Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What About The High School Seniors With Autism?

He's at the end of the road, my son. Well, for the first part of education, that is. He's a senior in high school, and I can hardly believe it.

School didn't start easily for him. In Kindergarten he kept having meltdowns, and that's when we realized he had Autism. As soon as that was discovered, he was able to get the help he needed. (IEP therapies, etc..)

But what happens after they graduate?

Well, we'll be finding out. Tommy has decided to attend a Community College near the house. He'll still be living with us and he doesn't drive, so I'll probably be taking him.

I can hardly believe he IS a senior. Sometimes I panic about it. Sometimes I cry. I'm happy he's growing up, don't get me wrong, but I worry what the world will do to him. Will college be kind? And what happens next? Will he find a job he can handle without a meltdown?

I try not to worry too much. I mean, it's his senior year and I want to be there to celebrate his lasts. We've already done the last first day. I'd like to say he'll have last school dances too, but he hasn't attended any of them. Too many people, you see. I know the year will fly by before I know it and then there he'll be, my little boy, in his cap and gown.

All I can do is hope that he'll be okay after. But for now? We get through his final year of high school.


  1. He looks so grown up in the cap and gown. That's great that he's going to community college!

  2. Oh goodness, he looks so grown up. We just hired a kid with autism (I call him a kid, he's in his early 20s, does that make me old?) as a veterinary technician and he's studying to become a veterinarian. Big things! I wish the best for your kiddo in his endeavors!

  3. I love the new hair style. He is so handsome! Love that he wants to continue his education! ~Nadine

  4. Congrats to him!! I know he is looking forward to college life.

  5. Wishing him the best year yet! I know everything will be great after high school.

  6. I absolutely understand. My son has autism and he just started middle school this year. So far so good, but to say I'm worried is an understatement. I appreciate you opening up about being a parent of a child on the spectrum more than you know.

    Also, coolest backpack ever!

  7. This has to be tough as a parent but it sounds like you have a plan. College is a big step for all kids and parents.

  8. it may be tough for the youngster but with the support of his family and understanding of his classmates and teachers, he would surely survive.

  9. A senior wow! Hugs to you mama, I'm sure with you by his side he will be just fine.

  10. I wish your son all the best in his senior year in high school. It is amazing how time flies. I don't even know how I was able to manage sending three kids through college! Just trust in God. He will calm your worries.

  11. Wow that is an accomplishment. Congrats to him and to you for being there every step of the way.

    Andie Comala

  12. I wish I could put my friend and you together. Her son graduated last May. She's one year ahead, what a nice guidance that would be, even though every kid finds his own unique way.

  13. What a great accomplishments. I know his is excited about college.He need to talkwith my nephew

  14. My oldest son is a senior this year and it is exciting but sad at the same time. He isn't my first one to graduate but still he is my baby.

    I hope that Tommy has a great year and that he is able to accomplish all his goals. When we did my daughter's last IEP, we were told to include anything in the notes even if she didn't use it so that she has the option when she goes to college. I tried to get my daughter to go to a community college but she didn't listen to me. She didn't do well and that is okay. Not everyone is cut out for college but I do hope that she can possibly go to a trade school or learn a skill. She is currently doing prep and cook work and does well considering she is deaf. My daughter wears a cochlear implant though so she can hear but her communication is limited especially if the background noise is too loud.

  15. That sounds like a great plan, to have him stay locally and go to a community college. It is a nice transition to college, and you are such a good support system for him.

  16. I often wonder how kids with Autism maneuver in the world once they grow up. Perhaps now that there is more awareness around the condition, more people are kind and accepting.

  17. He looks smart and he have a beautiful smile. I love your way to support your kid. Congratulations to the both of you!

  18. He looks so grown up! I think that he will do just great in college and his colleagues will support and help him.

  19. Such a great accomplishment. Wishing him only the best in his college years.

  20. Wow. What a great achievement. I wish him all the success in whatever he wants in the future.

  21. That’s an amazing accomplishment! One of my best friends has an autistic daughter and she loves school! I just wish they had more programs here in Canada for special needs like autism!

  22. I'm sure you have such a mix of emotions. It's going to be a big change for him and your family. I know some companies, like Microsoft, have hiring programs specifically for people with disabilities, so maybe that's something you can all look into. Wishing you luck.

  23. I love his backpack and the way he styled his hair for high school. It's going to be a great year.

  24. Wow, what an exciting year ahead of him! Hopefully he takes the Dunder Mifflin gear with him into college -- I love it! I wish I'd had those when I was in post secondary. :-)

  25. That is amazing! Good for him! Our son has high functioning autism and I love seeing posts like this. Hugs to you mama!

  26. What an incredible story, this is really inspiring hope he keeps doing better and better and better

  27. What an awesome accomplishment. Wishing him the best of the luck in the coming year!

  28. High school is the toughest year because of the bullies. If he went past that, he should be fine entering college. ^_^ Besides, he have the entire family in his back.

  29. Is he your oldest? I bet you can't believe your baby is now in his final year! Trust what you've done to raise him well. The world can be cruel but overcoming adversities will make you both stronger ❤️

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  31. I remember when you had Tommy. I can't believe he is a senior now! Holy cow.

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  33. Congratulations on accomplishing all his "lasts." Looking forward to following along with the many upcoming firsts he will have in college. :)

  34. Whatever happens, I know he'll do great. He has an awesome support system, and that's key for people who have to deal with autism. That suppor is what will keep him feeling grounded and safe as he makes his way into new experiences.

  35. I love how joyful he always looks! A happy teen is a great thing. Good job, mom!

  36. Wishing him much success for a fantastic school year ahead!

  37. What's the plan for this year? He's such a fun kid to read about, I hope we get to continue on his adventures!

  38. Oh I get how you feel. It's really overwhelming to see that your little baby grows old now. Love this post.

  39. Congratulations! I am so glad for you and your son! He is a senior! It's a great achievement!

  40. Congratulation for the achievement. He looks content and wish him all the best. Much love.

  41. It's crazy how quickly time goes by. Congrats on him being a senior! That was always such a fun year for me in school.

  42. Times flies they say. It must have a been a tough and fun journey.

  43. Congrats and best wishes for his next adventure! I am pretty sure that he will enjoy his college time! I am looking forward to reading more updates from both of you!

  44. Congrats! That is a great achievement. I'd be happy to follow along and see updates about him.

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