Monday, August 27, 2018

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude and I'll delete the link.

Hey, It's Okay.... be glad both kids had a good first day of school. Natalie said she didn't get too lost. I'll write more about it in a future post. Do you remember starting Middle School? have ordered pizza to celebrate the first day of school. Some parents make a fancy meal. I order pizza. I'm all about the easy. not have seen To All The Boys I've Loved Before on Netflix yet. Natalie has, and LOVED it. I eventually will! I keep hearing about it. have enjoyed the silent house when the kids went back to school. Oh sure, I missed them, but I'm one of those people who need quiet. feel like my hand is about to fall off from filling out all the school paperwork. Thank goodness I only have two kids in school! The people who have more, have my respect. I asked my husband to help but gave up when he kept saying, "Wait, who is their doctor?" or, "Do we give permission for them to share photos?" with what seemed like every few seconds. It's just easier if I do it.


  1. We get to fill out our paperwork online! Yay for typing. Gabbie watched that movie on netflix too and said it was good.

  2. Can't say I miss those days now that the kids are grown and gone. It was great but have that t-shirt. Nice to listen to the grandkids tell me about their school days. Listen to their mom my daughter complain about filling out all the paper work.

  3. Aww yay for them both having a good first day back at school - glad to hear it went well and pizza is most definitely a great way to celebrate!

  4. Happy to hear that all went well the first day of school. I love the idea of having pizza on the first day of school. I'm all about easy meals as well. Especially, when it doesn't involve me cooking it.

  5. I am so looking forward to the kids going back to school and I don’t feel guilty about it! I’ll have to put that show on my list for Netflix.

  6. I actually sent my husband to school to register my son and I stayed home and he says never again and he appreciates all I go through to raise our son. I call that a small victory. As for Pizza we ordered it this week. On the first day of school we went out to Cheddar's as I usually take Charlie and a friend to Ci Ci's Pizza but he said he was over that and just wanted us and someplace new.

  7. I remember starting middle school and not enjoying it! I'm glad your daughter seemed to have a great first day!

  8. I'm all about easy myself. I would totally order pizza for a celebration of the first day of school in place of a home cooked meal LOL. I am right there with you.

  9. I say enjoy your kids when they are home but it is not wrong to breath a sigh of relief when they are at school. It has not started yet but the school early morning rush will be here soon.

  10. Our kids are grown and I sure do not miss those days. I remember them all too well. Nothing wrong with an easy pizza when things are busy.

  11. I think pizza is the best dish to celebrate the first day of school. I mean, is there any other food that children love more than pizza? :)

  12. You're my kinda parent. Pizza for dinner is perfect for the first day of school.

  13. I remember going to middle school and being SO SCARED that I was going to get lost or forget my locker combination or something! All The Boys i've Loved Before is actually super, duper good! My husband and I really enjoyed it :)

  14. I don't have kids but a lot of my friends do. And when it's time for the kids to go back to school the mom and dads are happy to get back to a daily routine, even when it's exhausting!

  15. I love this so much (I think that posted, on accident, before I was done typing). I love that you help show us that it is okay, we give ourselves such a hard time over so many things!

  16. I agree, it can be crazy how much paperwork and parentwork the schools can send home. And I also love a quiet house sometimes. It can't always be hustle bustle 24/7.

  17. I haven't seen To All The Boys I've Loved Before and have no idea what it's about. I am all about easy and easy meals are ok by me on any day that ends in y.

  18. I remember that first day of silence when the kids went back to school. It was so relaxing.

  19. I'm so glad that they both had good first days! That's always so stressful.

  20. No worries about all these. You should watch To All the Boys I've Loved Before on Netflix with your family. It's such a great, feel-good movie.

  21. Sounds like a movie to check out!

  22. UGH I feel you with the paperwork! I have 4 daughters in school and I DREADED the first day of school paperwork. But it was worse when all 5 of my daughters were in school.

  23. Good thing Natalie didn't get lost! Indeed start of a busy months for the kids. Also, I heard that from a friend. I need to check out Netflix and watch it too. Let see!

  24. I couldn't get past you not seeing To All the Boys I've Loved Before. It's SO good! Highly recommended!

  25. I now remember how going back to school you can get lost, especially middle school because you have so many more classes to take. I completely understand how you can I forgot!

  26. To All The Boys I've Loved Before is on my reading list so I don't think I knew it was something to watch too! YAY!
    I got lost on my first day of middle school..

  27. You can never go wrong with pizza and I'm sure they loved it. I've seen All the Boys I've Loved Before and it was really good. Definitely recommend.


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