's and what is going on in their's

  6. This year Super Bowl was a great game but a lackluster halftime show. I've been fan of the Kardashian/Jenner I didn't know Kylie Jenner had a kid.

  7. I didn't watch the superbowl either. I was on a plane! I did watch the halftime show and it was so-so. Gabbie didn't like it. I didn't cry during This Is Us. I don't usually either, sometimes I feel a little choked up but that's it!

  8. Ohh indeed its very much okay to be proud of your husband. It's normal and you should be proud as not everyone can be like him. Being away is such a sacrifice. Somehow laughs with your caption about what he is wearing though.

  9. Your typical trench coat look fine. Always more about the food which there was plenty of and good friends who come over to enjoy it with us.

  10. I didn't watch the big game at all. I did catch the halftime show in a youtube video minutes after it happened, and also caught all of the commercials there.

  11. I'm really behind with Kylie Jenner. Isn't she 12?!
    This is oddly one of the only times I've ever watched the Super Bowl. Not sure why?
    Des has a little Valentine parade on Friday and it's marked on my calendar!
    I'm behind on "This is Us" and I DO love it but I don't cry at it often, if at all. Although the movie Coco induced sobs so I guess I'm not broken!

  12. I wasn't impressed by the half time show, either. The Greatest Showman would have been awesome! That plays nonstop here.

    I didn't cry over This Is Us either. I think last week, knowing what was going to happen, was when I cried. But this week, it was just inevitable. My parents haven't watched any of the show but watched this week's episode since it was on after The Super Bowl. I can't imagine it was any good watching it that way.

  13. Couldn’t agree more about the half time show. Not impressed. Great picture of your husband.

  14. I thought it was a good game and I LOVED the halftime show. But you are right, it's okay if you didn't.

  15. I wasn't impressed with the halftime show either, it was a little boring.

  16. Omg, I didn't cry during This is Us either! I thought I was the only one. lol I wasn't really impressed with that episode, it overpromised and underdelivered in my opinion.

  17. Haha, I didn't watch the super bowl either. Lucky for me, it isn't big in Canada.
    Also, I would SO be amused if you said "Cheerio, pip pip" to me ;)

  18. To be completely honest, I didn't even realize it was super bowl Sunday until mid-afternoon on Sunday! I'm busy with my family, that's okay too! :)

  19. I think it's great that you're celebrating V-Day on the Friday! What a great way to kick-start the weekend.

  20. I didn't realize that Kylie Jenner had her baby. Actually, I didn't realize that she was pregnant at all.

  21. "Hey, it's okay" to be different. I always share this line to my nephew who is an adolescent is and conscious about everything in his life. I love the information you have incorporated in this post!

  22. Another thing, It's also okay to have not watched much of the Super Bowl as I can really relate to this. I myself and for sure many people also doesn't pay much attention to this. haha! So yes, definitely it's okay not to watch it too.

  23. Oh gosh I loved Gilmore Girls and his character on the show. I've watched This is Us too. I'm like 10 episodes behind.

  24. I love the idea of The Greatest Showman cast performing! That would have been amazing. Kudos to your husband and I thank him for his service and contribution to our country!

  25. I hear you girl! I think one of my daughter's mentioned Kylie had a baby, didn't finish watching the Super Bowl because I had to wake up early the next day for work and I haven't even seen one episode of This Is Us. Good for your husband for being a champ and wearing that coat and funny hat.

  26. I'm not a fan of Superbowl to be honest. I would rather watch tennis and binge on a bowl of chips!

  27. I am so glad someone else wasn't bothered by Kylies baby, I mean women have babies everyday and they don't get this song and dance about it.

  28. I like JT, but I wasn’t feeling his performance.

    I don’t care about Kylie’s existence.

    I didn’t cry at This is Us either.

  29. I so didnt care about the Superbowl this year that I flew out to Mexico on that day, and even at the resort I was at I didnt watch it. Also I dont care about another Kardashian/Jenner baby I am so bored of that family.

  30. I love this series. It's a great way to realize that it's okay not to follow the ground and to stand in one's own truth. I didn't care too much about the Superbowl this year.

  31. I don't care about the super bowl so I did not watch. I don't care that Kylie Jenner had her baby because she constantly denied being pregnant. It's none of my business :)

  32. the superbowl was on in the background as I worked. i'm not into celebrity babies either lol

  33. Superbowl was the last day of our cable lol. My husband and son wanted to watch it but I read a book instead. The day after that, we pulled the plug to our cable, it's a waste of money really.

  34. I watched a whole 0% of the Superbowl and have no regrets. I am actually done with the whole sport.

  35. The Superbowl was not a big deal for me. I did not watch it. I am not moved eitherby Kylie Jenner"s birth.

  36. I am not really a sports person, but love to give company to my husband. I enjoy half time show.

  37. Its great to know you have a husband who is in airforce. You must be one proud and brave wife :)

  38. That's awesome your husband helps shape the air force. As for the Super Bowl, I honestly missed most of it as I was at work for half the show and then did something with my family. I caught the tail end but I don't feel like I missed too much. And as for Kylie Jenner, I'm with you. I could care less.

  39. I haven't watch the super bowl or even have a glance with Kylie's birthing, but I did watched a CCTV clip of forced loothing at a convenience store in Philly after the superbowl event. That is savage and unhumane acts.

  40. We watched the super bowl. It was a great game. Didn't even know Kylie was pregnant. She really hid it well. Which is surprising for that family.

  41. Haha...great list! I didnt watch the Superbowl either, and I also don't really "Keep up with the Kardashians", so I didnt know Kylie Jenner had a baby either. LOL. Much respect to your hubby! Its totally ok to be proud of him!

  42. I definitely think it is okay that you didnt cry during This Is Us. Although it was very heartbreaking I didnt cry either.

  43. I love how real you keep it! To be honest I haven't cried at all this season. So glad its okay!

  44. I didn't watch the Superbowl and definitely not a JT fan. So I was okay. I watched Lord of the Rings instead. lol

  45. I loved the This is Us episode. I felt the same way you did. I agree those coats look so 1800s. I only watched Super Bowl because of the commercials but the only one I liked was the Morgan Freeman.

  46. I did not watch Super Bowl too. I think reading a book is more worth it. haha

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